never allowe gm shadow to host fisticuffs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xenlyiin, Jan 18, 2019.

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  1. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    I know fisticuffs is for the players, but to keep me waiting for 1 hour and 10 minutes for this shitty gm to only join NA players for an EU oriented event is just a fúcking waste of time. If you really are doing this for EU players then prioritise them. Not only did he not join, I was in the same room since before the event had even started.
    I ofc am from the UK so I still am in EU (brexxit voted no anyways). If you are going to make this extra fisticuffs for EU players, join the eu players, not the NA. Whilst they are able to have two chances at winning, I only have one. Not fair. I suggest you either remove the part in that fisticuff event saying its for EU because it clearly isn't.
    Indeed backlash from NA will come because they (from the players I have played with) have no sympathy for others. I genuinely can't think of a possible, valid argument against this
    xgone likes this.
  2. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    With how small the community is, we don’t need separate channels.
    Viraa likes this.
  3. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    you missed the point. No one mentioned the eu channel. I'm trying to say if they are gonna do a fisticuffs for eu players, do it for the eu ones. Completely misleading as they keep joining NA, not EU

    edit* i did mention it but thats besides the point
    xgone likes this.
  4. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    From the way you were complaining , it sounded like they didn’t even check EU channels for fisticuffs rooms. You said you were eu, so I assumed you played in the eu channel.
    Viraa likes this.
  5. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    i did play in eu, well, didnt even play because he didnt bother joining
  6. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Hey man,

    How many EU players do you think are present during the morning Fisticuffs?
  7. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You also said you didn't leave your room, and you had your room up before the event even started. I know we don't have a large player count, but if you were in a room for over 70 minutes you wouldn't be able to tell how many Fisticuffs Rooms were made.

    There are a few other factors to take into consideration, such as players loading into the game. For all we know, [GM]Shadow could have joined a room and a player took 5+ minutes to fully load for the game to start.

    They need to be more transparent on matters like this. A suggestion to convince players they aren't screwing around or cherry picking rooms would be to live stream the event.
    oTedd and Viraa like this.
  8. Flamekiller

    Flamekiller Glacial Master & Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Those eu rooms were probably in free channel. I always tell my friend(EU) to not make rooms eu channel because there's a low chance of them joining. I see a gm 80% of the time when we put free channel.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  9. xgone

    xgone Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I also tried to join fistcuffs, for the very first time, 2 weeks ago, but no GM joinned the EU Channel, even thought it´s written there:

    • GMs will randomly join rooms between Free and Free - EU.
    NA players do spend much more, I recognize that, but that´s no excuse, there many EU players who even spent 100 Euros during last spender event.
    But it seems like GMS either do not care, or they just do not acknowledge that EU players are trully crucial for the survival of Rumble Fighter itself.
    I remember waiting along with 7 players, for 1 hour+34 minutes...
    My very first and last time, participation attempt on a RedFox Event.
    The GM who was holding the event, did not only show up on our Channel, but he also were pretty late LMAO.
    Then uses a megaphone to say "I´m sorry ".
    Do you really think that will help? Hell NO!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  10. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    You guys are still missing the point. I'm saying, if they are going out of their way to set something up for EU players, do it for the fúcking eu players, not NA players. If they can't understand this then don't say they are doing it for EU players because its misleading af
    xgone likes this.
  11. [GM]Shadow

    [GM]Shadow RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Hmm interesting. Just for your information, I was in fact in the EU room all morning. I can't get to every single room, but I mean I think that's the common complaint "if you can't get to every room, get more GMs". But at the same time, not everyone can get the chance to be in Fisticuffs. I just join whatever room I pick, randomly is the keyword here. If you were not in that room, then I do apologize, but I was in many EU rooms this morning.
    ModSlayer likes this.
  12. xgone

    xgone Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    If that were the case, they should have kept their word until the end.
    I really do not understand why they have done the opposite of it.
    Are you really sure about it?
  13. [GM]Shadow

    [GM]Shadow RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Those that won, can vouch for it that I was in the Free - EU, not the Free - NA. But you are entitled to voice your opinion on the matter.
    oTedd, Draygashi and Viraa like this.
  14. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    I understand your frustration as a fellow player. However, as stated already - not everyone can see a GM every week, nor can the same players win every week.

    The original Fisticuffs event was scheduled for 11AM to 12PM but was moved up later.
    They added back the 11AM to 12PM time based on EU players' feedback. You can check out the original thread here :


    With that being said, these GMs are still on the learning curve of things so things will not always run so smoothly. Hopefully [GM]Toast & [GM]Shadow will take your words into consideration and further improve their overall communication with the players in regards to events like these.
    Draygashi and Viraa like this.
  15. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    I don't think you understand what i mean by playing with EU players. I'm not saying you didn't play in the EU channel but the fact that you join games with NA hosts really contradicts the idea of it revolving around EU players considering you do it at an earlier time for "us".

    But hey, I'm not the one doing this. If you want to go on with your incessant lies then go on, but no one is buying it at this point. You've made your name for yourselves a long time ago, not us.

    NOTE: EU room does not mean EU players. I can just be an NA player in an EU room. Would doing this make said person EU? One way to figure this out is by looking at the flags from the host room. I know its quite difficult to use and even get but hey, you wasted your time getting it.

    Even if the room is full of NA players but one EU room master, at least go to them because you are most definitely gonna find less EU players in the NA rm rooms, logically speaking. This concept isn't hard to understand right?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
    xgone likes this.
  16. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You guys should use RedFox's Twitch account to live stream the Fisticuffs Events for authenticity reasons. Or in this case, to prove there is no favoritism on which rooms are being joined.
    xgone likes this.
  17. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    Makes sense doesn't it? But I want answers from the GM, not the players because you aren't the ones who are hosting this.
  18. [GM]Shadow

    [GM]Shadow RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Alright, we'll do better next time around. I understand you're upset, so I'm sorry that I'm meeting your standards. Thanks for the constructive criticism, however. :)
    ModSlayer likes this.
  19. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Well, since you didn't win earlier you're free to try again in about 15 minutes.
  20. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    There's no guarantee you will do anything differently. Not enough reason for me to believe that you will "do better next time" because i've seen this talk all the time but nothing ever happens
    And stay up till 12 playing a game for £5? 0k.
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