Me vs A4W...

Discussion in 'Art & Media' started by SheikRulez, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    7.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 6.jpg 5.jpg 4.jpg before i move to retirement of playing this game. allow me to post SS of those A4W members who i kill alone and brings a lot of drama like Leon939 hes my worst enemy from GC til RF hes a coward and still refuse to fight me in duel ground. anyway non of them got me on any pvp maps, they tried but still not enough..

    Sayonara My Friends
  2. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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  3. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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  4. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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  5. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    GOODBYE ALL... Better sell it while still Pricey..
  6. xTaei

    xTaei New Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Such a cocky mf lmao. That's why ur dumb ass got scammed
    by your own "friends" LMAO. Whose your real enemy now???
    Fkin Clown
  7. Zombiie

    Zombiie Active Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    still crying like babies :)) :))

    see my sign :)) u re so famous hahaha

    and this pic when u beg/kneel admit u lose to VN players hahaha. the truth cant change

  8. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Poor old guy on midlife crisis LOL
    With shitty SS even a LS char could be taking... ridiculous guy who scams his own friends and now was your turn to get scammed :)... not to mention your old scams that you tried to blame others for it and u waited days to pay what u had to pay trying to get away with 1 more scam... :)
    hide like a rat to dont get pked everytime he enters a pvp map... got your ass kicked by every single one of the players in this server, including the weaker ones... talk loud af in roars trying to look good when all u do is hide and run... u embarassing litle ****. Even your kids will be ashamed of you LOL you're 40 dude! Act like it!
  9. MyJustICE

    MyJustICE Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Hahaha many times u said Good Bye? and u came back with new char again and again..and we found all yours hahhaa...oh can i ask u? what names ur new char now? hahahaha.
    and it " Me Vs BiA and Allys,..check this out :cool:
    OnenaHGvvellCSoG likes this.
  10. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    u sound like the DirtyFvckenGay..... why the hell you cry too much... is there something wrong with your char you want me to teach you to rock the game or your just that idiot wannabe? take my advice to what i said to my friend to you. if u cant beat them join them... thats why you join A4W pathetic wannabe DFG
  11. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Dude... u realize i know E? Aka 333MYL? U realize i know only E, Kendrick and you had access to 333MYL?
    U paid E for that account u pice of sh1t!
    And dont talk too much or you might get scammed again^^ maybe E would want his account back, careful :D
    nobody likes you dude. Have you asked your wife if she likes you? Have you asked your kids? Maybe they dont... Hahaha
    Fkin piece of sh1t on midlife crisis blowing money on a game instead of paying a better life for his kids...
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
  12. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    So you are saying i didnt join you because i beated you? :D

    You begged me to join you, you dirty monkey.

    You kissed my ass everyday trying to join my Fun league when i declared war on WarTens league...

    You came back saying you wanted to KoS WarTen and guess what...
    You ended up sucking WarTens c0ck to get him to help you against all4war and me.

    A4w run you over like a ****** truck... i was only a solo guy doing my sh1t. You messed with the people who was here before you. I would never join you, you ****. I would join the people who has always been here with me. No matter what.

    But you dog, you have no fkin honor. You will never understand what honor is you Philipine scammer.
  13. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Sheikh beats us all on being the worst.
    Besides what i said in my last 2 coments, he also sucks hard.

    He never grinded a char higher than hg9 "because is too hard" (even spaming x5 cards coz he buys them $$$$)

    He pills HARD in duels, everytime (thats why he only picks up old accounts filled with old crit pills and other pills most of us dont even know about.

    He is the KG king. Yes, he totally took Kalzion throne in that... Kalzion known as the biggest kger before is a complete noob in what comes to KGing compared to sheikh. Belive me in that. All the time 15k crits in this guy for like 20 minutes wasnt enough to kill him...

    All he does is playing chars that he paid for coz he cant play on his own. Pay for his gear $$$$$ (try to scam ppl in the process), get some friends to help him level the char, farm etc and then he scams his own friends ans tries to blame others for it :D
  14. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    You've beated me when? When was that? DFGay dellusional cvnt.. i have prove my worth playing the game i have spent a little and i got it back. But tbh what can u do vs a4w beside u can event last for few secs vs a prty of them i even kill 2wice with 7 of you ganged him.. you want me to post nikka? Admit the fact that you svck.. im done to this game and have no intention to play back... your reaally loved my advice and too proud being an a4w coz u cant do shlt vs them pathetic wannabe... if u cant beat them join them ROFL
  15. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    See when your really mad of yourself coz you cant do **** about your char then you talk about my real life how pathetic is that.. u spend money also for the game and got the relics for pvp but still your nothing but useless pvper u cant even ks tgw u cant even pvp alone u cant even beat a4w league tru L vs L u cant even kill their real pvpers what makes you then... a PVE wanting to PVP with stupid knowledge and got owned by a 2 month old char.... blame yourself of your stupidity you will be always and stayed like that IDIOT
  16. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    All u talk is ******** of a dude in midlife crisis who deny reality. Just get the **** out already. You wont be missed.

    And i got what i wanted. Having you admitting you scammed your own friends:
    You simply found a buyer for your and your friend Rubens items and you scammed him and then u try to blame others. U also tried to scam Hari and then u came up with excuses... you are just a fkin dog with no honor.
  17. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Btw. The only person who gave me advice on relics was FlameDemon and Kavin/iBarbaric... so **** off you son of a dog :) if someone can bark about telling me something about relic stats is them, not you. You tried man... but even in this foolish try u end up looking like a fool.

    All i wanted from you was you testing stats in our duels so i could take info from you without spending 1 gold. And i got it. So yep, you got used you old fool.

    And pls, someone with x5 cards who has dificulties lvling an hg9 char after spending all that money talking to me? Ffs dude. Stop embarassing yourself... i was weaker than you i will admit that (i didnt have hg9 set and all beads) but now what boy? Come back and try me ^^
    Sob. Midlife crisis hitting you hard :)
    Go take care of your kids, stop talking in a forum as if you were 20... you are 40. Act like it!
  18. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    lol why would i come back if soon the game will shut down i already proven my worth and i am capable of thing that u cant be able to do from the very beginning and til now. i have no comments to Kavin and FlameDemon they rock the game unlike you... tbh did u ever make a name for this game like anything that is known to anyone as far as i remember NOTHING..

    and 1 thing if i come back i still gonna ** your char easily..

    tbh DFGay 1 on 1 vs war even if im on Major Pen i wont die even if he is a good critter no way he can kill me... just like what i did to u HI3 vs HG10 defo 5 lvl diff makes more advantage but still kiss the ground.


    i may return to game if they make a new server or a new publisher..

    again DFGay Make Me Proud Make Me say that you ROCK.. if u cant beat them join them looool sound pretty for a loser
  19. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Dicksucker :)

    I still here, playing the game after you quit coz you are just a fkin loser. You couldnt grind anymore coz the game is too hard for you. You tried to grind 333MYL but you cant coz its too hard for you. You are a quitter. You are a loser. You might have killed me 1 time or 10 times... but in the end it was you who run away you fkin loser.

    Still here waiting for you, dont forget^^

    Btw, hefei guards are HI12 level... i am just telling you this coz i know you will never reach close enough to that level. Coz again: this game is just too hard for you old man on midlife crisis.

    Oh and i just reminded how you killed me in that SS... PVE relics on, major pen, afk on phoenix boss. That was when kurama killed me too, both of u killed me the same way.
    I can tank WarTen and hs hits 3x harder than you boi. Dont fkin come here with shits trying to make yourself look good lol if at that point i could tank guys like RuouQuenSau, JamesBond and even Hari, are you trying to say you hit harder than those?
    I highly recomend you to start drinking water. Blowing money on the game was too dumb. Save some and stop buying alcohol or your wife wont like it as she didnt like you wasted money in a game :)

    You're 40 old man. Act like it!
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
  20. OnenaHGvvellCSoG

    OnenaHGvvellCSoG Active Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    You defenition of "rocking the game" is fked up mate. All they do is the same as you: run and hide. No matter if its only 1 or the whole league hunting you guys.

    Run run run hide hide hide, go hide in pve maps when pills are over. Thats all.

    Good definition of "rocking the game" mate.

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