EVENT Fisticuffs - Valentine's Day 2023 Edition

Discussion in 'Events' started by Starberry, Feb 9, 2023.

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  1. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    There's so mushroom to get your Valentine's Day plans in.


    Fisticuffs Prizes for February 11 & 12, 2023
    Moderators will be wearing their own sets during the event period, but the only rewards available will be shown in this thread.
    Round Winner is only applicable during the event period.

    Please choose from one of the following prizes:
    Note: You may participate in both days of the event to score double the prizes!

    • Lovestruck Title
    • St. Valentine (ExoCore)
    • Cupid’s Bow (ExoCore)
    • Cupid Shirt (Top)
    • Valentine Angel Top (Top)
    • Cupid Pants (Bottom)
    • Valentine Angel Skirt (Bottom)
    • Cupid Wings (non-rev version)
    • Lovely Wings (M) [Back Item]
    • Adorable Wings (F) [Back Item]
    • Valentine Lollipop (Back Item, 100 Use)
    • Valentine Heart (Back Item, 100 Use)
    • Cupid Bow (Waist Item)
    • Orichalcon Coupon (x3)
    • 50,000 Carats Coupon
    Participation Prize: 2 Chocolate Box & 1 Valentine Chest

    Special Raffle For this Week: Tuxedo (M) / Bridal Set (F)
    Every participant in Fisticuffs will be entered in the raffle to win one of two raffle prizes
    This means, if you play with a [GM] during Fisticuffs, you're automatically entered to win this prize!

    When does this happen?
    February 11th, 2023 from 1:00PM - 2:00PM PST
    February 12th, 2023 from 5:00PM - 6:00PM PST
    How do I participate?

    • Please note that in the event of server instability or an issue with the event, the event will be cancelled.
    • Players may participate in both days of the event to receive two rewards if they wish.
    • If you are creating a room: make sure your room has the word "Fisticuffs" in the title.
    • If you are joining a room, make sure to join a room that the word "Fisticuffs" somewhere in the title.
      • [Updated 07/11/2022] If a room notes any correlation towards the Fisticuffs event, such as short forms of Fisticuffs (Fisti), it will still be an eligible room title. If you are unsure about the eligibility of a room's title, please make your concern through one of our Fisticuffs' moderators.
    • GM/moderators will only join Regular Battle Mode.
    • Make sure to "first load" so that games are faster. The faster the game, the more players can participate.
    • Players that get disconnected once the match begins will still qualify for a participation prize, should they not have a chance to play in the event.
    • [Updated 12/17/2021] Set Creators may now participate in Fisticuffs. However, the only applicable rewards that they'll be able to choose are as follows:
      • 3 Orichalcon Coupon
      • 50,000 Carats Coupon
      • Any "Special Prizes"
    • Set Creators will receive the following items should their set be chosen:
      • All items included in the set (as seen on the Fisticuffs event thread)
      • 50,000 Carats Coupon
      • 3 Orichalcon Coupon
    • You may only win once per event.
    • Players that have already won in the game, must not interfere for the remainder of the match. This means that you must fall off the map, or remain in a corner away from other players. Failure to do so will forfeit your prize and disqualify you from that week's Fisticuffs.
      • A GM or Moderator will inform players to not disrupt the rest of the match in-game.
    • Room Master must choose between two modes before the match:
      • Defeat the GM - All seven players aim to receive the "Kill Credit" against the GM/Moderator. Fighters that win should not disrupt other players from their opportunity to defeat the GM/Moderator.
      • Round Winner** - Resurrection and revives are not allowed, RMs can determine if rare ExoCores are allowed or not, Total Round Winner will be applied (explained below) for potentially 4 winners.
    • The "No Rare ExoCores" rule means players cannot use the following ExoCores:
      • UPDATED: All ExoCores listed in the "Fisticuffs ExoCore Banlist" below.
      • This rule will be an ALL-OR-NOTHING situation in that you can either allow all rare exocores or prohibit the use of all rare exocores.
      • If you have any other ExoCores that you would like to prohibit from use, please let a GM know or submit a support ticket.
    • Rare Scrolls will be allowed as they are not as game-changing compared to Rare ExoCores.
    • In special instances where the GM is not defeated, the GM will reward someone else in the room.
    • If players would like to switch out their Fisticuffs prize, they will need to do so before the prizes are distributed (which will normally be the following Monday). Any requests after the distribution will be denied.
    • You may not give your reward to someone else and prizes cannot be transferred to a different player.
    • Extreme vulgar language or harassment to a player or moderator will be met with disqualification and, possibly, an account ban.
    • Players reported for constantly taking the spot reserved for the GM will have their prize (winning and/or participation) taken away, and will potentially receive a temporary ban.
    • Any IGN changes before event prizes are distributed MUST be mentioned via a Support Ticket. If you do not receive your prize for having changed your IGN, the prizes will be revoked and not corrected. In short, please let our staff know about the IGN change to make the necessary changes before sending out prizes.
    • Abuse of resurrection in Round Winner will be disqualified.
    • Failing to comply with the GM/Moderator will be warned and disqualified after multiple warnings.
    • You can only request prizes that are listed for that day.
    • You may not change your prize after Fisticuffs has ended.
    • No hacking is allowed.
    **Total Round Winner applied to Round Winner mode only. If the First Place winner overall at the end of the game has not won one of the three rounds, he/she will also win a prize. This makes it so that their efforts during the match do not go unnoticed.

    • Using multiple accounts to win or play Fisticuffs.
    • Using multiple accounts to increase your chances in Fisticuffs in any specific room.
    • Winning more than once per Fisticuffs (1 win per account).
    • If you are caught with fraud, your prizes will be stripped from all of your accounts. Subsequent attempts will result in an increasing account ban for each attempt.
    Prize Distribution:
    Within 5 - 7 business days after the event.

    As this thread will remain closed, please direct all comments and questions over to our Fisticuffs Discussion Thread.

    Fisticuffs ExoCore Banlist
  2. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Fisticuffs rewards have been distributed.

    Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day!
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