PvP needs to be fixed BIG TIME

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kito420, May 10, 2016.


Change level based PvP

  1. I think it needs changed

    5 vote(s)
  2. I think it is fine the way it is

    2 vote(s)
  3. I am a Carebear. I do not pvp.

    9 vote(s)
  1. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Now granted the dude is a total **** and griefs everyone he can, but i watched a H3 warrior (PF) get 2 shot by a IM warrior (Dog). Full HP. The dude's name is Dog. He runs around 2 hitting everyone in icy maps which is weird because warriors have 20k+ hp at those lvls. This lvl based pvp system is garbage and needs to be corrected. The pvp system always benefited those with skill, not just level. I think it is unfair a dude can just basically level up to HG and can run naked through the maps killing everyone 7 lvls lower with ease because of the gap. Do you know how many people will leave if they get 1 shot killed at Hermit level? My healer friend almost quit because of this. Yall need to do something about that. It should be skill, not lvl that wins in pvp. Or at least make it so that they cant just 10k hit on a H3 warrior and 2/3 hit kill this dude. Shame on your pvp system and that wanted garbage.
    [GM]Ahri likes this.
  2. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    So if someone builds to deal a ton of damage you don't want them to be able to do a ton of damage? Hermit and hg are 40+ lvls apart so why should the low leveled guy not get 2 shot? PvP in this game requires basic knowledge at best. Gear is everything in 9dragons pvp
  3. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    they might be 40 lvls apart but Hermit is like 170. You mean working that hard is worth getting 2 hit killed from 20k hp like that warrior did? That is all they are doing. Hopping server to server pking lowbies so the game dies out. Maybe if there was actual balance players would join. Who would stay to play a game where some random jerk off keeps coming to kill him every hour just because he is 40 lvls lower and dude cant fight his own lvl? We are losing population to nonsense liek this. And that wanted system is garbage. You have to die to your attacker to avoid being wanted. Na F that. Im not dying just so some **** can get pleasure in running around killing low levels.
  4. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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  5. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    So that warrior put in no work to be able to do that much dmg? He didn't put in any work to be that much higher than you? You can't complain that it's broken just because someone has the gear to hit really hard. If you want balance then grind to that lvl and get better gear.

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