[EVENT]Game Mode Design Contest

Discussion in 'Events' started by [GM]Toast, Jan 16, 2019.

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  1. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Create a Unique Game Mode
    Ever thought of a wonderful game mode for Rumble Fighter but never had the motivation to post it? Well, now you do! Get to writing, what are you waiting for?
    Create a unique game mode for Rumble Fighter. It can be an entirely new game mode or a brand new mini game.

    • The game mode created must not already exist in Rumble Fighter or in the Korean version “Gem Fighter”
    • The game mode created must be unique and may not be a blatant rip off from another franchise or game.
    • You may create a unique game mode for Rumble Fighter’s core game play (modes such as Battle Mode, Rumble Mode, True Battle Mode, Adventure mode, etc count as “core” game play).
    • You may create a unique game mode for Rumble Fighter’s mini game system as well.
    • Entries are limited to: 1 “core” game mode and 1 “mini game” game mode only.
    • You may not submit more than 1 “core” game mode entry.
    • You may not submit more than 1 “mini game” game mode entry.
    • Your entry must include your in game name in your entry. Failure to do so will result in prize forfeit. Changing your in game name before prize distribution will also cause a prize forfeit.
    • Objective: What is the objective of this game mode? For example: in Moving Screen your objective is to defeat your opponents while the screen is moving.
    • Unique Mechanics: How does your unique mechanic work? For example: In Moving Screen mode, the screen constantly moves, so the user has to move with the map to stay alive. If the user fails to keep up with the constant map movement, they are automatically knocked off of the map.
    • Prize Rewards: What prizes will be offered in completing this mode? For example: Moving Screen rewards carats for the amount of points earned for surviving and damage dealt. Multipliers are added depending on the result screen, such as best combo as well.
    • If you have any visuals, please make sure to include them.
    January 16th - 31st, 2019
    Grand Prize:
    • "Game Mode Creator" or "I Tried" Forum Title
    • Submission will be proof read, translated, and directly sent to our developers at NimoniX
    • 2,500 RC
    Participation Prize:
    • "I Tried" Forum Title
    • Orichalcon Stone (1)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
    Logic, rfSexy, BlinkatDeath and 4 others like this.
  2. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    IGN: Draygashi

    Core Game Mode
    Last Team Standing!
    (Can be played in Singles or Teams)

    Objective: Be the last person left as the floor below you falls through! Every 20 seconds, the outer perimeter of the map will collapse taking anyone standing on that area to their death. With the map shrinking over time, players must fight each other while still being in the playable area. There will be a total of 5 intervals of map shrinking, totaling the round to be 100 seconds max. When the time clock hits 0 after counting down from 100, the round will end and the remaining floor will give away, causing the remaining players to fall to their death. This will result in a tie for the round, regardless of how many players on each team last the entire round. If both teams are still standing, the objective of the game was not met within the time period. The playable area will be composed of the breakable floor areas of the Mechanic's Institute map, and only those. The entire floor can be manually broken to cause other players to fall to their demise before the 20 second intervals occur!

    Unique Mechanics:
    -The map can be controlled by the players. Breaking the platforms manually to make others fall to their death can cause the round to end prematurely
    -Jumping is entirely disabled to prevent Air Climbing
    -As soon as the players who fall are not on the screen, they will automatically die just like in Moving Screen (Neutralizing Z-Stall)
    -This mode cannot be made in single round rooms. Just like Defense Mode, this mode has a fixed amount of rounds which is three (3) rounds
    -Toggle options to restrict Pouch Items, ExoCores, Stats, and Avalon Drivers
    -Revives are disabled entirely

    Prize Rewards: You are rewarded EXP and Carat based on time alive and damage points, just like every other mode... However first place will receive an exclusive prize while an additional prize is rewarded randomly to one other player who placed second through eighth, preventing 1ST Place from getting all rewards.

    1ST Place: Lucky Chest + Lucky Medal Chest
    Single Random Player ranked 2ND ~ 8TH: 500 Carat Coupon
    If there is a tie for 1ST Place, there is no 1ST Place Prizes rewarded to anyone. The players who tie for 1ST Place will be eligible for the randomly rewarded 500 Carat Coupon, just like the other players in the room.

    The Map will be a 10x10 grid of the Mechanic's Institute breakable platforms. Walls will enclose it on all 4 sides to prevent edging within the first 20 seconds (unless platforms are broken)

    Red: Falls when timer hits 80
    Orange: Falls when timer hits 60
    Yellow: Falls when timer hits 40
    Green: Falls when timer hits 20
    Blue: Falls when timer hits 0
    All 100 squares can be manually broken at any time.

    Mini Game
    Lucky Sevens!
    (Basically just a slot machine...)

    Objective: Pay 1000 Carats (or 25 RC) to spin the slots, just like a slot machine. The machine will give a random number of 000 ~ 999. If all three numbers are the same, the user is rewarded. If you don't get all of the same numbers, well... You're out of 1000 Carats (or 25 RC). Sequential numbers, or three numbers in a row (Example: 123, 789, 456, 321, 654, etc), qualify you for a runner up prize (Zeros are excluded from the runner up prize).

    Unique Mechanics:
    -Takes Rumble Fighter's gambling addiction and takes it to the next level, while being Free-To-Play friendly!

    Prize Rewards: If the players get a specific set of numbers, they are rewarded. If they don't get any of the following numbers, they're out of the 1000 Carats (or 25 RC) they just spent.

    Carat Prizes:
    Grand Prize (777)
    - Seven Nights ExoCore Perm
    Semi Grand Prize (000, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 888, 999) - 2 Orichalcon Stones
    Runner Up Prizes (123, 234, 345, 456, 567, 678, 789, 987, 876, 765, 654, 543, 432, 321) - 500 Carat Coupon

    RC Prizes (Increased chances of getting prizes compared to Carat):
    Grand Prize (777)
    - Seven Nights ExoCore Perm + Lucky Charm (30 Days)
    Semi Grand Prize (000, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 888, 999) - 7 Orichalcon Stones
    Runner Up Prizes (123, 234, 345, 456, 567, 678, 789, 987, 876, 765, 654, 543, 432, 321) - 5000 Carat Coupon

    Visuals: Coming Soon
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  3. Awaky

    Awaky Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Glad to see you guys are stepping up your game this year great job
    tamirtov, Komeck, lordpablo and 2 others like this.
  4. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Tower of the King's game.

    The objective is the king play a damn game. Must be a single player. Max 8 players, unless if they can expand to 16 players. The more players the more time you play game. The players must obey the rule, or they risk the punishment of death. Their lives are on the line, as they soon find out that the orders are getting more and more extreme as time goes on. Once you complete the task the players move into different place as they are climbing over top. Whose failed the task or risk the punishment of death, one random of them will be die each time they complete the simple task.

    Unique Mechanics:

    The players with their set shall be switch to random players. No time limited. Sp is the time.

    HumoLoco has a mute mask default set, sage master perm, blood lord, and snowman bfe. DeathScooby has 8k health, 300 sp, 100 str, 60 arm, 30 spd, 26 jump, street, default exo, and devil shadow. Both will be swapped stats and skill items. GodScooby has 10k health, 666 sp, 30 str, 40 arm, 60 spd, 24 jump, dark haze black friday, neo bettle, and god spider. HumoLoco will have DeathScooby's stats, scroll and GodScooby's exocores. DeathScooby will have my stats, exocores, and GodScooby's scroll. GodScooby will have his stats and my scroll and DeathScooby's exocores. Even if DeathScooby is using gmode they are still swap to either HumoLoco or GodScooby no matter what.

    Everyone must reply on the SP the amount they got. SP healing their health. The amount sp they got to keep to them stay alive long. If their health is full, the sp do nothing.

    Every player must be fight by 1v1. If they want to handicap, their punishment is decreasing health as they are helping hand.

    Every player has rights to using exocores, if they active their exocore, their punishment is decreasing health as they used the sp.

    If player wish to commit suicide, their punishment is revive themselves and their sp is given to random player. If player has wing, their punishment is death and their health is given to random player.
    If player has no receive the damage or inactive for around 15 to 20 seconds by other player, therefore their punishment is death if their sp is still remain they will be transfer to random player. If player doing the same combo or infinite juggle such as rest juggle, their punishment is pay sp half each time.

    Once the player killed someone, they will take their sp remain.

    Prize Reward:
    The exp and carats are based on the kill and death.

    Random map only. Cannot be choose map.

    Mini Game:

    Sin Vegas Gamble
    A damn slot machine, known variously as a random item with three reels which spin when a button is pushed. If 6 6 6, you get sage master perm. If 7 7 7, you get trash boxes. if scroll exo scroll, you get carats. If scroll scroll scroll, you get scroll from the store for 14 days. If exocore exocore exocore, you get exocore from the store for 14 days. whatever nimonix can make a slot machine for us. We need it. cuz we need learn how to gamble da box.

    Play poker, we pay cc or carats, if winner get take da whole wallets. You know the rule poker.

    Roulette, If someone got luck number, the winner get sage master perm. You know the damn rule roulette.

    The hard as they can play gamble to get the epic prize. Better than trash boxes.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
    Phawnix, hello6789 and LaniRF like this.
  5. Awaky

    Awaky Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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  6. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    reserve, If you wish join in. you can edit your res post in later time.
    Awaky likes this.
  7. Pasha

    Pasha Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Game Mode : Bomberman

    Objective: 8 people room (single/team) as the weapon you got only bombs (you can pick which bombs in mode you choose) playing on a regural maps with edge ability. Bombs are unlimited ,stats are same for everyone (so people wont be abusing spd )

    Mechanics : None since we got bombs in game already ,just all you gotta do is disable stats .

    Prizes for playing this game mode : Bomber Boxes (no key needed to open them) which can have 500 carat coupons ,bombs and some other things .
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  8. CaptainApple

    CaptainApple Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    BEHOLD! Here's my idea.
    Tier Game
    The Objective

    Go through different tiers of weapons by getting kills. After you get a kill with the final weapon you win the game!
    Everyone in the game starts with a Katana in their hand. Once you obtain your first kill, you advance to the next weapon automatically.
    If you fall off the map your weapon gets decreased to the previous weapon you had. IF someone kills you then you keep your weapon that you had.
    There are 500 seconds available to get to the last weapon and get a kill, if no one gets a kill as a skeleton the person with the highest amount of kills will win.

    Weapons List
    Starter Weapon: Katana (from Zombie mode)
    Second Weapon: Shotgun (from Zombie mode)
    Third Weapon: Laser Sword/Gun from DH-13 (optional, if the community wants a different weapon as the third then they can change it)
    Final Weapon/Fourth Weapon: Turned into a Skeleton. Headbutts do 500 base damage.

    After you get a kill as a skeleton the game has ended, and you go back to the the lobby!

    Unique Mechanics
    There are different weapons that you use within the game mode.
    Scrolls and Exocores are rendered useless since you will not be able to use them.
    Stats are all automatically set to Health set to 3000, SP/CRIT set to 0, all stats ARM/STR/JMP/SPD set to 30.

    Prize Rewards
    Tier Game rewards carats for the amount of points earned for getting kills and damaged dealt. Multipliers are added depending on the result screen, such as best combo as well. Since the game mode will take longer than a Battle mode, you get 1.5x - 2x more exp and carats in this game mode.
    BONUS: The 1st place winner of this mode will have a 1/2 chance of getting a Lucky Chest.

    I hope this gets implemented, I've had this idea for quite a while ever since I played for the first time in the Zombie mode. This is also kind of an exact remake of the "Gun Game" from CoD. ENJOY! :)
    IGN: Keki

    Spin The Wheel

    In the plaza there will be a wheel of fortune that you can spin for 100 RC/5000 Carats for a random prize. The chances will be INCREASED if you use RC. The chances for rare/epic prizes are low, but still something you'd want to gamble for. Check Visuals for how the wheel prizes would look.
    Prizes [Revised]
    You may get one of the following:
    2500 Carats
    5000 Carats
    500 Medals
    1000 Medals
    1500 Medals
    Lucky Chest
    3 Orichalon
    Black Friday Box Blue
    Shadow Fox Corps Box
    100 RC
    200 RC

    Rare Scroll Box (gives you ANY random rare scroll such as Inferno/Parkour/Shadow Ninjutsu/Telos/Fearless/etc., with a duration of 7/14/30 days or Permanent)
    Tempest Box
    Black Friday Box Gold
    Black Friday Box Red
    Black Friday Box Gray
    Black Friday Box Marine Blue
    500 RC
    Inferno Permanent
    Telos Permanent
    Seven Nights Permanent
    Shadow Ninjutsu Permanent
    Parkour Permanent
    Cancer Exocore Permanent
    Sagittarius Exocore Permanent
    Marang Exocore Permanent
    Incinerate Exocore Permanent
    Blood Dragon Permanent
    Abyss/Sumo/Telos/Shaolin Crane/Stalker/Sage Master BF LE Permanent (one of them.)
    2000 RC

    More Information about Minigame

    When you spin the wheel, it will spin the wheel for the prize RARITY you'll get first, then the prize.
    Your first spin will be a bunch of common rarities, and then one RARE rarity, if you spin the common, it moves on to the next wheel and you get a common prize, if you spin the rare rarity you will have the option to spin again for epic at the cost of the spinning fee or take the rare prize spin and spin for a rare prize. If you don't get the epic on the EXTRA spin that you paid for, you still get your rare prize, however, you just wasted 5000 Carats/100 RC.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
    tamirtov, LaniRF, xLinh and 3 others like this.
  9. oSuree

    oSuree New Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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  10. StarsRf

    StarsRf Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Game Mode: Default Only Objective: All players must only use default scroll default exocore and default stats but there is a bit of a twist, one item will spawn in the map in a random location near the end of the timer(40 seconds left or so) which is the use of a rare/sacred exocore that has a duration of 15 seconds which can be used to dominate the game, the concept would be the same as moon/dos to beat all the players and get 1st but with this little mini game added to spice things up. Unique Mechanic: All playeres start out with default scroll/exocore and try to survive until the rare exocore appears and try to edge/defeat the rest of the opponents in the room. Prizes: The prizes for this gamemode would be carat per usaul + if u were 1st in this gamemode you get a piece of the rare exocore that appeared in the matches that can sell for 1k carat or gather 1 piece and trade it for a 1 day timed 3 pieces for a 7 day timed 5 pieces for a 30 day timed and 10 pieces for a permanent version! Ign:Stars *.*
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
  11. oSuree

    oSuree New Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    Rumble Fighter Game Mode
    Core Game Mode - Battle Mode​
    Name: The Stage
    Sick of having to Spectate a pair of Trash Talking Players have a 1v1 Or Team Fight without a chance to gain something? Are You Sick Of Having To Destroy Every Trash Talker that comes your way without compensation? Well Come and get your medicine at ‘The Stage’. The First Ever Gamble Arena! ​
    Single Mode (2-8 Players)
    Objective: Win Your Bets Or The Fight! Here’s How it Works. While in The Room, 2 Players Selected (Either by Random or Select). Once Inside, The Following will occur.
    ⁃ A versus screen will appear ( Player 1 vs Player 2)
    ⁃ Player 1 and Player 2 will be stuck By Chains.
    ⁃ The Spectators Will have 30 seconds and be Prompted to ‘Select their Pick’ As for who will win.
    ⁃ Once All Picks Are Selected, A 5 Second Countdown will begin and The Fighters Are Allowed to fight.
    ⁃ 120 Seconds will be the time for the matches.

    Team Mode: 2-8 Players
    Scared of heading into The Stage alone? Don’t worry, bring a friend!
    Here’s how it works: This isn’t Your Ordinary Red vs Blue. In The Stage, There will be 4 team colors! Red,Blue,Green, and Purple. 2 people will have to be on at least 2 different teams in order to Start. For Example, If you have 4 People, You need 2 on green and 2 on purple. This would be considered a 4 Person Room 2v2. Now Look At The Possible Ways to Start The Stage in Team Mode. ONLY TWO TEAMS WILL FIGHT AT ONCE. SPECTATORS WILL PLACE THEIR BETS JUST LIKE SINGLE MODE.
    ⁃ 4 person Room: 2 people on 2 different teams. Ex. 2 on red, 2 on blue
    ⁃ 6 person Room: 2 people on 3 different teams. Ex. 2 on red, 2 on blue , 2 on green.
    ⁃ 8 person room: 2 people on 4 different teams. Ex. 2 on red, 2 on blue, 2 on Green, 2 on purple.
    No 3v3/4v4 Available For This GameMode :(
    Once Inside The Match, The Following Will Take Place
    ⁃ A versus screen will appear( Team Blue vs Team Green)
    ⁃ Team Blue and Team Green will be unable to move. Stuck by chains.
    ⁃ The Spectating Teams Will have 30 seconds and be Prompted to ‘Select their Pick’ As for who will win.
    ⁃ Once All Picks Are Selected, A 5 Second Countdown will begin and The Teams Selected Are Allowed to fight.
    ⁃ 120 Seconds will be the time for the matches.
    More Updates Coming Soon ;)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  12. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    We do not want to give users the wrong impression. The game mode design winners won't have their game mode guaranteed into Rumble Fighter. This is exclusively a RedFox Games event. We will proof read and fully translate the winning game mode(s) and it will be sent directly to our developer's inbox. This is the most we can do.
  13. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    For the forum title.

    Trading Mode
    • Players can make a room and select the Trade Marketplace.​
    • Access a database of every RF Item.​
    • Request items wanted and offer your own items owned to trade. Or offer RedFox Credits/Carats/Medals.​

    Fix/improve the game before adding, or entertaining the idea of, another game mode. Like previous new game modes, they will be played for an hour after release then forgotten.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
    Draygashi and tamirtov like this.
  14. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Humo language allowed or the old humo language or humo college language or mad humo language or God humo language? Which one of you are willing to write and proofread for me? :<
    noobfromheaven likes this.
  15. CaptainApple

    CaptainApple Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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  16. XQZmee

    XQZmee New Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    my idea:

    a mini game where you climb steps and different obstacles and the higher you get in feet/inches the harder faster it gets. winners have top heights
    EmranLmfao likes this.
  17. AlexDays

    AlexDays New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Juggernaut IGN:infinity123

    Objective: Defeat the juggernaut with weapons that usually drops in BM(includes Katana,Gun,Shotgun,Blade Spirit,Xero Discus,Muhon Claw , Blade spirit , Ice sword ) there's one more but i couldn't find it's name
    The last 4 were dropped in the Harlem Defense if anyone is wondering..
    -Starts with 8 players in the room with one lucky individual that gets to be the Juggernaut
    -The fighters can choose which weapon they want at each start of round
    -If any member(includes Juggernaut) falls , they lose hp as a penalty result

    Unique Mechanics:
    All Exocores will be banned expect for the drop ones
    Juggernaut will eventually have a lot more health then other players but be slow as well.
    The rest of the fighters that haven't been chosen will be medium health with all the same default stats
    Any Avalon's will not be effected
    Juggernaut will have the 'God mode' mode , basically the vermilion sword power up with being able to move while taking a hit
    If any players falls (includes Juggernaut) will result in a penalty just like in True Battle mode
    As the Juggernaut ,you cannot counter , and no running state
    Fighters won't be able to block , but yes to run and jump

    Prize Rewards:

    As a Juggernaut , your goal is too kill all fighters until none of them are left , so you'll receive carats for dealing damage and killing fighters , maybe for winning as well ,( experience will stay the same method for carats)

    As a Fighter , your goal is too kill the Juggernaut without being killed , so you'll receive carats fr dealing damage ,surviving , and winning the round , (experience will stay the same method for carats)

    Lucky drops:One of the 8 members can get a lucky drop from 1-5k carats coupon, or Orichalcon Stone (this can be decided by developers , any prize that's fair) luc will not be effected to increase these prize ratio

    Gambling Mini game:

    Are you tired of these timed scrolls? Well fear no more with the new gambling mechanic.
    Lets you gamble 2-3(devs decide) duplication of timed scrolls with a chance of winning them permanent!

    Or eventually win some carats around 1-3k carat coupon , Orichalcon stones , potential boxes and even more!!

    Visuals: none yet
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  18. MagnumChaos

    MagnumChaos Clean Up Crew

    May 12, 2016
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    So the Knife Game from CoD.
  19. CaptainApple

    CaptainApple Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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  20. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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