Returning player with questions help please!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BackToRumble, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. BackToRumble

    BackToRumble New Member

    Dec 11, 2023
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    Hello everyone. I loved playing this back in the day on Ogplanet and recently remembered this game like a bad dream and was super excited to play I played with all my friends back in highschool.

    Is the game still a grind to earn carats?

    Has there been anything new added since nanmu ?

    Are Drunken Master and Avenger still the best carat scrolls?

    Can I play this on steam deck?
    HumoLoco likes this.
  2. 271115

    271115 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
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    1) yes
    2) no
    3) no
    4) idk
    HumoLoco likes this.
  3. Comoros

    Comoros Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    alright the guy above this post is a liar because at level 25 after you have nanmu you can buy something with astros to pick either saver or assassin so don't trust the rest of his message
    VibeCzech likes this.
  4. VibeCzech

    VibeCzech New Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    I wouldn't see why you can't play on a steam deck, as long as your OS is win10+, maybe you'll need to remap your buttons to match a keyboards inputs.
  5. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Is the game still a grind for carats? No, not nearly as much as it was back during OGP. The Daily Quests reward you with boxes that can give you 500 - 1k carat coupons and 1 Day Silver British waist items. The old method of grinding boxes from adventures no longer works, though. NHAA still exists, and then there's the Fisticuff events every other Friday and Sunday, where if you win a round, you can ask for a 30k carat coupon per event if none of the skill items or clothing items are to your liking.

    Has there been anything new since Nanmu? Yes. Rebirth is a shop item that you can access at level 25 to give yourself the ability to tech off the ground (think quick recoveries from other fighting games) or boost your crit chance by some arbitrary number. (Our best guess is around a 1.95x multiplier to your crit stat, with some sort of base crit chance number.) On top of that, there was a more recent change to the game's mechanics:
    Air Panics and Rage Mode.
    Air Panic is a recovery move that uses up your normal panic to try and recover from a juggled state. You can use it at any point after being hit once while in the air, but not immediately after being launched. It has no I-frames and barely any momentum, though. Usually used in tandem with a nanmu to recover. Just like normal panics, these can be predicted.
    Rage Mode is a state the player enters when going below 30% HP that gives your attacks a boost in power, and enables the Rage Art from RE scrolls and the Linked scrolls. (A Rage Art is similar to a nanmu, but it's a single hit instead of a combo, and comes from pressing the secondary skill button, which is B by default.)
    Oh and, there was a new pseudo-currency added called "Orichalcon Shards" which can be used with some tickets in the medal shop to purchase certain boxes. You get them about every other day from logging in, but can also obtain them from events, like the Fisticuffs. The shards are counted as items in your inventory, found in the same items tab as boxes and such.

    Drunken Master and Avenger are still decent scrolls for carats, but the likes of Hitman and Shoot Boxing are now carat scrolls, and if you played during OGP, you know how good those are. There's also newer carat scrolls for those level 15+ called "Another" scrolls which are pretty fancy versions of some of the older RC scrolls and Avenger. They're class specific, too. Another Avenger for Striker, Another Infinite Ninjutsu for Soul Fighter, Another Baguazhang for Elementalist, and Another Serpent for Alchemist. Androids and Shamans are still left out in that regard, but they both at least have their own new scrolls, Droid Arts and Dambe.

    As for the Steam Deck, RF is not compatible with it right now. Something about GameGuard isn't playing nice with the Steam OS.
  6. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    you real OG RF.

    There are few new features things after nanmu. Once OGPlanet and Nimonix the contract agreement has ended and transferred to the Gamescampus as our host for only last few year and now we are here in RedFox who has enough barely held us for almost 8 years. Nothing so much ever change since.

    Drunken Master is still the best carat scroll i tell you. but if you go full carats go for metration and other carats you have never seen it. They are best carat scrolls already. Street is the king.

    Yes we will play this on stream deck soon enough.
  7. Deltro

    Deltro Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    another thing not mentioned, those daily quest boxes can give you medal coupons, the medal shop now has 1 day versions of certain scrolls and exos, which is the closest thing we have to a scroll try-before-you-buy.
  8. BackToRumble

    BackToRumble New Member

    Dec 11, 2023
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    Thank you everyone for the answers if you could check out my recent thread i'd greatly appreciate it i've been waiting to hear back from support for a little bit and i'm getting disappointed
  9. ToulueVang

    ToulueVang Clean Up Crew

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Move on. Most things that do come out is RC or put into boxes. Rate on boxes is trash too because they keep adding more and more timed items into it. You have to spend at least a hundred+ to even get a scroll/exo perm...

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