What is Your Major Malfunction?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Acidhedz, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    You're not the ones crying? Then how did this buff come about and how did the maps turn have pvp disabled in the first place?
  2. ihgyug

    ihgyug Active Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Karma is required for Master&disciple relics too ._.
  3. Maxim

    Maxim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I'm not a pvper/pker anymore haven't been for years, thing is yin got quiet, and before any flamin ranting it died not just because it was an effin pvp server, a lot of my friends left because of the constant hacking and the barely visible GM's attention to it. having said that a server without pvp is bloody boring, hit flaming pixels just for fun, gimme one of those queer tapping games for that moronic crap. there's money in pvp for publishers, since when has pve given the publishers much? don't need top gear to kill a stupid npc pixel does it, all that crap is free. how long do you think the game will last without pvp?

    my only question is to myself, which is do I want to waste my time here, or find a more competitive game.
  4. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    You're the only ones crying, because no one wants to play with you. Poor little babies.

    If the PvP server was so damn important to the publishers, why weren't they paying attention to it?

    Also, Proof?
    There is no validity to anything you just said, no evidence.
    All the evidence shows that PvP servers are NEVER the majority in any MMORPG. Most of the time they make up less than 20% of the servers, if the game even has PvP servers at all. Quite a few games don't. And yet somehow they manage just fine. EQ existed for something like 14 years before they added a single PvP server.
    How does that fit into your BS?

    Come on. I keep seeing you all say this crap about how PvP is what keeps games alive. That it's the most important thing in games. Where is the PROOF? Just because you want to believe it's true, doesn't mean there's any validity to it.

    "a server without pvp is bloody boring"
    Who the **** do you think you are to dictate to everyone playing the game what they should find boring?
    Why don't you try speaking for yourself.

    "I THINK a server without pvp is bloody boring." You THINK. Your OPINION.
    One that we don't share, and we shouldn't have to put up with you, just because YOU THINK PvE is boring!
    I don't care if you personally do it anymore, it applies to every single pvp player that keeps spouting this BS, as if just saying it somehow makes it true.

    Fine, there is one more set of relics that use karma. You still don't NEED them for anything. There are plenty of relics in the game to choose from.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  5. Louguoshen

    Louguoshen Active Member

    Jan 23, 2016
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    this price too good. not too expensive, not too cheap. Medium :)

    Comment by Laoguoshen
  6. fawhash

    fawhash Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I was only referring to Acidhedz.
  7. Maxim

    Maxim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    ALL we hear from you is YOUR opinion, do you think EVERYONE should take YOUR OPINIONS as gospel! I haven't tried to make YOUR OPINIONS less valid. I am allowed my opinions as much you do YOURS, I didn't make out that YOU should stop. as I said MY question to MYSELF is if its worthwhile for ME to continue playing as I MAKE OPINIONS based on MY feelings about whether the game suits ME!
    I never SAID YOU should play or not. also I didn't say that games are totally dependant on pvp or pve.
    "a server without pvp is bloody boring"
    Who the **** do you think you are to dictate to everyone playing the game what they should find boring?
    Why don't you try speaking for yourself.

    YOU should learn to keep your emotions away from personally attacking people who use this forum. who the **** do I think I am you ask? I am me and I'm entitled to give feed back on this forum, now who are you to tell me or others they are not? I am speaking for my self
    Spite likes this.
  8. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Opinions are subjective. Nothing I've said is subjective.

    Nor did you state an opinion, you made a declarative statement. "a server without pvp is bloody boring."
    You gave no qualifier to indicate that this was just your opinion.

    You also made a claim.
    "there's money in pvp for publishers, since when has pve given the publishers much? don't need top gear to kill a stupid npc pixel does it, all that crap is free. how long do you think the game will last without pvp?"

    You are claiming here that pvp is where most/all the money comes from. That people don't spend money for PvE. So the publishers should cater to the PvP players, and the server will die without them.

    The evidence shows otherwise. Both in the history of this game, and as easily seen by looking at other games. PvE in MMORPGs is the majority. Games that have been around for a decent amount of time, in the case of EQ over 15 years and they only recently added a pvp server, never have a majority of pvp servers. In most cases they make up less than a quarter of the total servers the games have. So open-pvp is not what's keeping them going. To the contrary, all evidence indicates that the games with more PvE servers and content last longer and maintain higher populations.

    I asked you to provide evidence that backs up your claim. Instead you start demanding respect for your opinion.
    Well, that is a logical fallacy...
    "I'm entitled to my opinion or I have a right to my opinion is a logical fallacy in which a person discredits any opposition as bigotry by exclaiming that they are entitled to their opinion. The statement exemplifies a red herring. Whether one has a particular entitlement or right is irrelevant to whether one's assertion is true or false. To assert the existence of the right is a failure to assert any justification for the opinion."

    In other words, everyone may be entitled to an opinion, no one is entitled to it being taken seriously. Just because you think something, doesn't make it true. That's what an opinion is, something that cannot be verified as true or false.
    I can't say that my favorite flavor of ice cream is the best, because that's my opinion.
    If someone does say their flavor of ice cream is the best, that isn't an opinion, that is a claim, or declarative statement.
    One that can be contested by pointing out that since at least some people hate that flavor it cannot be THE best, and if it contains allergens it could actually make some people sick. If they didn't say vanilla, it can also be pointed out that vanilla out sells every other flavor combined.

    You presented a subjective point of view as a statement of fact. I contested it. End of story.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
    Akash4 likes this.
  9. Maxim

    Maxim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    your asperges is peeking out mate.
    whatever, your opinions mean didley squat, reason your mindlessly moronic.
    I've put you on ignore, so reply all you like, don't have to hurt my eyes anymore.
  10. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Ad hominem.
    Ad hominem.
    Running away.

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