"Requesting Changes to Rumble Fighter" Reply

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheFuzionBranz, Nov 19, 2019.

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  1. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    PvP Aspect of the Game: Really for Rumble Fighter to succeed, it needs an aspect of competitiveness. The social part of it being a PvP game is quite unique, but a PvP game requires competition to strive. Everything in Rumble Fighter is decided and even dictated by players. Until there will be a form of MMR, Queues, Ranks, Etc, This game will just keep falling to its end. At the end of the day, Nobody has a reason to want to improve on a dead game. To be good at it. Even if you LIKE RF you can't ENJOY RF until you find the room, the fights, etc. If you could login, queue up and meet with players it would be so much more. While also having a open challenge that has no recorded stats and more social (like the current RF).

    PvE Aspect of the Game:
    Theres also no reason to BM. Exos are timed. The only boss modes worth farming are for +2 gems and SE/RE items. There is no depth, there is no point to boss sets, etc.

    Remove channels from Plaza, 1 is enough for this game. This game is literatly PvP. A fairly decent average gaming PC with a decently good HOME internet connection would be enough to host the server lag free plaza wise. There is no real reason to go into plaza and atleast you could see who is online, maybe talk to a few people if you see them while. Theres just no point to have like 20 channels for like 100 active players at a time, you will be like 4 per channel and that doesn't mean any of em will even go. You could also be launched into plaza directly instead of that lame blanc with the events. It wouldnt be longer to go to another tab, you could have "the notice board" pop up for update info and daily attendance.

    Item Testing) Before in RF, you could test any scroll after it was released for 1 week, by pressing a button located on it. It was removed because people glitched it to be able to go into SOLO BOSS MODES and SURVIVAL mode with the trial button. Like you can actually fix this by coding your game EASILY. With Cheat engine people can still put stats to 9999 with any item and do the same thing in solo play.

    Shop Rare Adjustment)With the add of Ascended scrolls, we now have access to Telos and DHN as a perm non rare. They have stats however so its impossible to play lower stats. Thats not a big deal, but I don't see why not just having the normal versions. Addiontionally, Scrolls like Tempest, Hungar, Fearless and DHN

    Changes to Quest system) This one is obvious. Quests are boring and have legit no merit. A few carats or usable items (potions shells lol) The other thing is that its so boring, no challenge and always the same. If you were forced to actually do content, for a better reward it could be a really healthy feature for the game. Imagine getting something worth it for completing a HELL Boss mode, people would be doing it throughout the day. Something with some value. A single orichilon, a random chest package, etc. You can then have another quest "get 10 kills on this map". The idea behind this should be giving to receive. While I don't know the perfect reward, you should be incited to do the quests to make people actually do the BM/Map. You could also enforce a "Complete all daily/Weekly quests" for a "2 orichilon" reward or something. The more players enjoy the game, try stuff and obtain stuff, the more they might be willing to touch and buy. Many will argue "NO ITS TOO EASY", "MANY GAMES DONT GIVE THIS FREE", Well this game is dieing and there is more than 1 reason to blame.

    This is used to make a chest (with 3x for shadow boxes, 5 for most boxes and 15 for random scroll or exo boxes). While a box has a value of around 3-7$ each, you can get severely shafted. Many companies to strive in the buisness of gacha, will actually give a great amount of obtainable currency which are then used for gacha. Imagine instead of a single chest, it works as "Pull 1 or 10 for discount or 10+1". That 10+1 would have a value of lets say 60-70$, which is simular to RF's prices. However just that 1 pull only has like, 1.20% to obtain the actual prize from it and another 9% to get something else thats decent. In RF, you really need to pay big numbers to get something. The difference between normal items and rares is insane with Blood/Yellow/Black dragons, metatron items, sage master blk, bf le scrolls, etc.

    Guaranteed Step" on pulls) Once again, this is extremely like the Orichalcon section. Its not needed but would be competitive marketting. Sacrificing the number of boxes people might buy for trying to get people to start buying. Right now many players say rares are ruining the game and don't want to pull for them because 300$ can get you shafted. If a player actually knew that a guaranteed function existed, he might invest abit of his money on RF instead of another game he plays. For example, on every 5 boxes you pull, it says you're at 5/5 and eligible for a guaranteed pull, it opens a UI with all permanent items in the current chest. If you own one, it becomes whited out and cannot be re-obtained. Like this atleast a 20$ investment in a dead game won't be WORTHLESS.

    Weekly events) Functions programmed into the game, literatly anything. Bonus for a certain map, chance to obtain coupons while playing a certain mode, idk. But not some dumb prizes "1 box if you do 7 games for 14 days in a row"

    Enchanting System)Fair enchants should be carats. There is no reason to having them be RC. People will just use Lessers to 5 and then masters. There should also be a % success rate shown each step. Comeon, its 2019.

    Avalon) Expansion slots requiring $$$ should be removed unless it can be fully unlocked with experience AND the item. Who cares how much EXP it takes. I mean, at first you pay to obtain a new "functional item" with nice features. Then you need to actually pay for chests and expansions. For the average Joe who is trading, they wont go there. For the average Joe who wants to spend 20$ every now and then on a game he likes, he wont put it there. The difference between carat gems and RC gems is insane (the rate of putting them together). Then you need to pay for slots...

    Ascended tomb scroll boxes and Ascended scrolls) Should be in shop or daily quest reward. A function thats not accessible really... 1 Random pull every now and then is trash considering that theres so many tombs possible. You can't even equip ascended items in rooms, meaning you need to quit the room, equip it and go back. Thats a joke.

    Gold Tickets) Revamp gold ticket system, make it orichalcon or something. Its literatly useless.

    11)Unnerf ARM abit: Right now there is liittle to no reason to not invest in either SPD or STR+CRI. STR+CRI will beat Arm because 1 str = 1dmg, cri = 2x dmg. Armor doesn't even negate 1 full damage point per point. High HP+ARM isnt as efficiant as STR+CRI

    Price Adjustments:
    L460 should be carats.
    Dragon Falchion should be carats
    Cartomancer should be carats
    Exorcist should be carats
    Little rouge should be carats
    Striker exocore COULD be carats which would be a nice carat alternative for dashing.
    Jellyman exocores should be carats
    Birthday party should be perm or carats 30 days

    Item Introductions:

    -A carat version of cadeuses should be introduced with a weaker attack skill, or a different mechanic replacing the attack skill.
    -Support exocores should be introduced, could create a new role and be very powerful for teams or maybe even FFA.

    RE scrolls) They should always be in shop. Its simular how Jeet Kun Do became sorta Dragon and nobody used Jeet again. Just that now people arent willing to use them because people don't wanna be called that guy using rares, are not interested in rares, etc.

    SE scroll) should be in shop for RC and still obtainable by farming. These items will become available to play everywhere because of "rare status". Many players strive to be F2P, but really most players at the end of the day have no reason to farm these. Items that are rare are items that are useless to improve with. Can't use them in any events, tournaments or competitive play.

    Classes are Useless)Each class should have specific buffs, Like android has a niche-ability to hyper-regen SP, other classes should have other bonuses than just stats. (If its a AoE effect, 1 stack max)
    Alchemist= -7.5% damage from any source to self and players within 5 yards
    Striker=Increase damage by 7.5% from any source and if players hit while your combo is still active (the current hit counter), they gain the increased damage on same player
    Elementalist=Can use any non-hyper exocore from begining of the game, exocore gauge can drain however (basically starts at 50%). OR something like people recharge exocores 25% faster and self 100%.
    Shaman= Gains buff with terrain (Map specific) or chance to poison on hit or idk
    Android= Yall alrdy got one

    ^Would promote the use of every class, would promote teams and create compositions, give importance to non hyper-exocores, ETC

    Name Availability)Recycle closed guild names and igns, If a name is obtainable, well then someone should be able to name change. Banned accounts get recycled after XX days and names become avaiable. Name changing would mean your old name isnt reserved.

    Guilds)Monthly guild awards better than a ranking title. No point in playing besides a quick boost and then getting diamond award.

    1v1 Competition/Streak)Return of 1v1 streak with battle coins used there. Exciting feature that has a rank feel thats being wasted.

    Classic Polution)
    Remove the classic-tier rating from every UI. Only make it active in Classic Rooms and somewhere in shop with a function.

    Hyper Ratings)
    Adjust the ratings for hyper exocores. Hyper = Hyper. Why is BF Lightning blades hyper and regular not? Should be rating good exocores from the bad ones. Could create limitations with them.

    + Everything strawberry RF said
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  2. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    I agree with pretty much all the points except for this. SE scrolls shouldn't be RC because if they were, no one will do bossmodes. All the p2w players, which is a quite a bit, will stop playing the bossmodes. The bossmodes are already grindy as it is so people are definitely gonna spend $10-15 to get a scroll rather than wasting 10 hours grinding to get it. This gives no reason for people who pay to get their items to play bossmodes as I'm sure they aren't interested in the contents of the boxes you get from the bossmodes and the bossmode itself (recycled, boring and tedious).
    Most p2w players are usually geared out so clearing the bossmodes with those p2w players is much easier than having f2p players to clear the bossmodes as they usually don't have any good scrolls/exocores for the bossmodes. This would just make it all the more worse for the bossmode itself as they are already annoying and hard to complete.
    The suggestion i could make for this is to either, change box contents and stop giving us useless stuff like dark stompers for 3 days and give us meaningful items (or just remove them from the boxes completely), increase rates for the wanted items in the boxes and or just make the bossmodes much easier to clear.
  3. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Boss mode is dead and making rare scrolls to do it is pointless.

    If RF ever comes alive again, SE scrolls will be banned from most competitive play + events due to it being rare.
    oTedd likes this.
  4. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    I like the idea of the bossmodes. It gives something different to the game. I just don't like how they executed it. It would be fine if the rates were higher, requires no keys, less useless box contents, wasn't recycled from other bossmodes and much easier to complete. Having an option to pay for it would just completely kill bossmodes which is going to direct people to playing the normal game mode which is what i see people complaining about all the time. There isn't enough variety in this game. This game would never come back alive if the only gamemode to be played is the default one we all play.
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  5. Swordsman

    Swordsman New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Add the other Orichalcon tickets:
    Skull shadow chest
    Christmas 2018 box
    These two existed in medal shop at 1 point
    NeoAlchemist box
    Whisper Wings box
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  6. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    They encourage discussion but locked the main thread.
    If this statement was true, we wouldn't be here in the first place. Our game should mirror the Korean version and vice-versa. There is no point in complaining or suggesting change at this point. Many suggestions have been made and many have fallen on deaf ears and blind eyes. People will complain about loot boxes and continue to buy them. As long as people spend money on this game, these companies will think they are doing a good job and continue doing the same stuff.
  7. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Pretty sure Nimonix was aware of the player base size of OGPLanet compared to redfox. I hope they don’t think that they are doing a good job with this size decrease and revenue cut.
  8. Yeezus

    Yeezus Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Official Response from Nimonix:

    Ultimaeo992, tamirtov, oTedd and 3 others like this.
  9. MyHero

    MyHero Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    That orichalcon idea is amazing I really hope they add that. I would enjoy playing this game more
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  10. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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  11. Deltro

    Deltro Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    out of all the 102290423 suggestions you posted this is prolly the only one that could actually be viable for a couple of lazy koreans working in a cubicle to implement in this glorified lootbox fighter. If even bottom of the barrel gacha phone games that are 100% upfront about milking your money (like rf) can have guaranteed pulls after x amt, then why can't rf?

    that is, if nimonix could understand english
  12. Prizmo

    Prizmo Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    29: and I need you to REALLY pay close attention to this one..

    ADD ALL OF THE 2017 SUGGESTION CONTEST WINNERS’ ITEMS TO THE SHOP. Also, put Trigger in game. Thanks.
    NeoStrayFox likes this.
  13. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    I agree with all of this. It's interesting that NimoniX (or any of it's partners or sister companies) don't give any data or information on it's concurrent players. Whether it's good or bad it's a game developers job to sell it's assets to potential consumers. Even if the concurrent players for RFNA was 100-200 players a week that could interest streamers/influencers to play the game and get more business.

    It just doesn't seem like most of what NimoniX does is in interest to RFNA. Either they don't have good representation in North America, their data and statistics regarding their players has bad algorithms, or they don't have a COO (Chief Operations Officer, or any position to the same extent) or the like that doesn't see a need for RFNA to improve.

    I don't know if it's intentionally but it just seems like bad business. But obviously it's working, players have been complaining about these problems for months on RedFox and we don't necessarily see any major changes.

    I like to think of the Yoda quote when talking about NimoniX and Rumble Fighter:

  14. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    To clearify since some comments seem to talk about Nimonix/RFNA.

    RF was developped for a very long time ALONE by Nimonix (Along the lines of 1999-2002 ish). It managed to become decently nice to the point where Gretech invested into it to help further build it/correct it in 2005. Closed beta into Open beta peaked up to 30,000 players back in 2005 by 15 days of Open beta.

    The game was then officially released. In 2007, Gretech wanted to expand to NA and partnered up with OGPlanet to offer a North American version of the game.

    In May 2008, WeMade Entertainment announce that it has acquired all global copyrights of Gem Fighter from Gretech. They managed advertisements, updates, etc. Nimonix along side of WeMade worked, coded and designed the game together.

    Now the thing is, WeMade gave up on RFNA. They didn't scrap it, but they didn't want it. So that contract ended upon renewal. Where things went sour is that the new contract was that they would only work on Gem Fighter. WeMade obviously was "milking the game", knowing they would abandon it next contract came around. Good coding didn't exist, game was milking every update. Adding stuff, never fixing, never thinking of the future, never thinking about RF NA. Now Nimonix had to do everything alone to add it to RF NA, infact they had to play around in codes they didn't even create to bring us items. They had to translate, etc.

    Wemade pretty much made all of the $ when RF was alive, milked it and did not make it future proof. Now Nimonix, is dealing with an outdated game, less resources and help; with a game that they did not fully create.

    Pretty much the only thing that will save RF is: An investment or a great Contract.
    Yeezus likes this.
  15. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Wait I don't understand.
    Why would wemade give up on NA though? It's not like they're working on an entirely different game. It's legit just a regional port that only needed some translations.
  16. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I suggested a safety net / mercy rule for spender events for boxes back in OGP/GC, its not happening. Nearly all gaves have been moving to the lootbox system since like 2004 but very few actually have a safety net so it's unlikely its gonna happen here.
  17. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Updating thread incase who knows ;)
  18. oTedd

    oTedd Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Yes Add SE scrolls to shop, I'll never farm BM in my life. There's nothing fun about PvE in RF, and the idea that you need to run it hundreds of times for a CHANCE at getting an item for its entire FORMULA is just retarded.
    At least make something like a Merit Quest where if you run the certain BM a number of times you get it's designated scroll as a guaranteed PERM drop.
  19. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    It's reason of 3rd party existed.
  20. IamGoD

    IamGoD Active Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Bring back Fusion guild.
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