[EVENT] Demolition Tournament IS RIGGED.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HumoLoco, Feb 28, 2019.

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  1. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    TL;DR; Go f**k yourself.

    Let me show you how are they da unprofessional. Indeed very unprofessional ever I woke in the morning and stared at my french toast.

    Let's start with the people that have been submitted to the Demolition Tournament.

    How the f**k do they selected some shetty player that are not show up or letting their opponent win by get tournament headband so they can bragging about their tournament headband. Make sense? Go rewatch all @Starberry's ugly video. Idk his link. Help yourself find his video.

    Now move on this,

    I heard my children cried like motherfucka. He said this,
    I only cared about the bold above. I didn't understand what he mean, but til last night i had good time by watching hentai but something popped in my brain. its ruined my last night smh. That's why i am here to make this thread to piss yall off.

    I dont understand why RedFox staff choose Starberry as shetty tournament ambassador, but whatever. We have a very long history with @Starberry back in OGP. I still dont understand it at all. No time to looking into @Starberry's past. cuz everyone already know he was screwed up. Now let's read his ugly professional post.
    Holy cow, DeathScooby won the 64 top? but wait why did they put him in the 64 top again? I dont understand. Help me understand?

    Reservation and DeathScooby should've been advance to the 32 top. but why they are still in the 64 top?
    I am defending my children, Reservation and DeathScooby. I wanted them be in 32 top, not 64 top.
    @TheFuzionBranz Do you realize that Reservation were supposed to be in 32 top, since his first opponent didnt show up and Reservation won and advance to 32top right? But why they put Reservation in 64top again? Explain to me or tell your niga explain it to me? If Reservation were in 32top again DeathScooby and Reservation won should've been advanced to 16 top right?
    Thank to Starberry for being stupid to put the video which is as evidence.
    Don't let them fool you.

    Now when I notice, @[GM]Toast has horrible decision to open spot for everyone when the opponent didn't show up? Explain to me, French Toast? God damn, I wanna eat you for this. I never seen it in my life. Tournament my ass. that's rigged what yall been doing. What wrong with yall? It's your fault for choosing to email them. That's how they didn't show up. Or perhaps you were lazy and didn't double check them if they were alt account?
    I DONT GIVE A F**K IF SOMEONE OPPONENTS DIDNT SHOW UP BAN THEM FOR WASTING YOUR F**KING TIME. AND DONT PUT OTHER TO TAKE THAT STUPID SPOT. MOVE ON. LEARN HOW TO F**KING MOVE ON. Why would you save 60 spot for others when the player didn't show up and put them in the 64 top again? But only 4 advanced to 32 top. what's next? 2 advanced to quarter and make it final? That's super rigged ever i seen it. No wonder you hide your math skills in your resume, but skilled with speech and debates. but you can't beat me, can you?

    @[GM]Shadow What happen to you? Why dont you answer my question about the GM's task job. That's why you should've quit on the spot before this happened. Or should I call your @[GM]Gourdy and fired you and cook Toast off and let us eat da toast for this?
  2. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Do not delete this thread without my permission. If you want to delete this, ask me then I will tell you when to delete.

    If you delete this without my permission, meaning the demolition tournament is rigged.
    PerroLoco and StarsRf like this.
  3. StarsRf

    StarsRf Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Now this is epic.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  4. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Thanks for your feedback.

    We'll do our best to address your concerns.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  5. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Some of your statements in your post are wrong.

    1. Reservation did not win his match. He convincingly lost the first round and the other two rounds were deemed too laggy to continue. He was moved into a reserve bracket.

    2. DeathScooby did not win his match. He didn't even show up, however he communicated with us that he could not make it and asked to reschedule. Because his opponent did not show up, we were able to move him into the reserve bracket as well. Had his opponent showed up, he would have lost by default.

    The system is not rigged and this is why they were versus each other, otherwise both would have lost by default.
    HumoLoco, lll111123 and Draygashi like this.
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