9D Gift Cards?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KProphetK, Aug 8, 2023.

  1. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Can someone outside of the USA tell me if, I got a CVS Gift Card from here in the USA for the "Player Event", can it be used by players that dont live here? Just want to know if I got it and gave the winner the code off the card can it be used by those players?

    I havne't forgotten about the even at all. My son had spinal surgery last Wednesday and its been hell the last few days dealing with him and the hospital.

    Trying to get all things sorted for the event so that Yin and Tao can take part.

    Ty all - GL and HF!
  2. superdildog

    superdildog Active Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Not meant to spam your post but I saw few days ago in-game about your son's surgery. How did it go? I hope it went well and I hope he's doing fine and a speedy recovery.
    KProphetK likes this.
  3. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Ty for asking. It went well for now. He had a tumor in his upper spine that was the size of a walnut and 5 inches long. If he had not had the surgery now, in a few weeks the Dr's said he would have been paralyzed. Right now hes in Intensive care and slowly getting some feeling back in his upper legs. His nerves are going crazy and causing a lot of pain, but with faith and time, I hope he regains feeling and the use of his legs.

    It means a lot for you asking!

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