Starting back again..What do I need to know?

Discussion in 'Game Help and Tips' started by cKrave, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. cKrave

    cKrave New Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Hey everybody,

    I'm recently starting to play Rumble Fighter again. The last time I have played it was when it was still under OGPlanet..I heard that it got moved to GamesCampus...and now to RedFox.

    Are there any major game mechanics that have been improved/added since then? Or can I start again with my (somewhat foggy) memory of how I used to play it before.

    Thanks for any information!
    (Sorry if this is in the wrong section, not sure what this would be categorized as)
  2. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    It saddens me to actually say this, but not really. No ground breaking mechanic has been added to this game. Nimonix has added in some new scrolls that are more op and one scroll that gives you a power up buff by doing C+Z. Basically once you get caught up with the newer Exocores and scrolls there isn't much left mentioning.
    tamirtov likes this.

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