Old player considering coming back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rospito, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. Rospito

    Rospito New Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Hey guys,

    I used to play back in acclaim, later on gamersfirst and I was on Redfox on and off like 3-4 years ago. I dindn't get too far at any of these instances, North sea icy map being my best attempt.

    Anyway, a lot of people here know how this game somehow calls you back. But I also remember that while it is still the same game, a lot has changed in the past... I don't know... 10 years? Everytime I did come back I remember feeling somewhat frustrated because I knew I wasn't doing things the way I should (ie grinding and leveling ineffectively, crafting the wrong items, doing quests nobody else bothered doing, etc).

    So, first thing's first: is this game worth coming back to? I heard that an engine upgrade was on it's way, but seriously, I heard such rumours even back in acclaim. Is the player base still alive? Is the game/company that runs it "healthy"? Is it playable as a free to play game (consider that I have no plans in the foreseeable future to become a PvP master; I just wanna grind it out, join a league maybe, do some dungeons, etc)? Is PvP a viable option among lower levels? Is PvP in general possible without spending loads of money?

    Beyond those basic questions, how would you guys suggest familiarizing with the game? There's all these buttons, and crafting options and trading options etc, and as far as I remember most of them were written in somewhat broken engrish. Where to start? Any good general game guides out there? I was thinking on starting out as a warrior or a healer, maybe both...

    That's about it. If this seemed overwhelming, it's because this game's gotten quite overwhelming for me, and I'd really apreciate being pointed in the right direction.

    Thanks all!
  2. Manaphon

    Manaphon Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Yeah, the game is still somewhat alive (depends on server), no new engine tho, still the same old as they used back in Acclaim.
    Developers are trying? to make the game better for f2p but spenders will still recive the forefront of the content. With the new dungeon update it's really easy for new players to start, especially now with the 4th anniversary event going on.

    Getting the dungeon beads will help you to early-end game pretty easy, but then it kinda gets stale to farm for stuff. Unless there is a major event going on. There's no Pvp on lower lvls, and pvp on higher lvls is kinda one-sided since spenders will win like 99.9% of the time.

    There should still be some "recently" update guides on the forums (last 6-8months). Gold farming off major events usually happens in CoC as it drops weps you can sell to npc, or if you want exp and passively farm gold, you can just pick up hidden dragon boxes that mobs in Kunlun drop, the weps sell for 700k a piece.
  3. Rospito

    Rospito New Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    huh. Two people with basically opposite views... Thanks to both of you!
  4. Bankz

    Bankz Active Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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    I made a +17 with only using 2 mirrors
    And I'm f2p.....just my two cents
    FYI, made +16 no mirror

    But any who they game is still fun! Same vibe just a whole lot of new content that some have never seen before so it can be hard to improve.
    Basically you can buy CC for item mall and try your luck with getting endgame mats for gear but atm everything can be gained without spending cash.....Yes Ultimate Tablets are hard to come by but again it's used for endgame.

    If you decide to come back and play, I would strongly recommend joining a league and making friends. :)
  5. Cytrix

    Cytrix Active Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Yin is kinda empty and needs every player they can get. If you join Yin+ White side I can help you out as one of the most OP players on the server. League: [Virus].

    As some people said before. The server isn't p2w but it has gotten to the next level and is rather gamble thousands of dollars 2win.
    But thats only if you want to be on the top 5. Imho you can play in a decent way with some help of a strong league.

    Now is a good time to start, as for 20$ you get a 30 day "superman" package with all OP relics and gears. So you can grind your way up very quickly and start farming stacks of coins and sell them for 1b each.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
  6. Rospito

    Rospito New Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I've read some people refering to yin in not too good a way. What would you say the main difference is? And why is the population so low im comparison to tao? As far as I know, pvp's enabled in the high level maps anyway (ie in both servers), am I right?
  7. Rospito

    Rospito New Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I'll check it out, although I don't really trust the sketchiness of the whole private server scene. Maybe it's just a bias, idk...
  8. Cytrix

    Cytrix Active Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I know that Kunlun is pvp enabled in Tao, idk about the lower maps though.
    In Yin it starts in Liadong (or maybe earlier can't remember^^). Tao has more players that's the big advantage.
  9. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    If you start now, you get a free [Rank 4] Guardian (Pet) and some other items to help you start out. Check out our 4th Anniversary Event.
  10. Elsikerins

    Elsikerins Active Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Hello. You logging into the game sometime soon ? Come chat with me !!!!
  11. Rospito

    Rospito New Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Heh, I was trying to launch the game actually, but first I encountered the infamous bugged instaler through the redfox downloader (when finishing the installation process some error comes up. After that I look up the game folder and a lot of files are missing--even the ndlauncher).

    Then I tried downloading the client through a MEGA link someone in the forum provided. But When I open the launcher from that download, it doesn't seem to update at all. The two progress bars don't move.

    Any help?

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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020

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