Kingdom Hunter Heroes Closure Announcement

Discussion in 'Events & Update' started by [GM]Foxtrot, Aug 24, 2023.

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  1. [GM]Foxtrot

    [GM]Foxtrot RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Hello Lords,

    We regret to inform you all of the closure of our Kingdom Hunter Heroes service. It is with deep regret that we are unable to dedicate the necessary resources to continue providing this game experience.

    On August 25, 2023, Kingdom Hunter Heroes will no longer be available for download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Shop purchases will also be disabled on this date.

    Current players will continue to be able to play until August 30, when the game service will officially retire and no longer be accessible on any platform or device.

    Game Service Closure Schedule
    • August 30, 2023 21:59 (ICT, UTC+7)
    • August 30, 2023 14:59 (UTC)
    • August 30, 2023 11:59 (BRT,UTC-3)
    • August 30, 2023 07:59 (PDT,UTC-7)
    We want to thank everyone who has supported us, dedicating their time and energy into making Kingdom Hunter a memorable experience. We appreciate the amazing community that developed and thank you all for playing.

    Kingdom Hunter Team
  2. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    We have reached our final day of game service for Kingdom Hunter Heroes.

    Once again, we truly thank you all for playing, especially those who stuck it out with us during our rocky start during CBT and Official Launch. We will miss all of our lords who have worked hard on their Kingdoms.

    We hope that one day, we will be able to bring the same enjoyable game experience in the future.

    We do encourage you to add your alliance mates on other platforms to stay connected with one another.

    All the best,
    Kingdom Hunter Team
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