I'd just like to take this moment to express this.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bodmonblack, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Have you heard of Rothschild? Check him.

    He's worth of over 600 trillions wages.
    He did nothing. He just sitting his big ugly house.

    He is the owner of IRS and Banks.
    He own everything you owns. Because you loaned his money.
  2. bodmonblack

    bodmonblack Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    The Rothschild family are bankers, they have a history of business in banking, banking is a business, banks thrive on you spending money and your interests. I worked for a bank before, its a business i couldn't handle it because banks actually thrive off of people's debts. Never the less banks actually help the world go round, they're the reasons some have businesses, they're the reasons some have homes.
    tinytinytintin likes this.
  3. SoarRF

    SoarRF Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Referenced article isn't exactly the same matter. They tried their luck with loot boxes, and then bet their winnings in matches with other players. There wasn't even age verification and idk why they'd allow players to link their inventories to third party websites. The whole situation seems pretty careless to me and I'd say Valve definitely deserves most, if not all of the blame in that situation. But, that ties back to actual money. Players here don't have opportunity to do something like that but I sort of see your point. The closest thing RF could ever have to a situation like that is 2 players, both loaded with rares, betting their accounts on a game, and that wouldn't work because the loser wouldn't give up their information, plus there's e-mail, ip records, etc to recover accs if someone managed to create some sort of third party program to make sure bets don't go south. And I'm well aware kids spend large amounts of their income on boxes sometimes. But I've never seen someone spend on boxes to the point where they're on the street or their life is ruined. Kids who usually do that still live with their parents. Parents who still provide them with clothing, food, and shelter. For some, gambling can definitely act as some sort of psychological sickness that eats away at peoples finances, sure. But I've yet to see a virtual box on an mmo ruin someones life. In my opinion, in order for someone to be that addicted, there actual life would have to be so lackluster, that they use RF to satisfy all of their basic human needs. Like literally all of them except water, food, shelter, etc.

    Edit: Didn't even realize I typed this much if you're a troll you're a really good one and we need to be friends.
  4. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Rothschild still owns everything you owned.

    You playing this game, Rothschild don't own that but he own your desk and chair.
    You own the internet router/modems, Rothschild owned your internet router/ modems.
    You own a nice house, Rothschild owned your house.
    You own a nice car, Rothschild owned your car.
    You own your family, Rothschild owned your fine ass.
    You own bank account, Rothschild owned your bank account.
    You owns money, the Government using your money, Rothschild owned your Government.

    You never heard of him. He can destroy this planet with his money. I can destroy him by using computer if I want to.

    I can try hack bank to drop me another one trillions in my bank so I can exploit it.
    tinytinytintin and NepNep like this.
  5. bodmonblack

    bodmonblack Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    No worries on that troll part haha, im not troll. I just really enjoy engaging and challenging people to intellectual discussions. The real concerns of the world. The csgo article was linked because i referenced it in one of my arguments, it also relates to the topic slightly.

    Now i think i see where the confusion is, my thread is addressing the issue on a possibility of a worst case scenario and the gradual steps of how an addict/gambler is born. Spending a paycheck on vanity...especially on something that isnt tangible and having it become a habit every two weeks/ month is kind of what im trying to get at. YOu'd be suprised the thigns a lot of our community are facing behind the screen, whether thats spending parent's rent money, spending school money, spending girlfriend's money, spending lunch money, spending errand money in order to just touch base and stay up to date with the game.

    Over time that piles up and becomes a habit, do that through out a year and say you make 200$ every week, not saving just blwing lavishly even though you're sweating balls 4-8 hours a day to make that paper...you're technically already ruined. The only thing promised in life is change, we spend a huge portion of our life exchanging time for money, and exchanging body for money, a lot of us get lost i nthe process and lose track of what really matters because we're blowing what we worked hard for on something thats only there temporarily before we're bored again.
    tinytinytintin and SoarRF like this.
  6. bodmonblack

    bodmonblack Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Right, which again brings me back to him spending his money right,the family is known to have invested and own different shares of different companies. Success is not an overnight thing, Rothchilds wealth, isnt just the family sitting their **** off and having money rain on, its ancestry earned and inheritance, and hard work, and serious genius monopolization.
    tinytinytintin likes this.
  7. SoarRF

    SoarRF Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I can agree to this. Whats ur ign I wanna spend my Friday convincing you Bush did 9/11.
    tinytinytintin and Stimuli like this.
  8. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    They don't seem to me hard work and serious. All is they sitting their house wait to take over America. They just want to destroy the being human.

    I am sure you are going to have blocked your mind because you don't want to learn that part.
    GImme order a forbidden books for you. I can give you link. You can read that forbidden book to help you knowledge the forbidden history.

    By the way. Have you play the poker? If so. How do you feel it?

    It's like you having a powerful hand, but other guy won with a poor hand because he lying to everyone. That is.

    Rothschild did 9/11.
    tinytinytintin, NepNep and SoarRF like this.
  9. Captious

    Captious Active Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    lewx did 9/11
    tinytinytintin and SoarRF like this.
  10. bodmonblack

    bodmonblack Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    My ign is Ryutetsu, unfortunately i wont be able to, i have work from 6 am till 5 pm, then i have to be at a bluejay's game down town toronto by 7. Although add me, we'l catch up when im active.
    tinytinytintin and SoarRF like this.
  11. bodmonblack

    bodmonblack Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    That poker analogy is very interesting, a lot of companies thrive on deceptive marketing, banks are an example of that. Not a lot of people understand that banks hate when you pay of your debts. It hurts their wallet, banks hate lowering your interest rate also. Also, physical labour isnt the only form of hard work. The way i see it, if you cant make money in your sleep and or live to enjoy it, you'l spend the the rest of your life working to live instead of enjoying life.
    tinytinytintin and Maylen12 like this.
  12. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    well if you feel like you're wasting money, it's better to spend it some other time

    If you don't have much to spend, it's always better to choose guaranteed items than potentially timed items that could drop from RNG boxes
    tinytinytintin and NepNep like this.
  13. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Man. I like you. Nothing of them can replace you.

    What do you thought of the money value? Are money important to you and your life? Can the money buy you happiness?

    Actually. I sleep and food. I enjoying my life, but I loathed this world things. I hate to working rest of my life. Thank to the pottery. I can enjoying life because of the pottery existing.

    I make alot money from selling my pots( not marijuana) and I wasting all my money. I tossing $50-100 to homeless people every time I walk by them. Spent $200 the food every two week. Spent $500-800 on games what I want to play. And going to the college with no goal. I am not saying ima rich or middle class. I just hate the money value. I am only happy that i am enjoying my life, not working to make money.

    I am only alone to live in my house with my parrots. I have alot free time play with my parrots. They sit my shoulder during I throwing the wheel. They are sure happy with me. I made about 150 pots in a few hours. I sleep about 9-12 hours daily.

    You should check what I bought.
    I have four parrots. I have two conure, sengal, and macaw.
    I have to buy three cages for my parrot.
    I have one wheel.
    I have to order a clay about 50 gallons of 50 boxes every two week.
    I have to paying the gas for my pot project. About $400 to refill every three to four week.
    I have to paying the electric for my kiln. I have to pay about $400, that's twice than you pay bills.
    I have to paying the water bills for my pot project. about 1 gallons wasted of water daily.
    I have to buy the food for me and my parrot.
    Also I have to buy new toys for my parrots.
    And more.

    I dont' have problems with the money because I wasting them.

    I proved my family and everyone wrong. Because they picked the wrong job what they have the goal. Their goal is fallen already once they reach. That is why they are not happy with the job and money issues.

    The people to set their goal to successful their life is totally ********.


    I do making money in my sleep and enjoying my life. As you say I can't. Why can't you be like me?

    The way I see, if people are not happy with their life, and they cared the money more than their life then they are trash and utterly sinner.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
  14. MoeSaleh

    MoeSaleh Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    In case you ain't notice , thats what all games are doing these days.
    COD, CSGO, Combat Arms.
    That's where gaming is going now, they just wanna get money.
    I've been telling this niggas this for the longest ..
    This game makes you feel better having money in a virtual world.
    Makes you seem, feel , and look cooler to those less fortunate.
    Boxes come out to make niggas spend money to look cooler or because they really wanna use the RARE.
    This game been about rares.

    Off topic.
    No more spenders, so now they realizing they need new boxes to get money.
    Thats cool but I wish it was more balanced.
    Maybe a box and a spenders once a month.
    But a decent spenders..
  15. Captious

    Captious Active Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    i'm one of them niggas who thought DLC'S were bad and thirsty.
    tinytinytintin likes this.
  16. Stimuli

    Stimuli Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2016
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    Awe man, I miss this lit discussion. At this point not much to contribute to the topic
    tinytinytintin and HumoLoco like this.
  17. MoeSaleh

    MoeSaleh Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I've never bought 1 dlc in my life.
    tinytinytintin and HumoLoco like this.
  18. Captious

    Captious Active Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    rf should have ad-ons like maps, modes and new mechanics.
    anything but boxes.
    tinytinytintin likes this.
  19. SoarRF

    SoarRF Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    maybe gourdy will read this thread and realize how he's ruining my life by not giving me da permzz
    tinytinytintin and HumoLoco like this.
  20. MoeSaleh

    MoeSaleh Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    perms ez.

    In my defense I spent over 2000$ on clothes just this year.
    4,000 is 9 years is a bit, I've only spent about 1,000 in 8 years on rf..
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
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