warrior difficulty in DG Loulan

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hearty, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. hearty

    hearty Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    I don't think everyone is noobs, everyone has the right to have their opinion, even if you don't agree with any, we have to respect them all. The purpose of discussing a subject is to always make the game better for everyone. If someone doesn't like it, just don't discuss it on the forum.:cool::cool::cool::cool:
  2. Athuyar

    Athuyar Active Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Nevertheless on some skills from healer : ALL WEAPONS.
    hearty likes this.
  3. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    If I actually spent on game I could Rick healer np in pve and PvP and you know I okay healer as my main since 2007.

    But Excited can tank ck and phy chars no.

    Just log and watch him duel the top ck and phy chars on two.

    But good to see your back bro, get Keonok back to game bro!
  4. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    The type of weapon you use does not change the type of damage a skill does.
  5. Athuyar

    Athuyar Active Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Come on Furia... increase maximum weapon damage on weapon attribute ! Skill increase damage !
  6. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Equiping a pole and using a nuke does not do physical damage, equiping bracers and punching does not do Chi Kung damage, reading a sentence and not understanding does not mean your answer is right.
    BirdbrainX and Perfection like this.
  7. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Vaga clarification

    Info :
    During one of Acclaim's community webinars, Steven-Elliot Altman, the writer of Acclaim's 9Dragons story, told that there would be a Vagabond "Clan" in the near future, which would function similar to current clans, but would be for those who remain clanless. He told, this so-called "clan" would come before the advanced clans.

    Even after Steven-Elliot's words on the webinar, there were many people who didn't believe it. TheHermit returned July/August 2009 to the 9Dragons staff as Game Master. Game Masters do always talk together about further steps for the game. Steven-Elliot especially needs to know of the game and its upcoming content because he is the story writer. He got a lot of influence for upcoming game content for Acclaim's 9Dragons version, because some game content from the developer Indy21 does not fit with the Acclaim's 9Dragons story.

    However, some players asked TheHermit of it, and this are his replies:
    TheHermit, 05 Aug 2009:
    It has been communicated by those on high that there will be a Vagabond Clan; however, with the amount of pressing issues at hand in The Land, I know not when this shall occur.

    TheHermit, 17 Aug 2009:
    Those on high repeat that Vagabond will come before Iron Fist. The Hermit is also seeking ways to assist the noble Vagabonds...

    Although not a true clan, it would allow vagabonds to learn higher level and more powerful technique.

    K clans sheets with vaga are in here :

    Legend on vaga role :
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
    hearty likes this.
  8. HuoZhaiShe

    HuoZhaiShe Active Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Hi Fanboi.. dont trust me.. why dont u ask Scanor, Reaver, Lamdi or thot.. why they dont use bracers when they pvp in KL for bosses? (that on yin server.. since i know Eroine there)

    Serious question, do u get a dmg boost from wis stat on ur wep skill? or how a wis build will turn healer into a ck role?
  9. MrMonster

    MrMonster Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    We use Bracers to pvp mate. We use the aoe from it to kill people ;)
  10. HuoZhaiShe

    HuoZhaiShe Active Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    @Eroine Theres a Vagabond on the history yeah, but there has never been a Vagabond Role

    ... Again it was only a marketing move to sell a book
  11. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Wis build clarification at warriors : for testing propose only. I did it to test out all build in warriors vs pve and pvp. Don't get it wrong and build up wisdom at warriors. It is only for testing out vs build system.

    Old builds, old version (Acclaim) :

    Warrior (Melee)
    Strength – Rest goes here
    Essence – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Wisdom – 8
    Constitution – Start with 20(OC), may increase, +10 every 12 levels should be ok
    Dexterity – Minimum for weapon

    Healer (Melee)
    Strength – Rest goes here
    Essence – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Wisdom – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Constitution – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Dexterity – Minimum for weapon

    Healer (CK)
    Strength – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Essence – Minimum Essence require to wear your bracers (When Wis is maxed put rest here)
    Wisdom – Rest goes here
    Constitution – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Dexterity – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage

    Hybrid (Melee)
    Strength – Rest goes here
    Essence – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Wisdom – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Constitution – Can easily play with 20, increase possible on higher levels
    Dexterity – Minimum for weapon

    Hybrid (CK)
    Strength – 14
    Essence – For your minimum require of equipping your bracers
    Wisdom – Rest goes here
    Consitution – 20
    Dextery – 14


    Strength – 13 (You can add more on higher lvls)
    Essence – Rest goes here
    Wisdom – For your minimum require of equipping your bracers
    Consitution – 20
    Dextery – 14

    Nuker (CK)
    Strength – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage
    Essence – Minimum for weapon
    Wisdom – Rest goes here
    Constitution – Start with 20(OC), may increase depending on you, +5 every 12 levels should be ok
    Dexterity – 8, 10(RC), 12(FD), 14(EC) for relic usage

    New build (RedFox version) :
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
  12. HuoZhaiShe

    HuoZhaiShe Active Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Hey.. same monster from madafakaz?

    u talking about the repel skill mate, not the actual weapon... it sure must be a pain to wait for recast of aoe.. or switch from at least 3 types of skills right?
  13. HuoZhaiShe

    HuoZhaiShe Active Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I appreciate ur builds suggested... but no ty no..

    I will just say i disagree.. no need for argui'n
  14. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Clarifications on roles. Because I am old school, this is also record in wiki.

    Warrior :
    The warrior uses the clan's main weapon, and specializes in melee combat. Some of the advantages of being a warrior are the ability to inflict massive melee damage and the ability to withstand melee damage. Two of their main weaknesses however, are the inability to withstand Chi Kung damage, and the inability to heal.

    Healers :
    The healer uses the clan's secondary weapon and specializes in support. The healer has buffs that can boost all stats.They are often considered the best role for PvE use, as they can heal themselves and sustain heavy damage. They are also found to be the weakest role for PvP use.

    Nukers :
    Nukers use bracers regardless of clan and specialize in Chi Kung attacks, similar to magic attacks from other games. They tend to be rather fragile due to having low defense, but they have shields that can absorb damage. They are considered to be the best class for PvP because they can inflict massive damage from a distance.


    Hybrids use the clan's secondary weapon, and does not specialize at any one aspect. They are well rounded, and can be adapted for melee and Chi Kung warfare.They are very well suited for PvE due to their heal skills, but can also be quite good in PvP.

    Please excuse me, but I don't think the roles quite change since the game started.

    Like I said, warrior and nuker main in pve and pvp. And healers and hybrids secondary. Again, anyone has the right to his own opinion.
  15. Perfection

    Perfection Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Scanor, Th0t, Reaver and lamdi don't know how to play a healer. They all phy and use axe/glove actives in pvp, instead of using def/dmg traps and punch with bracer. What a nabs.......
    BirdbrainX and HuoZhaiShe like this.
  16. HuoZhaiShe

    HuoZhaiShe Active Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Are u considering these are descriptions made for the "old" stat system and skill set?

    i think birdy and perfection said it before, this was maybe valid when healer actually had CK skills... and i hate to say it but traps arent considered or calculated as CK

    Right now.. healers are well high on the food chain.. but then again, its more about ur gear rather than ur role or "build"

    Edit: a quickie, Roles DO HAVE CHANGED quite a lot since those days.. it just requires eyes to see it, trust me
    BirdbrainX likes this.
  17. Athuyar

    Athuyar Active Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Scanor had warrior as main, Reaver is sharing account with Ebola and logs it to pvp.
  18. Athuyar

    Athuyar Active Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Can you link any k official source or Redfox after class balancing that roles has changec since the game started ?
  19. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    The roles descriptions hasn't changed since the game was put on market for westerns in 2006 as alpha and 2007 as beta. There is no official note from developers. What change are the skills of roles/clans and builds.

    There are refinements in expression.
  20. Perfection

    Perfection Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Scanor never had a warr as a main, not as far I know at least. He played healer named Lancer, then made scanor char on yang server and have played it since then.
    Reaver being shared char is completely off topic.
    Why don't you also say that Th0t was nuker and rerole to healer.
    Point is that non of them is a ck build, because there has not been such thing as a ck healer after skill revamp!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020

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