Good idea for massive BMERS

Discussion in 'Game Modes' started by dodobird123, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. dodobird123

    dodobird123 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Hello kiddos i got a really good idea for BM which may or not be good.

    So i was bming that new cool bm right with that drunken boxing se then this kid shows up and i have much more luc than him but he gets the 4x. like wow


    Anyways back to the point my idea is that there should be rankings as to who gets 2x 3x or 4x.

    Who everes gets the highest rank at the end of the BM gets randomly chosen 2x 3x or 4x

    Example i dont get it?

    Im doing a bm like dragons lair right one dude afks two other fight but one dude is fighting aswell has op stats and good exocores. If he does very well he will probably get ranked A or S depending on how many players there are. Since he got the highest he will get chosen to get 2x or 3x of 4x it will be drawn at random.

    I dont really like the idea of LUC in this game but maybe it should be used for something else besides boss mode cause it can be massively rigged. If you already stacked up a decent LUC set with avalon drivers im not sure what to do.

    This would defintely encourage players to i guess be tryhards in bm and that would be helpful they really want that chests so they gon non stop kill others!

    Maybe LUC can be used for something else i stated earlier.

    so yea if you got anymore ideas feel free to just reply with them and cool.

    pce just an idea i thought of
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    toons likes this.
  2. tamirtov

    tamirtov Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    It sounds nice but like you said, most of the people invested in a luck set so removing it or changing its purpose can be a bad idea.
    BJJFromGJJ likes this.
  3. dodobird123

    dodobird123 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Yeah still trying to think of an idea to substitute luc
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  4. furkan13muh

    furkan13muh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Personally, I find this a great idea. But I’m not one of those people that invested in a LUC set/Avalon. I agree with @tamirtov
    tamirtov likes this.
  5. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    LUC could be used for opening boxes -- because you'd need to eat Lucky Charms 24/7 to get anything good out of them.
  6. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    What if someone had the max amount of LUC available? LUC and CRI are technically based out of 1000 (10 LUC/CRI = 1%, 100 LUC/CRI = 10%, 500 = 50%, 1000 = 100%, etc). If someone had 1000 LUC, or even more (which there is a player who does have 1005 LUC permanently), would they get the SE Scroll first BM Chest? Would they get all crafting materials for SE/RE Scrolls and only those?
  7. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    this is an interesting idea, if i get a room with a BM hacker ill probably end up with 3x and they'll get 4x. I'm okay with that, finally ill be able to eat off hackers like everyone else since I don't know any personally and can't call em up to leach. ^_^;

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