GM open your eyes and read roars and tickets sent by people

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Popzzzzz, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Popzzzzz

    Popzzzzz New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Vietnam people are not allowing people to grind. They are grief pking and HARASSING people.

    Wake up and sort this nonsense out good for nothing staff

    MMMMMMMM Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Stop being racist. Not all viet people are mean and some are nice if you get to know them. They are apart of the community and make the game more populated and fun. Also other races grief people too. I bet you encounter other races that griefed you but your not saying anything about it is because you simply are those group of people who are trying to banned all viets.
    akam6666 likes this.
  3. BipolarTuna

    BipolarTuna Active Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Someone needs to learn what the word racist means, before they go accusing others of being it.
  4. Popzzzzz

    Popzzzzz New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Excuse, me i am not racist. It IS the Viet people that are doing it so don't come here with your knowitall nonsense when i am stating a FACT.

    If you don't understand what a FACT it instead of wasting time writing nonsense u don't know.

    And if you can read properly....i did not say ALL...but clearly its a waste talking to you.

    FYI i have viet friends also, so next time before you jump to conclusions...sit in a corner and think first before you run your mouth.
  5. Popzzzzz

    Popzzzzz New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Dude don't blame the lack of English language - if you believe this is the reason they do what they do, i suggest you rethink your education because clearly you are not very smart to see things for what it is.

    I am sorry but i don't believe the lack of language skills is a reason to behave like a retard or an @hole.

    If that is your defense for their attitude...this will be the last response from me to you.

    MMMMMMMM Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Heres the definition: "poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race". This post was strictly adressed to the Vietnamese players when you said "Vietnam people are not allowing people to grind. They are grief pking and HARASSING people ". You are attacking them by pointing them out specifically. May i ask why you dont adress them as people in general? Like i said before "viet people" are not the only ones that grief. I bet you got griefed by other players that are not viet but for some reason you have to make a post for viet players.

    MMMMMMMM Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Also you are not stating a fact, you are stating your bias opinon upon people of vietnam. You claim that "vietnam people are not allowing people to grind" which is not a fact because not all people from vietnam are preventing people from grinding. When you use the word vietnam, you are referring to people who live in vietnam which is Vietnamese players. This is the reason why your racist because you are verbally attacking the Vietnamese players. You are strictly pointing them out
  8. hillbenji

    hillbenji New Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    VN is cancer
    kilroyjr likes this.
  9. Popzzzzz

    Popzzzzz New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Oh shut up with your stupid replies. VIET PEOPLE were doing it so stfu with your nonsense. Its not BIAS, its not RACIST, its wtf was happening. How i KNOW? because i was there i know ALL the names of those "people" who attacked and pked and hey guess what....they are all viets. So please do us all a favour n shut up with your racism crap because you have no idea what racism is.

    Pointing them out - OFCOURSE I AM POINTING THEM OUT and no i didnt get harassed by other players. If its singular players i send ticket with names specifically but after this past weekend it was ONLY Viets, so please stop defending things YOU do not know and running your mouth about THINGS (racism) which you do not understand and trying to drag things into a topic that isnt there.....VIET PLAYERS WERE NOT ALLOWING OTHER PLAYERS TO GRIND. THEY WERE GRIEF PKING AND HARASSING PLAYERS THROUGHOUT THE EVENT PERIOD.

    VIET PLAYERS - refers to players from viet leagues who speak Vietnamese

  10. kobasica

    kobasica Active Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Thats bigotry, not racism. Not like its better thing, one from other. It just show how dumb you are when you behave like that.

    I am being harassed by stupid bigotry and racist comments on this forum every time i look at it. GMs, please forum ban those ignorant kids.
    Perfection likes this.
  11. Popzzzzz

    Popzzzzz New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    If this was meant against me its clear you have not been harassed as many of us have been. Where its IMPOSSIBLE to grind at all..wasting all cards you have...soon as you enter grind areas, before you even turn your active on you are being driven away from grind area and only VIETs are allowed to grind there peacefully.

    You understand difference between pk and grief pking/harassment? If you did you wont just talk. Unable to enjoy the event at all because of those people? Whats your next thing to say? Get stronger? Better Gear?

    Explain to me HOW when you are unable to grind anywhere?
  12. kobasica

    kobasica Active Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    You posted bigotry comment where you generalized one whole nationality because some group of them harassed you. They have largest community on this server its normal thing that some of them will harass you, in same way some other nationality players would.

    "Vietnam people are not allowing people to grind. " Popzzzzz
    Not letting someone to grind is not harassing, its gameplay where you prevent enemy of gaining lvls. Harassing is to post racist/bigotry comments on forum and generalize one whole nationality by few examples.
  13. Popzzzzz

    Popzzzzz New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    noun: harassment; plural noun: harassments
    aggressive pressure or intimidation.
    "they face daily harassment by the police"
    synonyms: persecution, harrying, pestering, badgering, intimidation, bother, annoyance, aggravation, irritation, pressure, pressurization, force, coercion, molestation;

    noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
    intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
    synonyms: prejudice, bias, partiality, partisanship, sectarianism, discrimination, unfairness, injustice;More

    noun: racism
    the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    "theories of racism"
    prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a programme to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice/bigotry, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, bias, intolerance;More

    Please read those 3 words and understand their meaning in context of the English language and the post.

    Don't whine about racism and bigotry when there is none there, its people like you who have the worst type of racism, those who always like to look for every little thing in the world to blame as racism pfff.

    I am done responding to this nonsense.
  14. Werewolf

    Werewolf Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Hina, i can tell u how it was this wknd for me. wasted maybe 10-15 cards. cant enter temple. the guys/girls who were pking me non stop (not for karma) was from various Vietnamese leagues, ksing my mobs and not allowing me to grind at all no matter where i went they pkd me. Many of them i have never seen before were attacking me. They were killing my no karma healer who is CS bro in all definitions of the word...that is called harassment.

    I lost all event this entire weekend so i just went off game coz pking is 1 thing but when ppl grief pk thats a whole different ball game. I have Vietnamese friends also...i always give them leech...we chat we laugh we joke we have fun but the fact remains that those people who are harassing me personally are all Vietnamese and i have reported them each by name and different tickets.

    I understand 100% that this poster is angry that he/she couldnt grind and lost once again another event because of a group of people who in all fairness are Vietnamese (not racism - not stereotyping just highlighting who they are as a group). Now you and many others can sit there and defend the country Vietnam as much as u like but this isnt a post directed at a nationality its just used as an adjective (describing word) of who were the pkers as a collective group.

    Do not read too much into something when its as clear as day that it was a harassment. If someone came to you in real life and stopped u from doing something all the time, that is called harassment (u can check with the police if u need more information). You would file a restraining order for? yes, harassment & disturbance of peace.

    Anyway, as much as im all for some crazy pking wars n fun. When im forced to lose an entire event i sure as hell will be pissed as i was this past wknd.
    Swim likes this.
  15. Werewolf

    Werewolf Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Oh just to add 1 more thing, please guys/girls do not throw that word racism around lightly when url do not understand or know or haven't lived thru racism. Racism isnt a joke and accusing someone of racism isnt either so before u go about using that word, please think twice. I know what racism is because i lived it and this is not racism.
  16. kobasica

    kobasica Active Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    That's exactly what i said to him, its not racism, but its bad thing to generalize them.
    You are wasting free exp cards on event to make cap lvl for what? Korean version is PK, look at it like normal game enviroment, you must fight for yourself, for your place in the (game) world. There is no thing such is peaceful grind, you can't achieve that here. . .

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