@Ahri, You NEED to nerf the wanted system

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kilroyjr, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. Zukee

    Zukee Active Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    They should have made tibet pvp and all maps below non-pvp.By the time people get to tibet,they will be geared and in a league and know what to do_Or even icy should start pvp.Since we are 1 server then we must think about the pve players too.Even tho i am a pvp player but this is 100% not welcoming new players in the game.The low rates,higher lvls killing lower lvls,new players will just quit.
  2. gilderoy

    gilderoy Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Nerf it? So you can go kill more lowbies more often? You're a real pvper mate.. 10 points for grifindor. You should die in jail for 2 days by killing players lower with 12 lvls than you. Stop complaining you deserve worse than just 6 hours debuff.And 30 minutes in jail is a flyby..
    Dromi likes this.
  3. HonorableSoul

    HonorableSoul Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Let's clarify this.

    A lot of the pvp being done is currently going on in Conqueror's cave, where the mobs hit hard and give little reward. Most have to level here at SM - GB levels.

    The issue we are facing is, low levels who are slightly higher than others are constantly harassing other low levels. Then, someone who gets a bit higher in level goes in to clear out those who are harassing others, and the entire league comes down on you for trying to keep your league members from being pk'd so they can level.

    That is what most of the high level killing low level crap is. Helping your league.

    Going forward from there, you do have a few people that are much higher pk'ing much lower in their folly. This is where more of us come in and run those players off so the lowbies can farm. But by this point you are looking at a grudge between two or more leagues who all they can think is, "If I see this specific league, I'll kill the player regardless of who it is."

    It's just a snowball event that stems from pvp. **** it up and move on.

    Don't like it? Do what you can to level through the hell that it currently is, get up to your pk'ers level or above, and get even.

    Also, as much as we say it, those idiots who pk people more than an entire 12 levels below them are just dishonorable. Nothing you can do but call your friends in to get even, until you can pay it back yourself.

    With that said, stop pk'ing low levels and fight someone close to your own. Disgraceful.

    Sincerely, LianPo of Echelon. Formerly Sanfeng of Amicitia, founder and former leader of Cloud9 Hero Band.

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