Notice Reminder: Punishment for Rule Violation

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [GM]Ahri, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Hello Nine Dragons Community,

    While we do our best to find and correct as many bugs as possible within our games, there will always be small imperfections which players may find a way to exploit. We hope that players report these imperfections as they are found so that we have an opportunity to correct these issues. However, some players will inevitably take the opportunity to exploit the bug to gain an advantage within the game.

    In our quest to be more transparent with you guys, please take a look at the punishment below.

    Botting, Hacking, or Glitch Abuse
    We want to remind everyone that the use of 3rd party software or hardware allowing you to automate gameplay or gain access to privileges which players do not normally have will result in a ban. Additionally, the abuse of glitches in the game to gain benefits will also lead to a ban.

    Punishment for Botting and Glitch Abuse offense are as follows:
    1st Offense: Warning with 3-7 days ban (case by case)
    2nd Offense: 1 Month
    3rd Offense: Permanent

    Punishment for Hacking offense are as follows:
    1st Offense: Permanent

    Real Money Transaction
    The purchase and sale of gold, items or accounts for real-life currency are against the terms of use. Doing so will result in your account and accounts on your IP being blocked anywhere from 1 month to permanently at our discretion depending on severity.

    Punishment for this offense are as follows:
    1st Offense: Permanent

    Additionally, it is also important that discussion stays within the forum rules. In particular:
    • We do not allow naming and shaming. Accusations of misconduct directed at anyone, even if not explicitly named, are not acceptable. If you feel someone is cheating, any information needs to be sent to us privately.
    • We do not allow disciplinary actions to be discussed for specific members, whether named or not. General discussion of 9D policy is acceptable, but not a commentary on what may have happened with specific people. Staff will not discuss the moderation status of an account publicly or state whether an account has or has not been actioned. Allowing others to speculate on this can lead to a host of problems, and we are unable to clarify.
    • Flaming or bashing is not allowed. This goes for abusive and disruptive comments and behavior that are directed at RedFox Games employees and Nine Dragons community members, alike.
    • Demands or threats, specifically directed at the 9D team or suspected exploiters.

    If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know! Thank you for your continued support of RedFox Games and for playing Nine Dragons.
    Chardzard, 231tomino, naycho and 2 others like this.
  2. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    An additional update: A patch to fix the healer's formation bug will be applied to live server in February.
    jerometazer likes this.
  3. RaoVat

    RaoVat New Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I concern about this: accounts on your IP being blocked anywhere from 1 month to permanently
    Please be noted that the IP address in Vietnam and most Asian countries is dynamic IP, it not static. That mean you will receive new IP after reboot modem (the isp do this usually in Vietnam) then you may receive the IP which released from other.
    PaulWillis likes this.
  4. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    GM i not hack but im telling you i get 3 gifts from accumulated gifts? tonight i get
  5. ZickLee

    ZickLee New Member

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Selling game items for real gold issue, get ur personal FB account and join the group on FB =D There's a lot of surprise inside group =D
    Bottin issue, they still survive ingame and hiding somewhere to set bottin. Most of the bottin acc are someone alt
    PaulWillis, AxeHandle and exShadow like this.
  6. Domingo

    Domingo Active Member

    Jun 10, 2018
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    You lied about text error fix. I dont believe you
    PaulWillis likes this.
  7. mkcbelt07

    mkcbelt07 New Member

    Jan 7, 2019
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    i don't think ur taking it serious though... ever since, there are lot's of abusers and hackers, even stacker of relics in this game...
    reported.. yes maybe, but i think spenders have the privilege not to be ban,.. why? they still playing...

    for example, how can a Nuker and a Warrior farm Fox Boss in KL and kill it as if they're not damaged nor being disrupted by stun and etc.?
    exShadow and zonking like this.
  8. Terrorhavoc

    Terrorhavoc Member

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I understand what you say loud and clear,i just hope the ones who cheat,progress for that cheating period would be rolled back or taken away,cause it seems like a good joke for them,they cheat and lie then accuse others!!
    PandorasBox, Peachy and exShadow like this.
  9. Evilone

    Evilone Member

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Praise the Emperor!
    I am glad to see some movement in the right direction. Last year i was hunting "bots" in Kunlun for a while to enforce the fair-play spirit into The Land (Cheers! cough cough ...)
    Regarding real money trades. As a super duper big spender in item mall, this aspect is making me very happy. (Maybe this way I will be able to buy the things i miss with cc, without people openly daring to reply "$$$" or "Paypal" on whisper) Do not get me wrong, cc is still real money, but this way the server can survive. [To be honest, the big spenders in item mall are looked down in this game by the "free players" and by the "pro farmers". Let me spit out a piece of real life truth: without people like my friends and like myself (we are talking here about tens of thousands of dollars invested in item mall, just to keep the server alive) you guys (pro or free players) would be playing private versions or looking for Korean social security numbers.]
    About the bug abusers: Dear GM, from my point of view there is no difference between someone who is hacking and someone who is using a bug because their intent is the same: to get an unfair advantage. So, from my point of view, if one gets permanent ban at first strike, so should the other.
    Also, even if most people are not considering this as bad, using LOS spots in dungeons is also abusing a game flaw (glitching). The game was not intended to be played that way. I do not think GM will enforce this because that will reduce server population with at least 90%.
    I have a question for you guys: How is cheating helping you be better players?
    This game should be about cooperative playing. This game should be about working together to get the darn level and to farm those op items that will become useless every few patches (even if u had to camp the same bosses for them for like 4-5 months to get them:))).
    Let me tell u something: having the maximum level and the best gear means nothing in the end. It is just a game. Is how u get there, the journey that is important. I, for myself i have 4 IS ++ chars, and quite a few HI 12. Do i cherish any of them? I do not give a darn if tomorrow they make the server clean and we all have to start from zero. What i cherish about this game is the over 100 people that i helped to get to HI in the process of grinding my chars. Cheers friends!
    Wanderers FTW!
    Chardzard likes this.
  10. WindStruck

    WindStruck Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    It should be perma bans all around and the crackdown on player behaviour should have happened months ago, a lot of “pro” players are leaving or barely log in these days for the pure fact there’s no point anymore when we work so hard to get decent items and someone just bugs and auto farms for a week and gets so strong so fast that we ( the people who play by the rules ) become useless overnight.

    That’s the quickest way to kill a honest players will to keep logging in, mine included.

    Thankyou to the GMs and CMs for doing what you can, but unfortunately it does feel a bit like it’s too little too late.
  11. Elsikerins

    Elsikerins Active Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Well i would love few additions to botting abuse... or any other abuse to gain advantage over other players.
    Is all the accounts used by same IP being banned.
    Their obtained goodies should be confiscated and just deleted permanently without return.
    And i would love to see an actual banlist of people with their bans with times. Makes me feel better knowing that they are actually banned and who are the ones who hack. It's not a secret anyways for most part, but shouldn't be anyways.
    As you guys say you ban people at your own discretion. We would very much like a proof that all our efforts to report (not mine. i didnt report, but i bet the ones who report would love to see the fruit of it) pay off.
    Terrorhavoc, Peachy and exShadow like this.
  12. qaonly

    qaonly Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Bann account by ip is not fair for the players who play game in the net room:
  13. dylzer

    dylzer New Member

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Why is it that when players report any illegal activity , which is posted on other websites that RF states that they cannot accept evidence from any secondary sites . Surely they need to change the rules so they can accept the evidence that is blatantly obvious of players selling items for actual $$$$$ . Yet they say that its not proof and they can just carry on and sell items for real $$$$; Botters and exploiters in game abound ,yet they are allowed to do whatever they like with no punishment , even after numerous players have reported them even with proof of their underhanded and illegal activities , they are still allowed to play with no punishment at all. The game is going rapidly downhill , I myself know of numerous players that have left the game because RF are doing nothing to rectify that situation. Also they have lied to us in the past on certain issues , so is it any wonder tat players are dissatisfied with the fact that nothing is being done to fix the problem.
    exShadow and Alexsandor like this.
  14. Bolawayy

    Bolawayy Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    "Real Money Transaction
    The purchase and sale of gold, items or accounts for real-life currency are against the terms of use. Doing so will result in your account and accounts on your IP being blocked anywhere from 1 month to permanently at our discretion depending on severity."

  15. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    I agree with naming and shaming people with a list of punishments.

    I don't know what its like in other countries in the world but here in Australia unless a court case is closed for a special reason I can just go on down to the court house and sit in and watch/listen any legal case that I want to (not that I would) yet RF want to protect the identity of people cheating the system....
    exShadow likes this.
  16. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Yep, You can watch/listen, but probably it`s forbidden to write/say in public (f.e media/TV) full name of
    accused in a lawsuit person. Noone can say: " Mr. Ozbud is accused of...." but only "Mr. O. is acused of......".
    So it`s not the same to watch/listen and to write/say somebody`s name. Am I right?

    In Europe (I`m from Poland) we have General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR], and in some cases even Nickname from forum is protected by this law. So can`t agree with You about "RF want to protect the identity of people". Probably they can`t publish them.

    Despite this, I would gladly see a list of punished people.
    Chardzard likes this.
  17. PandorasBox

    PandorasBox Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Not all server does this speak for yourself
    GOODZILLA, Chardzard and 231tomino like this.
  18. Elsikerins

    Elsikerins Active Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    As for scripts and this kind of abuse
    I realise hardware&software type of macros could be considered as advantage too.
    I have my SteelSeries Rival 300 mouse macro quite simply set on many different functions and it's ofcourse handy and reduces risk of me breaking my keyboard because of too intense facerolling on it.
    Currently it's left mouse/click on repeat 100times per second
    2. A+[space] repeat sequence 12 times per second
    3. Enter button on repeat 100 times per second ( so i can sell items in npc without having to bother with pressing enter to accept the trade) - this currently leads me to constant game crashes. i have tried lower repeat times but it still seems too fast or something.
    Is this considered taboo/allowed. Im tending towards taboo myself and have no problems not using it. I have strong thumb in the left finger anyways .
  19. Nekolady313

    Nekolady313 Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Pretty much all top players buy and sell items for real money, come on you guys had to know this for year's, i can even PM you a whole list if you want me to LOL
  20. Ultim8sage

    Ultim8sage Member

    May 3, 2016
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    If somebody reports a player for breaking a rule, and they are found to be breaking a rule, is it possible to send a private message back on the initial report, stating that action has been taken against the mentioned player? (if so) Personally I think this would be a great way to check the status of the report, and I don't know if there already is any way to check what kind of effect the player report has had.

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