War Spirit Items

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThaiMingh, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. ThaiMingh

    ThaiMingh New Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I have a question about the War Spirit Items in GC. Will they be copied to the Awaken Version?
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I don't think they should be added. They were slightly overpowered and rendered a majority of the lower level items completely useless because you had a full set and accessories right up to 200. They kind of dropped way too frequently as well. If we start bringing those events in so early we literally lose the reason so to do half the earlier dungeons for gear and if we do bring those in, people will expect events like the Hermit coupons which introduced ridiculously overpowered weapons.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I guess yea it's a permanent content, it will also differs from the one on GC stat-wise since we have different version and different parameters.
  4. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I don't think they really rendered a majority of low level items useless. Most of them were already useless even before those relics were available. Additional stats or bonuses gained from early level relics are negligible, with the additional of all the new clothing stats in the game. The War Spirit 4 piece accessory bonus is a nice damage addition for sure, while using the 6 piece isn't really necessary. The only other options I can think of are the WD Jade Seal, Karma relics, and possibly a Black Iron Trinket. I don't think everyone tries to trade Karma at early levels, so they skip most of those RC/FD Karma relics anyways.

    Then there's NSIP which allows players to craft BBoE and HM relics. This is probably where they may render the mid-range items useless since no one will bother will a majority of those, but its just old content being phased out. Most of those relics weren't even used by a majority of players when they were added. Just take a look at the Defense Trinket, it used to be one of the highest valued items in the game and now its pretty much worthless.

    The War Spirit accessories all have level requirements, so you're not really becoming overpowered using them. If anything most people would be wearing 4 pieces of the War Spirit accessories, with a WD Jade Seal or Black Iron Trinket, BBoE, and if they are lucky a Conqueror's Trinket by the time they are GL/HM. Some people might even still be wearing the terrible relics they get from Jinan/Datong quests if they decided to do them. Talking about the Conqueror's Trinket, it reminds me of the basically impossible to use trinkets such as the Plate of Earthly Storm that gives 5/1k HP leech. I wish those items were balanced, or at least Karma adjusted and much easier to obtain to even wear them.

    Then there's the weapons which I don't think are overpowered either. You will be out-leveling normal weapon drops within 12 levels of finding them. The time taken to level up 12 levels, to how much BE you earn or money you need to spend on Scales isn't worth actually having to refine these weapons yourself. You can at most get up to a +9 weapon from a box which is somewhat rare, and the boxes only go up to HM weapons. With that in mind I don't think anyone will be spending their time, money and/or Blood Essence on refining early level weapons themselves, even without these boxes available. It offers a great way to farm up the crafting materials used for upgrading weapons to Heaven, which would nearly be impossible by the time you reach a leveling phase slow enough to warrant even obtaining a Heaven weapon.

    The hermit weapons on the other hand are pretty ridiculous considering the only availability on them is during events. They usually come pre-refined to +10 as well with 2~4 slots and have no level requirement while doing damage equivalent to a level 160 weapon. I never agreed with these being apart of the game but they always manage to make their way into it.

    Yea, just checked on the Korean website and it seems like they are still available there. I think there's an upgraded version though, found this screenshot:


    Which reminds me of the gloves in his inventory back when I played on the Japanese version of 9Dragons. Those gloves replace dungeon loot and was a terrible system when I tried it. They had no boxes in the end of the CoF and VoH dungeons and instead you would get a piece of clothing and a glove from the boss. You could take the glove to those random haystacks in the related maps, and get a single elixir or some other terrible item. Hopefully that's changed now in KR because it was pretty awful.
    Jamie likes this.
  5. OMGKuan

    OMGKuan Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    R6 War Spirit boxes are the ONLY way I can achieve my goal of a twin-headed spear +15(FD5 spear war spirit, also exists as SM6BD 1 or 2 slot and SM6H)...as things turned out, closest I got to it were 2 natural +11s which I still have and 1 SMH+10 all stuck in the cyberspace limbo that Webzen fomented. On or off the topic, this version going to have BE creation NPC like we were spoiled with in GC, anyone knows?

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