PvP Solutions Poll

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Acidhedz, Mar 3, 2016.


Which Solution Do You Think Is Best For PvP and PvE Cohabitation?

  1. A Bag That Turns off PvP + Anti-PK Buff

    2 vote(s)
  2. A Toggle Switch on the Log-In Screen

    6 vote(s)
  3. An Anti-PvP Self-Buff Anyone Can Learn

    13 vote(s)
  4. An option similar to Epithet that cannot be changed for 2 hours after switching

    6 vote(s)
  1. Zaraton

    Zaraton Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    1. Killing mobs is to ensure they can't afk somewhere that people won't find them and no mobs are around. It ensures the player is actively playing to remove the cooldown.
    2. People in PvP know the risk and maybe 4 hours is slightly too high but minimum 2 hours as a way to deter players from switching at will. You won't constantly get ganked by someone to run your number sky high before it runs out. This could be modified where it starts at 4-6 hours and every mob kill subtracts 5-10 minutes from the timer.
    3. There won't be any feature put in place without compromise so need to have a give and take attitude. Give something that PvPers would like so in return they will be more willing to accept the method of turning PvP off on a per player basis not the server or maps.
    4. For the anti-PvP system I mentioned the previous Hermit buff cost and having to run to grab it. Yes, 100k can be annoying but by LD you'll have well over that amount and earn 100k per weapon drops (maybe make Hermit buff 25k running and 50k/75k if you grab it out on the field. If you saw I said convert from the buff (NPC based) to a Player Skill that you purchase from clan NPC for 200 Clan Contribution or something like that lasts 30 minutes and you can recast it like any other buff (maybe include levels where it goes up to 1 hour). However, The buff should be disabled until PvP timer runs out.
    5. 15 levels is the average number of a player definitely not being able to defend themselves. However, If the if the number is moved closer to player level the limit would be at most 10 levels below said player being as close as it gets or make it so a player can't touch another player 10+ levels difference from said player's level.
    Yes, There is coding that will need to be done but these are easy to create. The reason your methods aren't viable isn't because of coding issues but because they will be more of an annoyance to players than a benefit.

    Ingame button means one you can access while playing your character and not at login screen is what I meant. It will need the cooldowns mentioned ofcourse so this isn't abused. Also, I missed the skill buff bubble.
  2. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    1. Why should this be a requirement though? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just want to know the reasoning behind it. Why do they need to be killing things, rather than just hanging out?
    You said they would have more time added every time they engage in PvP, which means win or lose they can end up having hours added to the cooldown because you want them out killing mobs where people can attack them.
    It's one thing to make switching less easy to reduce PKer exploiting it, and another to make it a serious pain in the rear to switch back and forth.

    If it could be coded so that the cooldown resets if they initiate PvP combat, that would ensure they can't PK and run. Much simpler.

    2. The while point of this thread is finding the best solution to get equality for everyone. There is no reason why we should have to kow tow to the PvP players. It's ridiculous to feel like concessions must be made to them, just because they are too childish to accept that not everyone likes playing games the same way they do. Quite frankly the server would be better off without them, perhaps raise the overall quality of the clientele.

    3. It's not the cost its self, it's the principle of the thing. Why should we have to pay just to turn off a feature we don't want to use? I don't have to pay or get a buff to turn off chat, lions roar, party requests, duel requests, band requests, or any of the other stuff in options. And there is no reason to treat PvP any different. Lots of people play the game for those features too, and none of them are demanding special concessions because some people don't want to use them.

    4. Okay, but that really belongs in a discussion about ways to improve PvP, not a thread about the best solution to get equality for all the play styles.

    What is your reasoning that any of those things will be more annoying?

    I can imagine people who want to switch between PvP and PvE finding your solutions extremely annoying.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  3. Hegemonic

    Hegemonic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I want a anti-pk **** that works the same way as the anti-posting buff you can get from hermit
  4. Zaraton

    Zaraton Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Here are the reasons I feel 3 of your 4 options aren't that good.
    • The issue with it being in the login screen and not an accessible feature while already in the game means you have to log out to switch between the two. Extra work for a player and more time spent with loading screens (worse for players with lower end PCs).
    • Bag option will only hurt the casual PvPers as they will be forced to switch in a lengthy process while hardcore PvPers will already have a quick plan for it. Only the 100% PvE players and Hardcore PvPers win here.
    • The epithet route means you have to sacrifice a good epithet for one that only allows PvP. Unless there are stats to go along with the PvP flag I don't see any merit for this.
    As I said before it needs to be accessible without having to log out but still not able to be abused. A button in the options menu, skill buff, hermit buff, or toggle switch on the User Interface means minimum down time.

    As for the hermit buff I was going by previous costs for it and I doubt they will remove the fee if it is implemented.

    The PvP timer thing is it starts 6~12 hours and counts down gradually independent of mob killing. Reasonable time frame for being logged in afk in a hidden area and they do exist. Then mobs drop the time by 10~15 minutes per kill. This means if you kill 48 to 72 mobs you completely wipe the PvP timer. The player killing part can be tweaked to someone can only kill a specific player once every 3~4 hours and only within 10 levels of own level.

    This is something I thought on many times whereas you are full anti-PvP when the hardcore PvPers are anti-PvE. There needs to be compromise to reach a mutual agreement or nothing will get accomplished. It is just how the world works.
  5. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    You will not get any new content that does not generate money.

    If you want to disagree, name content that didn't involve some kind of real world payment?
  6. Zaraton

    Zaraton Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    It depends on the situation. Yes, Money and financial aspect is a major role in a company's decision. However, If a company feels they will lose too much without improving things then it will be changed. A company modifies things when there is enough risk to revenue at the same scale they will add stuff to improve revenue. Avoiding revenue loss by adding certain features that don't directly add revenue is considered damage control.
  7. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    1. It is a compromise between ease for those who want to switch, and difficulty for those who would abuse it.

    2. Fair enough.

    3. Read it again. I said LIKE the epithet, not an actual epithet. IE, a toggle in options or the character screen that has a 2 hour cooldown LIKE the epithet system.

    Why does it NEED to be that complicated? A toggle with a strict 2 hour cool down that resets if they initiate combat is way simpler.

    I am not anti-PvP for anyone other than myself. Unlike them, who think everyone should have to play their way, and actually look down on anyone who doesn't.
    A PvP toggle is already a compromise rather than having the whole server go PvE, which is where things are headed now. They are the ones who refuse to even rationally discuss the matter. That makes them bigots, and nothing is ever gained from trying to reason or negotiate with bigots.
  8. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    A server that can support more play styles means more people playing. More people playing means more opportunity to make money.
    More play styles means a wider potential for new content. More new content means more people playing. More people playing means more people spending money.

    Any questions?
  9. Dromi

    Dromi Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    GW had an option when u created your char as in make it a PVE char or PVP char, but that would mean one char for each playstyle no more mix and match, so probably not a good idea
  10. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    You want a good reason to not have the server on PvP with no way to turn it off?

    Okay, fine.

    Let's consider what happens if that's what they do.

    They announce that they are going back to a PvP server, and not even having the Pk buff.

    First, they lose everyone like me. HALLELUJAH you shout.

    But then over the next few weeks you lose all the other PvE players, all the causal PvP players, everyone who gets sick of drama, the PKing and the tedious grind. Lastly you lose everyone who can't afford to keep up with the ones who spend lots of money.

    MMORPGS may not be as prolific as they used to be, but there are still lots of options. So while this server is hemorrhaging it's population new people will not stick around to "transfuse" it.

    Before long there is no one left to PK and the PKers all leave to find someplace else to troll people.

    You end up with a server with a tiny population of uberleet hardcore PvP gamers... who spent a bunch of money to get to the top... and suddenly have nothing else to spend money on.

    The server dies.

    This is not guessing. It is not hyperbole. It is simple inductive logic, and probability based on the previous PvP servers.
    Perfection likes this.
  11. jrjrjrjrjr

    jrjrjrjrjr New Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Idk if this would be a great way to do it but I'm just throwing out my opinion
    I think that you should make it to where there is a lvl limit like u can make it like 20 lvls or so on so forth but not use all these buffs your talking about just make it to where if you kill a player you get a decant reward drop idk what the play would drop but IMO it should be decant that way it would give pve players an incentive to PvP on accathoin but also make it to where only so many drops from PvP a day

    ( this is not all my thought but just putting it out there if ppl like it I could add the rest of my thought on how to not exsplot incentive for pve and a compermis for pvpers and a way so that pvp ERS r limited to pking in a sertan lvl range to keep griffing and random pking on lowbes
  12. voodoo56

    voodoo56 New Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    As someone who has played mmo's for years, and have experienced pvp in many ways, here is my 2 cents. What we have in 9D is not PVP. Pvp is a test of skills between equal players. You remove all Def gear and use only skills against you foe. The better skilled player wins. In 9D we only have wanton slaughter by "higher lvl NOOBS" attacking defenseless lower lvls just for the fun of it. They come in all varieties, US, Viet, CN, Turk, European, whatever. PK in any mmo is against the TOS of said games. The problem is not with our toxic player base alone, RF must stand up and make a decision quickly before this issue ruins this revival of 9D. If RF does not decide soon, TS2 will also be the same way. PVP is fantastic when each player wants to test skills, BUT it sucks when one with op gear always wins. You PK fanatics are pitiful bullies who will cry for mommy when you can no longer 1 or 2 shot lowbies in real pvp. PK enthusiasts are a total minority is this and all MMO's. The server should do what my Korean nephew in Seoul says they do to PK'ers in games he plays. High lvl guilds hunt them and camp them for days and PK them non stop until they quit or change. PK'ers your days are numbered. CYA
    Perfection likes this.
  13. jrjrjrjrjr

    jrjrjrjrjr New Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Sorry its run together typing not my best subject but I can try to explain it better if other ppl like it and I got a whole lot to make it better but I'm just a thought so nopoint unless other ppl agrees
  14. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I have something of a solution. Though to be honest there isn't a concrete solution to a subjective topic like this one and it probably has holes like any other theory but here goes. Most of the community join leagues (especially with league buff now) so I think an ally/enemy system could be worked in. Some leagues like warring with other leagues so they could sign onto something (like a board in hefei) so that they are known to be a hostile league. Now say league a has a dispute with league b so then league b would then sign on and they are "officially" at war and can then open world to their hearts content. Now any league that wants neutrality can not sign anything but if they attack someone from a warring league they get a warning or something (kind of like howyou get wanted status) and after a few offences they are automatically brought into
    it. This way people who want to stay neutral can and those who like to start trouble can be weeded out before they cause anyone not wishing to be a part of it any grief. Also bringing back Black vs. White war once a week but make it on a bigger scale. That way both sides can coexist somewhat peacefully.
  15. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Having said all that they probably couldn't impliment this. They can't get a daily reward prize right. But I think it could work
  16. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    That sounds like an interesting way to make PvP more interesting. But it doesn't do anything about the fact that a lot of people would rather avoid PvP altogether, or only do it when they feel like doing it.

    Some of us just don't like PvP. I don't know why you all find this such a hard concept to grasp. I can turn off every other community feature in the game. Why should the one thing that allows other players to FORCE me to do something not be something I can turn off?
    I can ignore or deny all the others, but I can't do anything about open-PvP if someone attacks me. And no, fighting back isn't an option because I DON'T LIKE PVP.

    It's the online equivalent to me saying... I would like to eat dinner here because I like this restaurant. I order what I want, then other customers come over and tell me I have to eat asparagus with them because they love it. I tell them I don't like asparagus, I'll take broccoli instead. But they insist I must eat the asparagus, and proceed to cram it into my mouth. This isn't going to make me enjoy asparagus. Nothing is going to make me enjoy asparagus. What they are doing is making me hate them.
    And all the while the people who run the restaurant are just standing there doing nothing. Many of their customers have left, or are going to leave, because of these insane asparagus lovers. But they stare and do nothing.
    Now, in the past there were two different restaurants. One for the asparagus lovers, and one for the people who don't like it.
    But now there is only one. So they can either take steps that will end with one or the other group not coming back, or they can put up a shield in the middle of the restaurant to keep the asparagus lovers from forcing people to eat asparagus. But since some people occasionally like eating asparagus, there is a little security door they can use to get to the asparagus side of the restaurant.


    Pretty much the same as well. Yes, PKing is a problem. For people who like, or don't mind, PvP. But a significant number of people don't like PvP at all, or only like it when they can choose to do it.

    At a personal level, it's a violation of my personal space. And frankly, I absolutely hate anyone having power over me, like being able to force me into PvP.
    I consider the entire concept of open-pvp to be barbaric, and I don't like organized PvP either.

    Objectively PvP is not important to the game. It's just another feature, no different to any of the other things that can be turned off in options. There is no reason those of us that don't like it, shouldn't be able to turn it off for ourselves.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016

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