Additional Patch information

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Onrain, Jun 23, 2018.


Would You like to see a more Detailed Patch Notes Post

  1. Yes, please more details

  2. No, what we have now is fine.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Doesnt matter to me

  1. Onrain

    Onrain New Member

    Mar 13, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I think it would be wise to actually have detailed patch notes provided about this latest patch, so we can see what changes have been made to classes and such. Rather than just a brief "passive, skills, charge have been changed".

    Going in to the game this blind about the changes isn't good. Also explaining what changes or lack there of are intended. (For example Advanced Med/Steps not being adjusted)

    While the changes are welcome it has come to my attention that the game is isolating clans more and more, no longer allowing buffs to be shared with the exception of healers and even then only being able to buff same clan characters.

    I see the want of variety for med steps, but if advanced med/steps were no long intended to be used then they should have been removed from the game.

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