Rumble Fighter Lag/Servers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LeafeonRF, Aug 30, 2018.

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  1. LeafeonRF

    LeafeonRF Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Now I know I'm not the only person complaining about the server lag, I can't even see people since the last patch/fix you've done many of us have put in plenty of tickets but nothing was done about it. Id rather sees the game down for a few days to get everything fixed then a few hour patches that don't fix anything at all. We spend lots of money between the microtransactions on this game you'd think we have paid for better quality servers by now or something. You want the game to have a higher community bring life back to it but when the community cries out for something and nothing gets done what do you expect. So I ask the gm's look at this if you may how many tickets do my friends my guild have to put in for something to be done. No one wants to play when you have people teleporting around the map, You can't hit anyone, the grabbing system doesn't apply, personally, I've been seeing issues to where I exo and don't get the animation something needs to be done. Id love to see more community interaction more exo's made my players, more clothes, bring life back into the dying game please I know its much to ask for even for all these years I get it takes time but work with us I've been playing since 08 love the game then and I still love it now even with the toxic players here and there. I love rumble fighter as much as my fellow players and it really bothers me seeing it in the saddest yet. Thank you
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
    MIBxShadow likes this.
  2. [GM]Gourdy

    [GM]Gourdy RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    We are still investigating this lag issue at the moment, which may have been caused by the most recent server network update. We also want players to be able to play the game without having to deal with server or DDoS issues.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
  3. MIBxShadow

    MIBxShadow New Member

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I'd rather just get DDoSd than literally have an unplayable game. Some how you guys fixed the DDoS issue and managed to still move backwards.
  4. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    So you guys changed the servers from p2p to p2s? If so good job with that decision now we can host events like 1v1 streak and sudden death without ddos. Now you guys just need better servers.
  5. Higatamo

    Higatamo New Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Backwards indeed, never thought i'd prefer a DDoS over lag, but this game is unplayable in this state. Guess ill check back in a week and forget about the events i've missed or the ones to come. You expect me to do nothing for 10 hours for a box to get an exo that wont hit anyone cuz GAME IS LAG LOL. Done venting. Fix PLOX
  6. FleekyD

    FleekyD Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Dweebs lol
  7. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Something I enjoy from this latest fiasco is that the GMs have been a tad bit more active on the forums outside of "Hey everyone. Here's an event," "Server Update time; incoming boxes and maybe new content that still isn't Android related," and "Time for another Fisticuffs / Oops. Stuff happened, so no Fisticuffs this week." Seeing the GMs being more active is so refreshing. I hope they keep this up. After all, the thing the community hates the most is the lack of communication between the players and those in charge of the game we play. It's a shame we can't get any word from the GMs' higher ups (probably given to us by the GMs) on why we don't get more carat content ALONGSIDE the RC stuff, or why stuff from 2007 / 2008 / 2009 STILL cost RC instead of being migrated to carats like Sunmudo and Boxing have considering the sheer power creep we've seen in RC items lately, but this is still a step in the right direction. :3
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  8. WiessLove

    WiessLove New Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Please fix it! Because I also play RF since 08! I wanna see RF alive again without lag!
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