[EVENT] Santa's Task Force: Help Santa Out!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [GM]Toast, Dec 18, 2018.

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  1. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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  2. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Thanks for your feedback, but your complaints are not constructive or helpful. They're empty and vague leaving me to guess what specifically you want the game to be improved on. I'm here to help, but if you're not going to tell me what's wrong and issue me a blanket statement, it's really hard to help.

    I care about the well being of this game and make an effort to look into every complaint, even the falsified ones. I make an effort to try to recreate the bug or exploit. If I am unable to, I will let the users know and ask to provide me with more information. The bug or exploit will be reported to our developers regardless.

    So, how about you leave that pessimistic attitude behind and start with some specifics?
    Retro, NeoStrayFox, HumoLoco and 4 others like this.
  3. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    i like this a lot faktz.

    i like it so much id be willing to refresh this page 1000 times and give 1 like per refresh if my like could count for more than 1.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  4. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    why was the events name changed? or was it just the image for it? or was it both? *scratches head* faktz?
    HumoLoco likes this.
  5. Exocore

    Exocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    A sudden trend of Orichalcon Stones as prizes.. as if they are better than just putting a box itself as a prize like you guys used to. These task events make up the greater portion of events you guys hold.. and it's no compensation for any player who doesn't play this game on the regular as they used to..
  6. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    no no no my child, you are looking at this all WRONG. If you observe the datasheet with all the daily rewards for logging in on time, you will see that on the 24th and 25th, we get good boxes but more importantly note the orichalcon scroll and exo boxs. IN THESE BOX's we get PERM gaurenteed, and its not cheeks perms but its actually good perms. (Okay some are cheeks but theres a significant amount of good ones 2!). Now then, how does this apply to the orichalcon stones you may ask? Well let me tell you, By logging in at the correct times and saving up your stones including the ones gained from the event, you may or may not obtain 15 stones by christmas day, in other words, thats another orichalcon scroll OR box of your choice, or 3 of the other ones. Basically, if you are broke and have no means of getting the christmas boxes, redfox legit giving you like 10 boxes over the course of christmas. why u mad bro faktz?
  7. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Let's see from the top of my head without looking at the daily login attendance prizes, redfox is giving away 15 event rare boxes for free, a bunch of orichalcon stones from the events for free, and im sure theres like 6 or 7 boxes being given away for free during xmas week.... why people complainin? this sht free
  8. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    The idea of providing more Orichalcon stones in our events is so users have an option of which box they want. Old users can save their stones and wait for the tickets to cycle to the box they want to redeem, while newer users can save up their stones and open Orichalcon Scroll or ExoCore boxes, providing them with potentially rare skill items. We believe these type of events benefit all players, as long as they're active.

    Although, it seems like you're suggesting we include more rare themed items? I will consult with the team to see if any adjustments can be made.
    HumoLoco, doston8 and Draygashi like this.
  9. Exocore

    Exocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    After my initial post, I gave the idea of stones as prizes a thought. The fact it can be used for a box of the player's choice.. it's great really. I get these task events are the easiest to complete/participate in, but they are lackluster after years of doing them. We don't necessarily need rare prizes for this event in particular.. but I'd love to see an influx in head to head competition and (good) spender events.. as a start.

    Being super vague, I know. Sorry.
    IPleadInsanity and doston8 like this.
  10. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    i like the idea of competition but they've already stated multiple times why they can't do that right now. good news is they are working on it ^_^.
    IPleadInsanity likes this.
  11. IPleadInsanity

    IPleadInsanity Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    I feel like competitive games would help expand the game a lot as well, but first they have to fix server and ddos issues.
    doston8 likes this.
  12. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    No, this type of feedback is fine. We are aware of item choices and believe the events can be better if the users say it can. We will look into our events after the holiday season though. Most of our current and upcoming holiday events are set in stone.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  13. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Same but my progression required it af. It's easy cuz all about geometry af
    doston8 likes this.
  14. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    yeah man for real haha , overtime i just saw patterns and remembered how it all works faktz
    HumoLoco likes this.
  15. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Yea methods are too easy to use it af. Triangle into circle and circle into triangle with perfect middle point af. I would draw it and fold it to get da answer.
    doston8 likes this.
  16. Zeept

    Zeept Creator of Inferno Guitar

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Your asking me to die one hundred and twenty times .

    Besides that , all these reward items are mine .

    Oof that ryhmed .

    ... stop me
    IPleadInsanity likes this.
  17. BlinkatDeath

    BlinkatDeath Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I'm sorry but your to vague in general if you managed to miss all of that. *cough* ADVERTISE YOUR GAME BEFORE NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT and by all means if you are, they are not being seen by anyone what so ever. You lose more and more people yet no word is being spread to replenish the community, what do you thinks gonna happen? Regardless of your attempts there are so many people displeased with redfox and you can't even tell me im wrong. Specific enough or do i have to go out and start advertising for you to get the point because im not sure i could be any less vague about that subject. Oh there i go again being all nonconstructive again right? or are you gonna give an actual response for once so i dont have to do that anymore? The funny part of it all is i wish i could be like "awesome cool event guys great job" but every one of your objectives are the same thing over n over n over n over and over, hell most the time its temporary rewards (soooo exciting). Idk about anyone else but iv still yet to receive one reward from this current login event thats supposedly still going on not that i was a fan of it to begin with and no i will not submit the 1 millionth ticket in about it.

    Since the hint wasn't taken previously ill spell it out, enough with the holiday event repeats. This game has become so dull yet any plea towards benefiting it you ignore. Because of the lack of effort put into all this Rumble fighter is on the edge of having no users. If you really think im so vague then actually do something with what your given because unless the company just so happens to land in my name im not gonna be doing anymore about it. You all may not like my approach but it seems like getting your attention takes an arm an a leg. If you supposedly care then id love to see it, like honestly because i can not say iv seen an attempt, I can go through and find about 50 things that look like attempts but there not, you give the same old response to everyone in the end regardless of the fact there may be no specifics left to give. It's like you expect people to find the problems then come up with every solution before your willing to participate. Get why i call you a bot yet? It's because your only benefit right now towards rumble fighter is making the announcements.. but please do prove me wrong though. I'd personally would not like to complain about the game just as much as you don't wanna receive complaints but im not to fond of being ignored every time when im trying to benefit the game in the end. So regardless of the fact you personally dont get the final say so and you may very well believe in your intentions but im sorry, I believe you disregard way to much not to be called out on it.
    doston8 and HumoLoco like this.
  18. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    son just slap this to that guy.
    doston8 likes this.
  19. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    bro at least divide this into sections for readability wtf is this faktz
    Draygashi and HumoLoco like this.
  20. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    ikr i cant read it either.
    doston8 likes this.
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