Was Rumble Fighter ever really good?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Malcolm, Aug 19, 2019.

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  1. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Tbh crying about losing all your items cuz of "Fraud" is dumb . Since OGP had clearly writen on their page since day 1 " Every account/items on it belongs to OGP " so your point is false , they could do whatever they wanted with our accounts. idk how much you've been playing RF at OGP times , but i can remember we had way more events than we got here . on OGP you could see RF Staff members like everyday , here some people cant even meet them in one (lol) event per week . Shttin on OGP and saying that Redfox is better is just wrong ( ofc you wont get it as always) but shtting on OGP saying that it wasnt the best is making way more sense . Saying that CA was a twat is a normal thing since he was just a player(most likely underaged like we all have been in OGP times) Redfox had their chance to bring RF back to best condition ,but they failed hard lost like 90% of players . the problem i see here is they got no staff members . prob GM's even replyin to Help Desk . By how they have managed RF so far i wouldnt say that they got any idea how to revive RF. Remember OGP wasnt the best ,but it was better than Redfox . You got your personal problems with them ( but u didnt read the rules) i can say that my account at OGP was banned and unbanned right after transfer ( got email from them that it was a mistake) RF is still a good game , but if you cant manage it well it wont be interesting for people ( thats what just happened on Redfox ) Most of us got bored of RF cuz we had nothing to do , no1 to play with and still couldnt see them adding p2s connection. Lets be real and admit that RF got fked up by dumb companies . You gonna say its community who killed RF and i cant say its all true . They should add things that we wanted like 1-2 months after we requested it ( not like it was 2-3 YEARS) Ofc its not all on Redfox cuz Nimodix should sell RF to a better company who cares ,im sure they tried it but as a greedy mfkers prob wanted way to much money for it. RF can have a 2nd life but it need fixes in its roots .
    Prizmo likes this.
  2. Prizmo

    Prizmo Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    You did not have boom his sh!t like this.
    Pasha likes this.
  3. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I wasnt crying I was explaining what happened. I've been on RF since '08 and I can promise you we didnt have events as often as we get here and if you doubt me go check the archived OGP forum. The people you saw on RF were CAs who werent employees, the GMs you did see were Muziq who wasnt even an RF GM he was an OGP billing GM. Blaming Redfox for losing 90% of the playerbase is bullsh*t because theyve been our best host service yet and our players are more toxic than theyve ever been. OGP was in NO WAY better than RedFox, the community just responded to the events we got differently. Theyve tried to do team tournaments many times in the past but they cant even run them bc nobody signs up. Lets be REAL real and admit that RF got fucked up by toxic players and DDOSers spooking off all but the most dedicated players.
  4. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    RedFox has never made it so I wasnt able to play with my friends because I triggered them while I didnt have room master. RedFox has never threatened to turn my router into a toaster. If you really think RedFox is to blame for how RF is youre blind.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2019
    Draygashi likes this.
  5. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You know that its Redfox's job to ban these people . i've been playing RF since 08 aswell and i can say that at the start i didnt cared about events ( times when we had no EU server so we had to play on NA ) but after i've joined EU i've seen alot of events ( might be that your NA Staff sux) plus i've never seen OGP didnt finished events like Redfox did with Fashion , Guilds and many others. Now you gonna tell me that they couldnt make such events cuz of DDoS , but what is the problem to protect the server or get one better protected just for event ( they got money for that and its not expensive af) they might try , but i know for sure they dont know how to manage any of their games ( look at every forum) If Redfox would hire someone who knows how to manage games like 1-2 years ago they could be pretty much set for like 5 years straight , but they didnt and every game they hold only getting worse and worse . They could be a good example on how to not start a business if you got no knowledge . They've tried but at the end its same as 90% of kids who want to be a President it didnt worked out. They should Join Mobile "Gaming" and make money on these kind of games ( even these with worst managment making a lot of money)
  6. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    NimoniX is aware and enables the foundation of the game that forces you to bend your preferences over backwards for a Room Master. Support Quick Start button.
  7. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    They disabled Room Master being able to kick for a day and all hell broke loose because people don't know how to behave when their mom's not looking and had to be changed back within days.
    Its not because of DDOS that they cant do events, ALTHOUGH I know many events that couldnt be done because RedFox themselves were being DDOS'd, it's because the players dont sign up anymore because people dont wanna come back to being DDOSd. I got DDOS'd yesterday and I didnt log back in, I started playing something else. I have tons of old RF friends on discord and skype who dont come back for this exact reason. Its not RedFox's fault if they dont get enough concrete evidence to ban these people. My ISP's phone hotline redirects to f-ing India and they cant do sh*t. You can bash RedFox all you want but they are actually very responsive to us unlike OGP where they'd listen to us if they felt like it or if the GM personally knew you. I was in my 20s in OGP so I have a damn good memory of all the BS that went down there and Im VERY glad we left.
  8. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Ofc DDOS is a big problem ,thats why DDOSers should be perm banned on every acc they own or people who say " Im gonna DDOS you" But you cant say that our whole Community is Toxic , since most of us dont ddos ( or even know how to do that ) There is always couple of guys who are life losers and all they can do is ** with others in the internet . You got other memories than me and my friends who played on OGP do .
  9. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    How old were you during OGP? Youth nostalgia is a powerful blur. The game is better now than before but our community is what's lacking. RedFox just can't force people to change their negative disposition.
  10. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I was 12 y/o . And i wouldnt say its nostalgia for me . Its more like experience thru all these years . Ofc many things are better now . But not one main thing which is gameplay . Adding scrolls /exos that can literally 1 combo hp you is not what i would call fun or skill (if you watch from competitive side) There is many scrolls and exos i dont even use i call them self win items (you need no brain to get 1st place using them prob could win using 1 hand only xD) Since all that stat pushing into every item they can game turned full p2w , and its not what rf meant to be . Redfox should block pushing boxes into their server (which they can but ofc wont do ) Idk why people think that only Nimodix got power over the RF -_- Its Redfox server they can say "we wont add this or that " But they know that people love to gamble so they give us boxes and more boxes . Tbh they can do a lot more than most people think they can . Unless they signed a shtty deal they should be able to say what they need and everything should be handed to them in couple days . But like i said they cant manage anything so most likely they have signed slave contract . You can see they are taking every game that no1 wants anymore.....
  11. RamboCreativity

    RamboCreativity Active Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Maomi likes this.
  12. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Tekken and smash's gameplay hasnt changed that much in 20 years but nobody complains about that, sure they add new characters but that's not new mechanics right? If anything people turn OFF new mechanics in smash i.e. smash ball and smash meter. Yknow most rare scrolls these days barely do as much damage as Kingpin can? Are you aware True Battle disables stats and avalons and if people REALLY cared about that they'd play it? Also RedFox does NOT have the ability to control boxed content, they are a HOST SERVICE and must do with what the devs give them and if they don't want to then Nimonex can take the game back like they did from OGP and GC when they got brave and started going rogue. Plus NEARLY ALL games use the box system now, its been a growing trend since before RF was even made. Welcome to reality, if someone doesnt like gambling then just dont gamble and shut up about it, not b*tch to management and shout about how they cant wait till the casino closes down like all the "people" on RF do.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  13. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Was RF ever good? It's been on since '07 and your still here to ask that question lol
    Tengu likes this.
  14. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    So they are Slave host ,nothing more nothing less . Usually game host companies got way nore to say ,but if you are just like redfox ,you prob just happy to have a game to host with no power at all. True battle? You mean classic right ? And here is why it is trash , its not even classic (every1 who wanted it since it appeared on GF was disgusted after he saw df it look on here after like long long time waiting for it) 1st of all to be a good host you need to have rights to change sht (so your company wont look as funny as Redfox) Ofc no1 even minded boxes when we were getting them like for event time (x-max boxes ,skeleton. Etc) But Redfox took it to a whole another level (Our GM's clearly never played any game at all ) Most people with brain and care about their own company,after a 3rd update with only boxes would tell them to stop with boxes and give them normal conent or they wont put any update . But here we are shop is full of RC items ,Boxes and buffed scrolls i never thought rf could go that much into p2w . Avalons were already a good way to p2w and after every person had a good avalon they needed new things to make money on. Times where skill could get you win are over . Literally new player can drop money on boxes ,orchi ,avalon and starr making people annoyed by killing them with shtty exo (which making you gmoded) I got nothing more to say , RF cant be saved ,especially not by Redfox.
  15. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    It amazes me how people can be so passionate about something while also being totally uniformed on it. I dont think you realize how much of an ingrate youre coming off as. 99.9% of fighting games stop receiving new content after 2-3 years, in fact back in the day we didnt receive ANY UPDATES the game that shipped was the game you got, meanwhile RF still gets content updates more meaningful than Smash's new characters (i.e. TRULY recycled samus and others) 12 years later so yes Im VERY happy the games still got a server and isnt truly dead like every other fighting game 5 years after it's release. Also did I say Classic Mode? No I didnt, I said True Battle. But while were on the off-topic Classic mode got ruined by RFNA PLAYERS after people cried that OP trash like Shoot Boxing, Hitman and EVEN WHITEFANG werent usable so they "adjusted" it for trash RFNA players. Weve been getting boxes since DAY ONE, where do you think people got Sage from? We've had rare scrolls since day 1 too, DHN and Lucha. VERY few of RF's GMs have ever played RF and these arent my words this came from GM Muziq in OGP, he was trash at RF bc hes an FPS player and even he mocked the others GMs and he was a BILLING GM, not even a game GM. You can complain about boxes all you want but if you look at the rest of REALITY you'll notice boxes have been EVERYWHERE ELSE for like 15 YEARS. TF2, CSGO, DotA2, Overwatch OR HOW ABOUT CARD GAMES THE ORIGINAL BOXED GAME. Avalons are NOT pay to win as the RC avalon gem drop rates are BARELY better than the carat gem boxes and all of them are random so theres no guarantee you'll get the avalon you want even if you spend money on it (nice try tho). 95% of avalons players have are unsynergized junk. New players can drop all the money they want on Boxes and Avalon but they doesnt guarantee them sh*t will drop from it. I've noticed tho that you seem to have a reoccurring issue with anything that costs RC, don't know if nobody told you this yet but hobbies cost money little guy nothing in life is free (especially free games). Man up and stop getting so tilted over a video game.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  16. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Saying that carat avalon boxes got almost same drop as rc ones made me laugh af xD Good luck making your avalon with carat gems (You need a carat hack to try this) Im not mad about boxes bruh , but putting only boxes is way to much for me . True battle got no stats ? Since when ? The only thing is that you revive . Listen ,everything cost money ,but making almost everything cost money is ridiculous especially when you hosting a dead game xD Dont even start saying that rf isnt dead literally people logging in just to chat on accounts they have spent so much money and time on nothing else . I really cant understand why you are defending Redfox ,since every person right here can say that they have destroyed RF (Dont bring OGP here cuz im talking about what is right here right now) Since you calling me a "little guy " imma call you Old man . So Old Man you should invest into new glasses if you cant see the real problem yet .
  17. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Discussions are fine, but not when it’s just going to boil down to petty insults.

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    NeoStrayFox and Tengu like this.
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