If you had one option to choose from that the developers gave you what would it be? & why? PART 1

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kurama, Jun 10, 2022.


If you had one option to choose from that the developers gave you what would it be? & why? PART 1

Poll closed Jul 26, 2022.

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  1. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    -Character model
    -Monster models
    -Map models

    -Less disconnection
    -Stronger protection from ddoss, hacks, etc
    -Quicker loads

    -More fluid movement fighting, juggling, running, walking etc

    Access to new content
    - Fresh new content every 1 to 2 months
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2022
  2. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You forgot the most important one...
    Access to new content
  3. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    I forgot about that ! thanks
  4. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I mean in the last year+ we've gotten at minimum 1 skill item per 2 months (average over time) and most of them have been given away FREE ad nauseam so content is kinda covered. Current mechanics are fine, you dont wanna oversaturate and already complex game, if anything we just need more RE scrolls to expand pre-established tech. Complaining about servers is very old hat, we should be asking for modern fighting game things like rollback net code. Graphic overhauls is a HUGE task with minimal pay-off plus you can already improve your own graphic settings for RF, I believe theres a guide somewhere on the forums for doing this in your Registry Editor for RF.

    Y'know what the game REALLY needs? New music. Events that incentivize players to play something other than Moon/Glac. Adding stages to old modes like King of the Hill and Moving Screen. A wiki / information database so players can learn discovered tech without having to navigate the game like it's the wild west of year 1.

    Also this isnt really a dev issue but players need to get over wings. This aint OGP anymore, they havent been a pay2win item since GC/RedFox started giving them away free by the thousands.
  5. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    We need balance changes more than anything. A scroll with balance changes basically is new content anyways.
  6. mogen

    mogen New Member

    Mar 13, 2022
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    3 people said access to new content and I don't understand. we constantly get new content and it sucks every time. The game barely works and literally every room has lag so how about those instead.
  7. Lephantis

    Lephantis Active Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    How about we just fix the sh*t that's already messed up and game-breaking. We really don't need new skill items at all. To touch on the new mechanics thing, they could implement mastery levels for scrolls which would unlock more advanced combos. Karate is a martial art composed of over 100 techniques, yet with all the karate scrolls in the game, we have maybe 30 combos across the command lists. On that note, maybe do away with the variations in the shop? Maybe the player buys Karate, levels it up, and at a certain tier level they can choose to branch off to Zin Karate or Tengoryu, etc and continue to pack on new moves from there? With that, they could also get rid of the character leveling system, as there is no benefit to it. Price most scrolls to in-game currency with the option of paying cash currency to skip tiers. Rework broken exos and stop rolling out ultra meta bs that new players would have zero chance against.
  8. mogen

    mogen New Member

    Mar 13, 2022
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    Scrolls masteries would be impossible to balance. You wouldn't even know what you're fighting against until you fight it which is already sort of a problem in this game because the walking/running animations are the same for every scroll besides sage which is also the root of why run z's are hated on. there's quite literally no counterplay to it unless you can predict it which is possible but still horribly unbalanced because of the fact that all of them are instant with little to no time to react but I digress. As far as scrolls go, What we need to do is
    1. remove bf le scrolls
    2. make rares rare again
    3. small buffs to scrolls that see no play (persona, sunmundo, koroshu, etc.)
    4. big nerfs to scrolls that see a lot of play (hitman, dragon, zin tkd, shoot boxing, etc.)
    5. Huge nerf to hitboxes because scrolls like I mentioned in number 4 have little to no counterplay due to the fact that you can attack in any direction and still hit your target.
    6. remove omni grabs or rework them so that you can't be grabbed from the side. That is a huge balance flaw and I just don't understand the thought process behind letting people grab you from any direction especially when mags are such a big problem. same goes for run z's
    7. fix mags
    8. make every scroll's first hit of every combo the same speed. Another huge balance flaw. if the other scroll is faster you lose. simple as that.
    I could go on but the bottom line is that rumble fighter takes no skill. the majority of players will put on something broken and not even think about what they are doing most of the time. it's just complete autopilot and as a result, they never improve at the game and continue to lose regardless. Also, panics need to be reworked. you shouldn't be able to panic a panic first of all. that removes all purpose of a panic. p breaks should not be possible. it's not skill, it's not an outplay. it's just a cheap trick and in any game you should never be out of options especially due to a little trick that shouldn't have even been made possible in the first place. Also air grabbing needs to be fixed asap. There's no counter play to air grabbing. It shouldn't even be possible in the first place. You can get knocked off of a map and just come back like nothing happened thanks to air grabbing. it's literally just bug exploiting (so much for the tip on loading screens that says you can get banned for exploiting bugs). I could go on forever honestly but I find it really hard to believe that redfox gives a crap enough to fix even one of these things because this game is just a cash cow for them.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2022
  9. perindo

    perindo New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    We need balance changes more than anything in Evil Lands Mod APK. A scroll with balance changes basically is new content anyways.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2022
  10. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Shouldn't even be replying but f*** it here I am.

    1. Never happening. People already paid for them. They are barely stronger than the average A/A+ tier shop scroll.
    2. No. I know people who spent over $200 trying to get Fearless in OGP with nothing to show for it. That needs to NEVER come back.
    3. I agree HOWEVER it ruins to Classic Mode meta so I'd just prefer a new scroll.
    4. None of the scrolls you listed needed nerfing even in GC much less now. Hitman has no kick launcher. Shoot has 2 combos and a launcher. If you had said Wicked Flare or something then maybe but not 10 year old scrolls that havent been issues since they were brand new.
    5. Bro Dragon's mid-combo buttons are all straight shots with poor angling. Shoot Boxing has peripheral range but poor hit distance when compared to Dragon or Rage which have sniper range. Hitman isnt allowed to launch with it's overgenerous kick combo.
    6. Never happening. They fill an important role in the game balancing out the differences between Striking Scrolls - Counter Scrolls - Grapple Scrolls. Removing >>Z is also equally bad.
    7. Fix the McWifi.
    8. That would create SO MANY PROBLEMS. If every punch is the same speed then the scroll with the highest hit/block stun values are now the best by default and now EVERY scroll is a mirror match even if it actually isnt.

    RF takes a lot of skill. Panics are fine, if anything they should be in every fighting game bc currently RF and Killer Instinct are the only fighting games that give you a method for getting your turn back. Panicing a panic is also fine, in Killer Instinct they are called Shadow Counters and its quite literally the best new function the game added. P breaking DOES take skill bc you A) gotta pace your nanmu press, and B) gotta read the panic happening and react in less than 12 frames, and C) sacrifice your panic to brute force theirs.
  11. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    First would be server. Second would be mechanics.
  12. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    You don't want this to be server based. Ping in fighters is aids. I like our current system, when people aren't on wifi.
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