So Whats Left to do?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hkdracula, Sep 3, 2019.


Whats left for you?

  1. Pack my bags and gtfo

    9 vote(s)
  2. Stay for one last ride...

    7 vote(s)
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  1. hkdracula

    hkdracula Member

    Dec 26, 2016
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    It seem RF just dosent listen to its players. And it seems akot of players are heading out or uust dont care what they have to offer next. What is a game without its player base?
    So what are you gonna do just another quick HK session of how the ppl of rf feel on what has the output has been.

    Thoughts and feelings?
  2. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    nothing, part of growing up is realizing what you just said and being an adult bout whatever choice you individually make afterwards
  3. Sasori

    Sasori Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Seem? They don’t listen at all. There’s no hope for the game.
    tamirtov, xSpanda and Sakura321 like this.
  4. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    The devs listened before but the players just wanted stupid trash like plaza, fishing, trade system, true battle and classic mode and when they do give us what we want we b*tch about it so they probably stopped now. Everyone whose been here since the beginning recognizes the players are the issue, not the devs.

    Nice crying thread tho.
  5. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Plaza: They thought it would have trading or multiplayer practicing.
    Fishing: They thought it wouldn't be a useless time sink for a box with nothing perm.
    True Battle: They thought it would be like a Stocks Match or like Arena but with normal HP
    Classic Mode: They thought it would just be the 2007 Scrolls and Exocores.

    When we got a useless plaza that broke spawn points, you couldn't fight in it, and boring fishing that couldn't make carats nor had nice, permanent items in the box, they complained.
    When True Battle was just Normal Battle but with HP-reducing respawns instead of deaths and respawns, they complained.
    When Classic mode was butchered to be some sort of rotation mode and then made into a mode with what seems to be random scrolls and exocores just labeled "Classic," they complained.

    Nimonix's inability to communicate their intentions leads players to expect certain things when new things are announced and that leads to complaints when the expectations aren't met. I wouldn't doubt if there were complaints back when Boss Mode was added/announced since I'm sure no one at the time wanted boxes with absolute garbage with a tiny chance of cool items that costs both time AND carats to get. :v
  6. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Trade was never assumed to be happening with plaza aside from wishful thinkers so idk where you get that from. Fishing in a fighting game IS a time sink. True battle had been in gemfighter long before we go it in RF and it has all the bans people cry over; no stats, no avalons and quick edge scrolls lose their cheapness advantage... yet its hated. Classic mode was HELLA cried about when it came out as 07/Beta items only with people complaining they wanted to use anything from Shoot Boxing to Hitman to White Fang just because it was an OGP scroll. Now the whole modes bastardized to the point of unplayability because they listened to our ******* community. Boss Mode received no complaints when it was released (aside from bugs soon to be patched) nor did its boxes because back in 2010 players werent coddled and conditioned to expect free sht or throw tantrums if they didnt get it.
    xSpanda likes this.
  7. ToulueVang

    ToulueVang Clean Up Crew

    Mar 7, 2016
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    I've been playing Dauntless. RF only when my friend ask me to get on or I just feel like doing something different. Probably play 4-5 times throughout a whole month.
  8. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Rumble Fighter made me moved to black desert da ps4 where i can feed my money.
  9. Visionnnn

    Visionnnn Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Apex Legend been fun thus far whenever I got time to play, maybe try that and see how you like it.
  10. TulsiGabbard

    TulsiGabbard New Member

    Aug 30, 2019
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    Please Nim listen to the players and Redfox need make those nim listen to us!
  11. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    @Tengu No one uses the plaza because there is no point in using it. When it first was released and people didn’t realize how useless fishing was people did use it for a while. If you build a town and you put nothing in the town who would come to your town l?

    As for classic mode, I feel like this mode needs to have some level of subjectivity to actually be good. I believe the proper idea would be to ban extremely over powered exocores and scrolls. However, op items are subjective, like I may think white fang is op and you may not. You would really have to play the game a lot to figure out what is just stupidly broken compared to what isn’t.

    They created BMs like Harlem defense war where you legit gotta hack or have 10,000 verda coins, crazy good stats and a good party to farm.

    Nimonix barely releases new accessories and when they do it’s pretty much boxed and even if they do it will 99.99% be rc (which I don’t mind, you gotta make money some how)

    I get some of your statements about how Nimonix is not completely as bad as people say they are, but by giving blind praise you essentially undermine a lot of real issues.

    I personally find two issues with the game overall. Lack of players and bad decision making. You can release brand new maps, new modes, etc but with such a small player base whose unwilling to do anything else but moon the new maps just won’t be played on and it will be forgotten. I mention bad decision making, I feel like low key the devs are forgetting that this is a game. A game is meant to actually be enjoyed and shouldn’t be something impossible to accomplish. I will use Harlem defense war again, what kind of regular player would enjoy doing that mode? I can also use the enigma boxes as another example. with that rates that box has, I have seen literal carat hackers still not be able to get full impact. If hackers can’t get it I don’t see how a regular joe with no carat build with the current carat rates being able to get it.
  12. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    but you da exploiter are not you? yet crying to the people who has blind to play Rumble Fighter, Hackers, DDoSers, exploiter, and people who leaving da Rumble Fighter? right you put me on your ignore list. its pointless.

    Ignore this guy. cuz he sold his body to Rumble Fighter unlike Black Spirit.
  13. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Its the community's fault for having an unreasonable expectation of plaza aside from what it was originally suggested with.

    As for classic mode there was nothing subjective about it till they "rebalanced" it for RFNA which made the entire original classic scroll list unviable. Why? Because the community doesnt understand that adding B+ tier scrolls like Drunk Master and Viper upset the balance of what was meant to be a game mode for the D tier old scrolls. Also White Fang came out in 2012/2013 and is STILL in the A+ tier. Anyone who thinks it should be in Classic Mode should keep their opinions to themselves.

    Harlem Defense is a joke if youre good but I understand that not everybody can be good so they gotta do what they gotta do.

    It would be nice to see more in-store content updates but in reality thats how things work in other games right now. Want a new item just released in Dota2, TF2 or CSGO? Gotta buy those boxes.

    I dont give blind praise. I give credit where credit is due and dont let crybabies throw entitlement tantrums when RF reality checks them about life costing money. I dont undermine real issues, I send tickets and talk to the GMs about them while everyone else foams at the mouth on the forums about how they want this game to shutdown but cant articulate what about the game has "become bad".

    As for how grindy Harlem and other BMs are thats just how the MMO gear grind is. As someone who raided in original WoW the sht in RF is a cake walk among cake walks in comparison. Full Impact rates tho are another story because I too have spent every carat Ive made in the last year or two since it came out on those boxes and I still dont have it. Literally every carat not spent on a 4.8k 60day tengu mask has been poured into that box. Nothing. I shouldnt even have to spend anything on it considering they jacked my Tyrant suggestion scroll for half of Full Impact.
  14. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Unreasonable expectations of what the plaza should have been? You might as well not have created something if you weren’t gonna add anything in it. They added a couple mini games and event statues and dipped. I’ve played games where the plaza is legit decked out with so many useful things to interact with.

    I guess I just view any scroll that isn’t crazily broken (Ex - Black Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Blood dragon, hitman bed) to be suitable for classic mode.

    When it comes to the item shop content updates, the argument is that it is trash for the devs to be doing what they are doing, just because other games are doing it (and to be honest I played many games where they weren’t just boxing clothing content. Even in tales runner) doesn’t mean that it’s not bad. It just means that in reality that’s just the way the market is moving and we have to deal with it, but dealing with it doesn’t mean agreeing with it.
    iDevOldGen likes this.
  15. LianShi

    LianShi New Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Nothing but sad!
  16. romse210

    romse210 New Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    They literally make a thread like this every other week like anyone’s opinions matter but nimonix. knowing dam well they finna play this game all the way up until it closes down regardless of the constant complaints Lmfao give it a break already sheesh
    Tengu likes this.
  17. IcePluto

    IcePluto New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    What left to do it's make rf great again!
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