Assemble and Disassemble System This system allow you to create very nice ornament, weapons and deco. The boost are high but this system has a success rate, you may have to try more than one time. You will not lose the original item (ornament, weapon or deco) if it fail, but you will lose the Material required (Red stone, ...). Here the index of that guide: [Disassemble System] To get every item you need for assemble system you need first to disassemble other item. [Assemble System] [Example of Items You can Create] [Combine Items for Pills]
Disassemble System What is Disassemble system? Users can disassemble the weapons and clothes by [Disassemble Tool] and get various disassembled particles. There are different disassembled particles depending on the number of the sockets, refinement grade, level and options when the users disassemble weapons or clothes. The items from the disassemble will be used as materials to assemble. Only weapons and clothes are available for the disassemble. Weapons and clothes bought from NPCs, duration items, and event items are unavailable for disassemble. Eternity deco from the cash shop can be disassemble. Steps 1.) Users can disassemble items with Disassemble Tool. Disassemble Tool can be purchase at the General Store in Hefei. 2.) Go in Peace mode and right click the Disassemble Tool in the bag, the disassemble window will be popped up. 3.) Right click to put the item that you want to disassemble to the disassemble window. 4.) The confirmation window will be pop up when you click ‘disassemble’. If you click ‘yes' on the confirmation window, disassemble will be start. 5.) If the red gauge bar reaches to the end, disassemble ends. The result items will go to disassemble inventory. You cannot cancel the disassemble and cannot use sort during the disassemble. You cannot disassemble if you don’t have enough space in your disassemble bag. You cannot move, cannot use Courier’s guild portal pass, cannot trade with other players, cannot sort inventory, cannot select other characters and cannot close the game while you disassemble. Disassemble Materials and Disassemble Bag 1.) Disassemble Materials You can get different disassemble items depending on the item type The golden powder can be obtained only with permanent deco disassemble. List of item you got by disassembling permanent deco: 7 Golden Powder with 2 slots no stats 29 Golden Powder with 2 slots and stats 29 Golden Powder with four slots +ornaments no stats 29 Golden Powder with slots+ornaments with stats 19 Golden Powder with ornaments + 3 slots no stats 5 Golden Powder with 1 slot + ornaments no stats 2.) Disassemble Inventory [Disassemble Bag] is separated from the normal inventory ( I ). [Disassemble Bag] is only for disassemble items. 5 slots are default setting per one character for the [Disassemble Inventory]. But if you use [Disassemble Bag Expansion Tool], you can expand 25 slots for the max. You cannot sort the [Disassemble bag] and cannot arrange items manually.
Assemble System What is Assemble System? Users can assemble weapons, clothes and accessories using disassembled particles from [Disassemble] This guide give as example the weapon but you can Combine a lot of kind of item and create new one it does apply to relic, accessories, clothes, deco,... There are a lot of NPC with many different assemble around all the Land. Steps 1.) Users can assemble with [Assemble Master NPC] in Hefei. 3 [Assemble Master NPC] are near the assembling place. There are also several assemble NPC over all the Land of 9Dragons. You will also find the NPC assemble of East and West Temple collectibles near these 3 NPC in Hefei. 2.) Go to the NPC and click [Create]. The yellow color title mean that you have enough materials for assemble. 3.) Put all the materials in Assemble window and click Create. Click [Yes] in the confirmation window. 4.) Assemble succeed by certain rate, if you fail, the materials (disassembled particles) will vanish and base materials (weapons, clothes, ornaments, etc.) will not. Assemble gauge increases when you succeed the assemble Notes 1. Hermit's/Heaven's weapon comes with 0 slots (Possible to combine an item (0/4). Assemble system clone your base weapon. 2. Below are the options that won’t change when assemble. Refinement level and Extreme Enhancement. Sockets Hardness(Current hardness and possibility of increasing hardness.) Weapon options 3. Below are the options that will be change when assemble. The number of option changes. The number of option changes of all the weapons that made by assemble system will be reset to 30 counts. Click (L) and click Option changes. Then you can add/change the options of weapons randomly. 4. Assemble succeed rate is different by base weapon’s refinement level. Succeed rate decrease if the refinement level is high.
Example of Items You can Create This is just a list example but there are much more item to combine and even some added often with update. Just keep an eyes on the NPC in Hefei near all previous presented NPC and you will find more. The ornaments: The weapons: With that system you can change: - All the orange weapon for an [Hermit] weapon of equivalent level - All the [Hermit] weapon for a [Heaven] weapon of equivalent level - All the Immortal weapons for a [Heaven] immortal weapon The deco: Here the example of each deco you can create with the corresponding box: Shabby Costume Box Normal Costume Box Fine Costume Box Fancy Costume Box Lucid Costume Box Magical Costume Box Example
Combine item for pill Those collection are the lower one and of course the easiest to complete ! For those collection you need: Flowstone (Low or middle) Golden Thread (Low or middle) Scent Herb : That Item can be found on every mobs or boss of the map where you can combine stuff. Here are the different items you can create: