About the events

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Manaphon, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. Manaphon

    Manaphon Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Hello Nine Dragons staff!

    So about events that differs from Kr and our version cause of the "content" not being caught up.
    Would you request for a 3 year anniversary for our server? With reqards with the "content" that we have aviable?

    Inner 3 set, GoW set, flag 3 set, ref event?

    Cause lets be honest this Xmas event was pretty underwhelming.
    Ok, we may not have inner 4, and we just had an event with inner 3. But the Collection it self and even the stats for decos are way different.

    High levels could with no problem take part of the hunt for rudolfs since they 2 hit them, but lower people not so much. Low levels really need a "better" motivation to stay in game, rather than a slap in the face from the developers.

    So what do you say? Is it actually possible to ask them for an anniversary event?

    Don't leave this hanging, just an answer yes/no is good enough.
    Den0ne likes this.
  2. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    In 3 years time they had like 3 decent events, 4 if you double count summer events that were pretty much the same besides inner level 3 set added in the 2nd summer event. If you add the IM boxes you might get a couple extra decent events, but then again I don't think anyone wants more of that, events should never be about stuff in Item Mall, but redfox always had a different idea regarding it.

    I think you are asking to much from them to give something decent for their aniversary besides some IM boxes/items.

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