Kazz' Kings and Pawns [1v1]

Discussion in 'Match Planning' started by Ketranis, Dec 14, 2016.

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  1. Electra

    Electra Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You the only one actually laughing about it.
    Let me refresh your memory you just got known because of Kazz so don't try to act like you are something important man.
    I don't know why this EU community having the need to trash talk to feel important. So stupid.
    I mean if Bounce lost against Kazz it's between both of them, why you all getting involved if they argue with each other ?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  2. Vurtune

    Vurtune Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Wait, wait. I think you're misunderstanding something. He didn't "become" known, he's not known AT ALL. He's just a random who popped up from the dumpster and spends his days away 1v1ing kazz, nothing more. People who call themselves top X nowadays are just trashes like him who feel good over being better at 1v1 than the 30 people who still play this game but never above the actual 1v1ers that are or aren't still playing.
  3. Electra

    Electra Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Exactly I totally agree with you.
    I mean we can all play friendly and teach each other the game instead of fighting or arguing.
    They call themselfs "mature" but they aren't at all. Most of the people here bashing others are like +20 years old, and still acting like "you are so bad and I am better".
    So done.
  4. Ketranis

    Ketranis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Practice what you preach then come back and say this again if you want anyone to take you serious.

    And no, mirroring hypocrisy when you're against the behaviour pattern just makes you twice the hypocrite.
  5. Electra

    Electra Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Why do you get butthurt if you have nothing to reproach ? The best lesson to give is to show what others does to you. Right.
    Yes this is mirroring because too stupid to realise the good and bad so someone has to do it and unfortunately it is me.
    Giving you what you give to me is being an hypocritical person then sure I willingly take it.
  6. Ketranis

    Ketranis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I don't give a damn about it, but when someone wants something else they should lead by example. The majority of people on this game talks trash, if you think I haven't seen the other side you're more ignorant than I thought. And I thought that impossible.

    I don't give a damn, I don't search for a time where everyone holds hands, talks nicely and is friendly to everyone because that is absurd to begin with. YOU however want this yet can't seem to comprehend how doing the opposite is being unproductive when you're trying to argue your case?

    It's your personal preference and I care not for it. I trash talked Benoon earlier today even though we were cool the other days because to me it's part of the fun while to him it's not. So because I have nothing personal against him I decided not to present that behaviour because he has given me no reason to disrespect his desires/opinions/preferences. If you can't discern the difference then this is the last reply I'm going to waste on you.

    I might add that for people like Bounce etc this is not the case. Respect goes both ways, so too does disrespect.
  7. Electra

    Electra Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Waste ? Everything is a waste in a sense.
    Sure if you having fun treating each other like garbages then go ahead.

    Just don't expect respect from everyone because we all diferent and I don't enjoy being treated like ****. Since you and your friends like it there is no problem but don't apply this rule for everybody.

    And I might recall I never replied to your post in the first place, it is your thread sure but I was talking about kids trying to acting mature but if you feel concerned then I can't help you.

    Pce out.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  8. Ketranis

    Ketranis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Beating around the bush won't trivialise how big a deal the hypocrisy in your statements create.

    Did anyone in here mention you? I let you stay in my room yesterday and you decided to walk in the way of me and Karasu constantly ALL THREE ROUNDS and then you cried about getting kicked on Megaphone after disrespecting. Then I disrespect you in turn and THEN you cry about me disrespecting you back? You're outright pathetic so don't try and justify your trash behaviour around me. Asking me to keep a promise yet thinks my promises to you mean sh-- when you disrespect me? Think again.

    Not everyone think it's immature to talk trash. It's part of the fun for some of us and friendly banter/outright disliking people is not uncommon nor unreasonable or something that is incorrect to display. This stays entirely verbal, and if you want no say then walk away like you have been incapable of so far. You keep stepping into the fire and complaing about how you get burned. If you don't like it then help yourself. Also, FYI, being a hypocrite does not help your case or yourself with the issues you are addressing. Have some self-knowledge l0l.

    You're the one who's concerned. Those who care will obviously come here, since the title doesn't belie the intentions of the thread. If you wanna be a part of it, you click on it. If you don't, don't click on it. You're the one who has a problem? You're the one who has to solve it. At the end of the day YOU are the one who decides if you want to be triggered when people talk smack to you.

    Take some responsibility and be an adult, go about everything with a 'mature' view as you say and take responsibility for YOURSELF instead of others while contradicting YOURSELF trying to mirror others. Because not everyone feels the same, I am very well aware of what I am doing and have told you the difference in when and how I act in different situations. If you can't fathom this, don't reply, honestly.

    'Pce out' as you say.
  9. Electra

    Electra Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    (The whole drama about your room thing is that I didn't know you guys were actually doing ft9, thought it was 1v1 for fun.
    But if I interrupted sorry for that but you guys didn't say anything either).

    You are the one who cannot stay behind your words apparently because you just said "last reply I am going to waste on you" and yet you
    still here to waste your time on me. How cute.

    I quote "take some responsability and be an adult" but since you made this thread you aren't acting like an adult so who is the hypocrite here think about it twice.

    And I am not contradicting myself like I said above, I was mirroring you because it seems like you can't see what you doing so I gave you the same thing then letting you realise how stupid this whole thread is about.

    You don't have to bash others to get a little bit of attention, i mean if you doing good in game no problem congrats but don't act like you are joking arround with everyone because your jokes apparently is to trash talk and we ain't all your friends so don't get friendly to all of us.

    Bet you exactly know what I meant here.
    Like They say "you cannot change someone who doesn't see an issue in their actions.
  10. Ketranis

    Ketranis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    First of all, I said IF you couldn't discern the difference. I shouldn't have to explain the rest when the beginning of your statement is already incorect and flawed.

    How am I not acting like an adult by posting this thread? This thread is wrong to YOU but to me it's perfectly fine. Your opinion is your opinion and I care not for it, get it right.

    Again, it's stupid to you but no issue to me. You want people to be nice so you decide to act like sht? Yh this is the hypocrisy I refer to. I know I act like sht to people (who deserve it mind you) and I don't give a damn about it. The thing is, you do, so you shouldn't act the way you want other people to stop acting like and then say you're not contradicting yourself or being a hypocrite l0l.

    I treat people the same regardless of how they like how I treat them or not. Why would I go out of my way to act differently than what I am because people are displeased with it? Sorry not sorry, you're the tool in this conversation and I am not a single bit sorry for refusing to be one as well. To you banter is serious, to me it's not. Again, what it is to you is not my concern.

    I know what you meant, which is exactly why I call you out on your hypocrisy smh. There is nothing wrong in what I'm doing from a factual POV. All of this is entirely your subjective ideals of how people should behave to one another. The problem here isn't my behaviour, the problem is you thinking that I should change my behaviour because YOU don't like it.

    But as you want, that's my last reply to some hypocritical trash who can talk about the problems she has about what everyone else is doing yet doesn't give a damn about the problems everyone else has with her. Point out everyone else for their mistakes, never your own. Yup, I'm done. If you don't like it then leave. I'm sure you're familar with that setting. I'm out.
  11. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Member

    Jul 23, 2016
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    Given the fact you treat everyone the same trying to be objective, stating it actually, but your behaviour being different from mine, or others, makes it subjective, because it depends on how you wish to treat everyone "objectively".
    Objectivity indetifies itself with absolution, with truth. You are changing your mind however it suits you better, going from an extreme to another, from full hipocrisy to full righteousness in one sentance.
    You stated that there is no absolute truth. This makes you unable to express your opinion publicly and want it to be taken into consideration. From a logical subject point of view what you state is a sophism, Kazz.
    Talking about the fact that it's the offended's fault, not the offender's, I must add the fact that the human is defined by duality. From a logical subject point of view, how you mostly want to live, by ration only and not emotions, we can state that every human gets triggered in a way by different things, but they still get triggered, it's an axiom. You can't say it's one's fault for being a human, therefore getting triggered or offended.
    Being subjective with someone interfers with how you feel towards it makes your behaviour subjective itself because it relates to only how you feel. You can't feel bad, triggered, offended or however you wanna call it if you're not subjective, from your point of view. The way someone wants you to treat them is unspoken, it doesn't necesarilly have to be verbally told to make you feel triggered.
    If you want to be objective indeed you have to let aside your emotions towards how acting to people makes you feel and feed them their subjective ideal behaviour, because ideal means the same to everyone, what it defines doesn't. What I am trying to say is that you're either objective to yourself or to others.
    I don't see the point in arguing with her on her perception trying to demonstrate her what is logical, preaching one absolut truth, when in fact humans are not only ration made, afterwards their beliefs being different. You start preaching your subjective point of view toward things. If you want to say it's objective you'll start agreeing with me about the absolution, which I know differs from your beliefs..
    Electra likes this.
  12. Ketranis

    Ketranis Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Like I already told you, you are responsible for your own decisions. When I state you getting triggered I'm talking about how you allow it to get to you. You can subjectively be offended by what I'm saying and objectively decide to leave it alone.

    Like you made the example of knocking on my door, sure the chance of me getting offended increases but at the end of the day I choose if I want to allow myself to get mad/triggered about it/shut you down for it. At the end of the day you can have multiple impulses but at the end of the day you don't have to act on every impulsive you have, that's the objectivity.

    You don't seem to get the realism of what I'm trying to convey here. She has an issue with my behaviour and feels the need to preach that. You don't see me going on her threads/posts complaining about how she doesn't support friendly banter/trash talking. I am not arguing the subjectivity of her statement at all, but her desire to be vocal about her subjectivity AS IF it's absolution is the issue.

    But I guess you read just as much past it as she did. Anyway if you want an actual reply where I don't feel like going tl;dr on what you're saying n' how you want to talk about the factual aspects without including the other side of its duality, then you can PM me if you're not too busy getting triggered about my comments, be it here or ingame. On the real stop derailing my thread with this irrelevance. Bottom line remains; don't like it, don't come here. Only an idiot would willingly approach that which burns him and then still complain about the burnt wounds.

    Also don't mention duality then ask me to 'pick sides' and then talk about contradiction smh rofl...
  13. Ayato

    Ayato Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    This thread is amusing.
    Don't know how you niggas still argue over this dead ****.

    Long time no see tleg.
    M4cropod likes this.
  14. M4cropod

    M4cropod Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2016
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    TL;DR version:

    "Trash talk is bad"
    yadda yadda yadda
    "It's part of my game"
    yadda yadda
    "I want to teach you a lesson by doing the very same"
    yadda yadda
    "I don't care"

    Rinse and repeat - but with slightly more butthurt.

    Congrats, you guys made it.

    One could argue that playing RF is a huge waste of time and I wouldn't actually be able to disagree, but compared to your discussion, RF looks like the most efficient and optimal activity to use your precious time for in our dear world. With 1000+ words being written down, you manage to literally say close to nothing.

    Kind regards and congrats again.
  15. Ahegao

    Ahegao Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Kazz handing these L's out lmfao
  16. Vurtune

    Vurtune Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Idk why you people are upset because kazz trashtalks. I think that's the funniest part of him, I mean I'd legit stop playing with him if he was serious all the time. Half the fun of this game is the trashtalk, if you can't see that then you're just little kids who take things to heart way too easily. I mean seriously, cyber bullying? "Oh no u called me a trash fgt!!! I'm not gonna play with u anymore omg I'm mad!!" So stupid.

    Also hi zaya. :*

    Also just to annoy ur trash self kazz I added a screenshot of me shtting on u like usual. :*


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  17. alex8541

    alex8541 Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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  18. LastGoD

    LastGoD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    U niggas got too much time
  19. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Member

    Jul 23, 2016
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    U'd only say that about the people you look up to because you seek their acceptance @Vurtune
  20. killallgays

    killallgays New Member

    Dec 18, 2016
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    ur all trash
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