Do you think RF will still be running within the next 10 years?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by itnithand, Jan 4, 2019.

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  1. itnithand

    itnithand New Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    So I just found this sub cause I was curious if there was a sub dedicated to this game and there is! I played in 08 for a few months then quit for like 9 years and re-downloaded it last year lol. Speed Test Scrabble Word Finder Solitaire

    The games fun, but like everyone’s been saying, the community is toxic. And I only recently started playing games so I never really gave much thought into what people were saying because frankly I just assumed every game had a part of its’ community that was toxic.

    And even though that is true, it was only until I started playing Smash Ultimate that idk I started seeing what people were saying.

    When I’m playing Smash I don’t get **** talked to (probably because there’s no lobby), people aren’t whining, and if they are, it’s about actual game mechanics and not about “spamming” or “baiting”, no one GMODES, lag isn’t a MAJOR problem online even though there is some lag, characters are fairly balanced and no one can just pick a cheap character (equivalent to cheap scroll/cheap exo) and win every time, there’s actually a PLAYERBASE and I can play with locals if I want and maybe even make some friends, it’s definitely not a pay-to-win because you can’t buy anything that could easily give you more winnings, or buy anything for that matter, and the game relies on SKILL and skill ALONE.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  2. Explicans

    Explicans Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    What do you expect from a free to play game? I think the game has the ability to definetly be running 10 years in. The thing is it depends on the devs and support to work things out. Every game has a toxic community. Smash is no exception. Your comparing two completely different games.

    TL;DR : You just mad u suk
    HumoLoco likes this.
  3. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You play rumble fighter in 2008 for a FEW month and then QUIT for around 9 years and you redownloaded last year.

    Holy shet. I thought i told people a damn million of time. Dont action like you know everything, in fact you know nothing shet because you motherfucka came back like damnit recently like you met my mama and slept with my mama last night and not knowing her that she gave you a damn good aids.

    Dont come back if you know NOTHING about shet.

    Who's toxicity? Me. Of course. You are the definitely trash player because you would crying to your mama that some toxicity poisoned you and f**k you up. Because I didn't see any toxicity anymore, just less and less. I am only the remain you know the true toxicity.

    Why bring Smash Ultimate in the f**king general discussion? If you talk about not relative rumble fighter just f**k off to topic off and cry about it. It's like you are comparing apple vs orange.

    Look at what you stated it. Some idiot would do different way to bypass da game to f**k you up.

    Rumble Fighter has no problem with spamming, baiting, gmoding, lag, cheapsteak, p2w. Because you are motherfucka sck at playing. I can show you how to f**k them up like motherfucka.

    Yea now never come back if you know nothing what the f**k happen to rumble fighter. Just stay off from here. We dont need the people like you.

    Cuz you need to understand the old toxic community and present toxic community.
    doston8 likes this.
  4. ToulueVang

    ToulueVang Clean Up Crew

    Mar 7, 2016
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