Bugging traps in kl?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WindStruck, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    can't have been too much of a punishment, there's at least 3 characters that I've seen using bug still running around. One was even still doing it then teleported healer away as soon as I turned up so didn't have time to take video or SS
    exShadow likes this.
  2. exShadow

    exShadow Active Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Yes, they are still there and still continue doing the same glitch even though we did our part as players. The rest is on how RedFox manage and run the business, showing to public how they handle the bug abusers.
  3. rigorteam

    rigorteam New Member

    Oct 19, 2018
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    Hey RF, seems like you guys are not taking this issue seriously, we spend loads on IM, what about these cheaters? i doubt they even spend a single cent, unless they sell their ill gotten gains for CC or real $$$..... extremely disappointing.....
  4. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Our list is about 15 users that we have taken action on so far and is still growing. Like we said, we may miss some users here and there, but if they continue to abuse this bug, we will eventually catch them. First offense is a 1 week ban with a warning. Second offense will be a permanent ban.
    khanarya, Peachy and exShadow like this.
  5. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Thanks for your response. A weak punishment in my opinion but that's beyond my control.
    As for the items and exp they have gained through using this bug, do they lose those or are they still going to be better off then most players when they come back in a week?
    Also, do RF know how they are able to use this bug? Are any measures being taken to close the loophole permitting people to use this bug or are people just going to be able to use it and RF is forever behind the ball trying to catch people doing it instead of trying to prevent it?
    exShadow likes this.
  6. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We will not be removing any items obtained through using this bug. Within a weeks time, everyone should be all caught up. :)

    Furthermore, we are well aware of how this bug works, and have already reported it to our developers for a solution.

    Thank you for your patience in the mean time.
    exShadow likes this.
  7. exShadow

    exShadow Active Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    That's the excellent points you highlighted. Totally agree. Once and for all, since RedFox already known the rootcause, should be able to prevent and keep track by logging or whichever measure necessary in coding to track this to prevent future incidents.

    Thanks, NineArts. Justice is being served. Appreciate it for doing the right things. But the action taken seems very light to such offenders since we've already seen and known the way they are doing for almost a year. If action taken is not serious, anyone will do the same for months in Dungeon where nobody could see, and IF RedFox found out, they will just happily accept 1 week ban, and back to game as per normal. 1 week banned for all such easy farming and easy stuffs which could sell for cash in Facebook Community is totally worth it to sacrifice for. Would be the best if those offenders account were take out or at least remove all of their items. They do deserve it.
  8. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We appreciate your input. However that is the decision we have come to.

    Since there were no warnings issued previously, this is it.

    Exiling users from a game they love without warning of their behavior isn't exactly fair either. We would much rather compromise to have a better gaming experience for all users.
    Alexsandor and exShadow like this.
  9. WindStruck

    WindStruck Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Firstly I’d like to thanks ninearts and the team for taking action.

    While the community is as a whole, really angry about this abuse of a bug it’s good to see that our developers are taking interest in what we say, they could have left this and done nothing but hey, minor bans are a step in the right direction !

    And I have a question.
    Are you banning the healers that are bugging formations, or the teams that are taking advantage of what one healer is doing ?

    It’s one thing to ban a healer, and even a permanent ban will slow them down but not stop them.

    Is there a way or are you working on a way of punishing the rest of the team for taking advantage ?

    These days leveling up a healer enough to drop traps is not hard, and these teams will keep making new accounts for the pure fact it’s not affecting their main characters in any way.

    ALOT of people can double log characters with two pc’s making it allmost pointless issuing bans to just the healers that are bugging.

    But again, until a fix is issued thankyou from us, the players that just want to play the game, enjoy the challenge of killing a map boss and just want everyone to play fair.
    exShadow likes this.
  10. Peachy

    Peachy Active Member

    Dec 25, 2015
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    I asked this same question this morning.. unfortunately, below is the reply..
    “Regardless, we are only taking action against the characters actually abusing the bug.”
    So you can still see the rest of the glitching team around, mostly the tanker(s), where probably all the farmed items are on them.
    exShadow likes this.
  11. ZickLee

    ZickLee New Member

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Thanks you GM/CM team

    For my oppinion, as exShadow if GM don't delete those items they had gained. They'll sell it for $ in 9d FB community, but i think we just don't buy any items by $ or even ingame gold. I know that my idea is dumb, but at least we don't support them bug anymore, cuz if we buy that mean they know we need it and they still keep cheating. If u guys understand vietnamese language, u will see how they are challenge GM. Cuz they speak like this: "i challenge GM banned me, i still use bug, so what ?" , "it's the error of this game, so why we don't take advantage on this error and gain items ?" That what they've said in vietnamese and i translate here, if i say something lie just banned my account perm. I hope for the next maintainence, GM/CM should find a way that can block the bottin tools when they start in the same time with game. Thanks for ur time to read my comment, my English is bad sorry :D
    exShadow likes this.
  12. Pang4

    Pang4 New Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    a warning finger for the botter/exploiter and a slap in the face of all legit Player.

    just my point of your politic of FAIRNESS.
    exShadow likes this.
  13. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    No within a weeks time we should not all be caught up. they are able to solo the hardest bosses in game while duel logging their healer alt and therefore get all the loot obtained from doing so.

    for the general population we need a tanker and 2-3 healers just to be able to survive what they can easily do and have to share the loot so no, we will not be caught up or equal.

    Get a party together and try to kill the bosses and see what it's like
    exShadow, TornadoLi and Elsikerins like this.
  14. Elsikerins

    Elsikerins Active Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Completely agree with Ozbud ! It's just a laugh in honest player faces. Some glitch/bug exploiters get to face some 1 week ban and get back into game and play with their farmed relics while we are still trying to play legit and honest and true way and struggle to get lvl 1 relic for whole party and then move on to lvl 2 while some fycker gets his lvl6-7 relic and sits back for 1 week and then goes ape with OP relics. Much justice in this :D
    exShadow and TornadoLi like this.
  15. KaptainSmoke

    KaptainSmoke Member

    May 15, 2016
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    I think NineArts meant they would be caught up with their bans and warnings within a week? But it's good to see they are doing something at least, I think the punishment should have been heavier. Some players will just continue to do this and make new accounts. Banning an account they don't care about will do nothing, will only slow them down a day or two while they powerlevel a new healer.
    exShadow likes this.
  16. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    took me a week but I finally figured out how these dam buggers are doing it. its actually quite easy. Have sent in a ticket to support in case RF staff are only claiming they know how it works when they actually dont
    exShadow and WindStruck like this.
  17. WindStruck

    WindStruck Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    I sent them a ticket when I made this thread with a detailed explanation on how the bug is reproduced and even a video of it being done.

    They know how it’s being done, they just need to figure out a way to stop it...
    exShadow likes this.
  18. Fannypack

    Fannypack Member

    Dec 12, 2018
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    Windy I was on for just a few hours,just enough to see when they lot on and do the exploiting and it's not even 1 group anymore..now you can see 4 or t groups at a time bugging traps and pking each other for bosses

    And what annoys the most it's that RD said those ppl for 1 week ban but anytime of the day I log in,i see bromance and thienda,RQS,Nhat and even GT going about on map trap bugging for the past week and yet GM say they banned them
  19. ThienToanNguyen

    ThienToanNguyen Active Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    GT has no healers and he dose not even know how to do it <========
    What a conclusion
  20. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    What we said was that we have taken the appropriate action. If they were not banned, that means that they were not abusing the bug. Asking us to investigate if you have a suspicion is appreciated, however that does not mean the user is in-fact using the bug. :)

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