Changes need to be made

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Draygashi, Sep 6, 2017.

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  1. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Let's start off by removing the unnecessary

    Fishing, Mini Games, Plaza
    Not only are they worthless, and barely anyone uses them to an advantage, they take up a lot of space in Rumble Fighter. The Plaza file in the res folder increases in size almost every update. Nothing is beneficial from fishing besides maybe a 7day(?) Poseidon ExoCore at best. As for Mini Games... Everyone hacks and/or glitches to achieve ranks, all for an item that'll disappear in either one week or one month depending on which ranking category they're in.

    If Plaza, Fishing, and Mini Games were removed it could make for easier loading as we won't have the statues, building, water, etc to take up space in the game. It would also lessen the overall file size for this game, which may or may not help with downloading, launching, and playing Rumble Fighter.

    Unnecessary Screens
    These screens are unnecessary and could easily be removed for ease of access.

    The Room Create screen could use more adjusting. As to compensate for the removal of the two screens above, we should be able to select which Boss Mode we wish to do from the Room Create screen like so:
    *Zombie Mode will also be on this last, but at the bottom*

    The top three icons on the Room Create screen should read from left to right as follows:
    Battle Mode | Rumble Mode | Adventure Mode

    Upon clicking Battle Mode you should see this:

    Upon clicking Rumble Mode you should see this:

    While we're on the topic of modes...
    Remove Precision Mode. Tiny already exposed that it's just a regular battle mode but every animation is slowed down by a certain percentage. It's useless, no one likes it. Remove it. It was NEVER a good idea.

    Training Mode
    Please, please, oh please... Give us infinite Panic Attacks and infinite Nanmus in Training Mode. This should have been done with the first few revamps to this mode.

    Any more unnecessary screens? Let me know.

    Anything else that can be removed? Let me know.

    Things that need to be added and/or changed

    Damage values need to be changed back to what they were before.
    I already covered this here:

    We need better moderation.
    As far as we know, [GM]Gourdy is our only Rumble Fighter specific GM. This community, despite how small it has become over the years, requires more than one person to keep us in check. If RedFox cannot supply us with more staff, then this game is too much for them to handle.

    We need better developers.
    Let's face it, since WeMade left NimoniX, Gem Fighter and Rumble Fighter have been suffering with the lack of development because NimoniX cannot keep up.

    Needless to say, they are severely lacking. Step it up...

    Just like a lot of the other features in this game, almost entirely unused. Aside from completing your 10 - 15 quests on how to use Rumble Fighter's interface, the only things this system provides are Daily Quests and Merit Quests. Change this up a bit and add an Event Tab, and have that display the current ongoing events and players progress towards each event. With a little bit more coding, you can also have that be the Event Prize distributor instead of manually sending out prizes or manually setting up the code to distribute prizes.

    Event & Boxed Content
    Never should it be both.

    Boxes should stay in shop, the items in them are already difficult to get. Why make it even more difficult to get said items when the boxes keep getting removed from shop and only given out as Event Rewards or maybe put back in the shop for an update or two?

    Event items, such as seasonal items and whatnot, should honestly be released every year. Not only is it hugely beneficial for RedFox to make money, but everyone gets a chance to earn those items. Sure it may make those items less rare since a lot of people would have them, but what if, for example, you were wrongfully banned and lost all of your items. Wouldn't you like another chance to earn those items back?

    Event Boss Modes & Boss Mode Scrolls
    It has honestly gotten more and more difficult to earn the Boss Mode Scrolls. Most of the people who have gotten them were at the aid of a Boss Mode hacker. The current method of earning the Scroll via 3x Timed versions + 3x Sands of Time was a good idea, but with all the random junk that is thrown inside the box, it should honestly be 1x timed version + 1 Sand of Time. That, or remove some (not all) of the random junk in the chest.

    Also, don't pull that ******** where we have to purchase RC in order to get a Scroll from an Event Boss Mode like with D-H-War's Ice Breaker S and Red Scorpion S, that was just stupid...

    Carat Content
    Let's face it, around 70% of the entire list of items available to players is obtained via Astros/CC/RC. The remaining 30% is either from Carats, or handed out for free (complete a Boss Mode that has a chest you can open without a key). We need more content for the players who refuse to purchase RC.

    Class Diversity
    We need more content for Shamans and Androids. I would say just remove those classes, but we are in way too deep for that now. Androids only have around 3 costumes, 5 ExoCores, and ONE other Scroll that isn't Default, AND IT'S RC.

    We need "Another" Scrolls for Android and Shaman. Android needs more Android exclusive Scrolls as well.

    NimoniX and RedFox need to keep their promises
    As most of you know, we were promised Ranking Gems almost a year ago. We have not gotten them. Don't remember? Check out this thread:

    RedFox, you got a YouTube channel.... START USING IT! Post Scroll and ExoCore previews or showcases so we know what we are buying. Monetize them videos!

    Bugs, Glitches, and Exploits
    There are things that have gone unpatched for years. I would recommend a complete re-haul of the game's codes, but knowing Rumble Fighter, **** would end up being even more broken.​
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
    Shini9ami, Meggi, E1337 and 19 others like this.
  2. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Approve of this already, moderators...
  3. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Almost a month...
  4. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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  5. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Almost 2 months later...
    rafi7746 and SimpThePimp like this.
  6. SimpThePimp

    SimpThePimp Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Throw this in the survey bro
  7. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    It finally got approved after two months... This game is for sure closing.
    Abrac, rafi7746, madaraxxxv and 10 others like this.
  8. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    rafi7746, tamirtov and Zhire like this.
  9. MintyIce

    MintyIce Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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    Remember the time when NimoniX actually listened to us?

    Neither did I.
    But seriously.... I love the idea and concept but we have to face the fact that NimoniX isn't gonna do anything to make this game better.

    Still, it's a good idea and I support you all the way, Dray.
    rafi7746, alcandy1, Draygashi and 3 others like this.
  10. Phawnix

    Phawnix Clean Up Crew

    Jul 30, 2017
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    InB4 changes are not made.
  11. Negrosaki

    Negrosaki Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Good idea, but they don;t listen lol.
    uppersoulz, Draygashi and tamirtov like this.
  12. UnleashD

    UnleashD Clean Up Crew

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Hire those GMs
    rafi7746, alcandy1 and Draygashi like this.
  13. ankyt

    ankyt Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    it took 2 months to get this approved?

    lmao no hope

    everything said is clear and to the point
    agree with almost all points
    alcandy1, Draygashi and BJJFromGJJ like this.
  14. Phawnix

    Phawnix Clean Up Crew

    Jul 30, 2017
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    I agree, mostly. If they are increasing the size of the plaza in the res folder doesn't that mean they are adding to it? I mean, you have to start somewhere. The plaza could just be building up to something. More and more people are treating RF like a social experience rather than a serious fighting game (because I mean, come on, this game is a joke now with all of the scrolls and exos they come out with) so maybe they are going to make the plaza better and more interactive? Throw in a couple slot machines and a blackjack table maybe? I'm all for constructive criticism when it comes to this game but we have to realize that RedFox doesn't take us seriously. This thread is more for the players than the developers, it's good to let off steam once in a while, and hey maybe RedFox will see it.

    TL;DR: RedFox is the drunken stepfather we just want to notice us, but he never will because he likes the sauce too much.
  15. Remotoe

    Remotoe Clean Up Crew

    Mar 8, 2016
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    You still here???thought you was gone for good
  16. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I strongly agree with this

    I would like to add to the list of bugs: the client crash bug

    where I notice this happening:
    -Checking player's info in the buddy list, or in waiting rooms
    -Being in the Plaza, or entering the Plaza via lobby button
    -Certain Exocores/Scrolls that do specific combos/skills
    -Wearing a piece of equipment in the My Info page
    -Client Crash during PvP (cause is unknown)

    What I think may be the cause of this:

    The damage value inflation - caused glitches to the stat display in the Lobby/My Info/Plaza. This may also be the cause of stat sets not applying their full set buffs. Since damage display is buggy, this could have an effect on the PvP scene, where players can have client crashes during a game at any time.

    Equipping items can affect the stats, which could explain the crashes when attempting to equip an item

    Regarding scrolls/exocores, I believe it's due to coding errors of the hitbox/hurtbox, or the damage calculation

    So I think reverting the damage values back to normal, can help fix the client crashes. At the same time, I'm not 100% confident that this may be the fix. It's definitely a thing that's worth fixing anyway

    edit: I also notice another possible cause - The popup when first logging into the game

    sometimes the game doesn't load the popup, and when this happens I usually find it more likely that the crash bug would happen as a result
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
    Draygashi, alcandy1 and UnleashD like this.
  17. Deltro

    Deltro Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    niBBa If we could do that we would

    at this point, a private server seems to be a faraway dream
    Leopage, Yukoto, uppersoulz and 3 others like this.
  18. tamirtov

    tamirtov Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Private server with high rates !!!!
    Yukoto and Draygashi like this.
  19. Disregard

    Disregard Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    All of these points would help the game.
    Plaza is pretty much useless overall unless they make it an actual hub world. Instead of just tabs it could have been areas where you enter for PvP(Battle and Rumble), PvE (Adventure Mode), Shop (with medal shop), training, and other Tabs just be tabs (event notice, gift box, quests, settings, etc.)
    Even if doing all of this ^, this would use more storage but brings a purpose to plaza (Have you notice there is a channel selection in plaza?). Since lots of people like character customization and some people like to chat as well (I saw chat and NHAA (booster) rooms), plaza is a good little hub world to show off.

    But at this point, just erase plaza as a whole.

    As for unnecessary screens part:
    The "Create a Room" pretty much says itself to make a room. No other screens are needed if this option is in the game.

    Support. On everything in this thread.
    Draygashi likes this.
  20. Negrosaki

    Negrosaki Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I'm sure if this community had some coders and the right people being GM's
    it would feel like OGP again.
    tamirtov and Draygashi like this.
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