make bloody plain great again

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by soloseff, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Why the hell is bloodplain ALWAYS empty?? even on bvw war its almost empty

    The devs should make BP interesting again, like some bonus system for pvping in BP

    I dont understand why people dont go to bp.. its the best thing in 9d... a map made for pvp but its always empty.. :/
  2. Horsie

    Horsie New Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Maybe if they made the Tao server PVE only, And then put the PVP system only in bloody plain. Then it would be populated and i wouldnt have to get killed be some jackass elohssa lvl 300 nolife everytime i try to grind in liadong. Bring the hate.
    FreakyBeast likes this.
  3. Missytouka

    Missytouka Active Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Cause fake pkers only attack low lvls and ppl they can beat. Going to bp limits their running
    Savatage and Falcon like this.
  4. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    How is 9dragons a pvp orientated game when killing a player offers nothing within the game besides a title which is mostly useless because you would still need more PVE to get the items in the first place.
    How is 9dragons limiting pvp for players that want just to pvp when they have a map rewarding pvp (Loulan) and a map dedicated just for pvp (BP).
    Also 2 special events just for pvp which is SvS and BvW which have very little attendance.
    Maybe it's not the game, maybe it's the players, that's what you need to make BP great again.
    FreakyBeast, balb1n0 and Vanguard like this.
  5. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    YESS!! Exactley... i ussualy dont mind other people's business, but how can you grind 24/7, do dungeons and then grind again.. whats the point of that?? Seriously, people should get into pvp again and there should be some kind of reward system that brings more people to BP.

    how can you get killed while there is a pvp buff? TAO IS ALREADY PVE... come on
    Since when does a game need to offer more then the pure entertainment of killing each other? The competition against each other and test your skills on each other. Thats what its about. Loulan is filled with high level players.

    I am not a high level player and probably will never be, because i refuse to grind like a zombie 24/7. PVP should still be enjoyable on the lower lvls, thats what i loved back in the days and thats what they should bring back!!

    Ofcourse its the players, but there could also be a better pvp system so low level players could enjoy it as well.
  6. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I agree, there should be a pvp map for lvls until 150

    another map from 150 to 200

    and another from 200 till max
  7. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    I didn't say 9dragons should have only PVE, I just pointed out the fact this game isn't all about pvp.
  8. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    You talk way too much for someone who doesnt ''care'' or play anymore.

    I have always been on a PVE server. Started on Bardo and kept playing it like that. I never said make YIN great again. I said make BP great again.

    pvp in this game is one of the best formats imo, the community just sucks.
    Savatage and KProphetK like this.
  9. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Ofcourse its not ONLY about PVE

    i never said its PVP v.s. PVE

    those two game forms go hand in hand. Someone who is good with PVE will also be good in PVP if he actually does it. Im not looking for a FULL pvp server because that is broken..

    BP is the place to PVP and there should be more effort from the devs to make it great again.
  10. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    its a combination of reasons. The pvp system hasnt changed since the game launched. Everyone can still attack everyone and thats just wrong... someone who's lvl 250 shouldnt be able to attack someone who is lvl 50.

    I've said it so many times, but they do not pick it up. They keep releasing new content while the game itself is in need of a lot of improvements.
  11. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I agree, but it needs to be updated.

    There shouldnt be a place were people could attack each other with a level difference of 200
  12. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I know you care, im just pushing your buttons :)

    I really think this game has the potential to reach a awesome pvp system if they actually did something with it. Instead of improving the game as it is, they keep pushing new content that is bringing even more damage to the game.

    I actually like pvping for the hell of it. Its very relaxing after a long day of work instead of grinding, wich feels like a damn task.

    If you ask me they should remove the pvp option from maps and make more bloody plain maps with lvl restrictions. They won't do any of that ofc but oh well.

    I hate to agree with you, but i have to agree. 9dragons was awesome when there was no 2nd role. But even after 2nd role was released, it was still pretty awesome to play. It took actual skill to defeat someone.

    Just cuz of my love for 9dragons, im giving playredfox a chance again. I started a week back now and ive been wandering around the forums for about a month now. I hope the game becomes something everyone can enjoy, pvp and pve. One day.

    #Make bp great again :D
    balb1n0 and KProphetK like this.

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