Update Mount Update: Blizzard & Xmas Rudolph

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [GM]Ryu, Dec 21, 2022.

  1. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    mount update_new_Size Rudolph.jpg

    We are glad to announce there will be new additions on the Elite Mount Update with the Winter Reindeers both Blizzard and Xmas Rudolph Mounts. Be the first to get both Winter Reindeer Mounts!
    • Refine Combination: Frozen Antler + Fahrenheit Jade + Mount Spirit + 100CP = Unk Emperor Bull Mount
    • Refine Combination: Frozen Antler + Fahrenheit Jade + Mount Spirit + 100CP = Unk Imperial Bull Mount
    • Frozen Antler can be obtain through the Regular War Box PVP and Heaven Jade Chest 16
    • Fahrenheit Jade Can be obtain through the Christmas Tree Event Items. It can also be obtain through Regular War Box (Warlord Box) and Heaven Jade Chest 16
    • Mount Spirit can also be obtain through Regular War Box (Warlord Box) & Heaven Jade Chest 16
    Blizzard and Xmas Rudolph (Elite) Mount:
    Blizzard Rudolph :
    Xmas Rudolph:

    Xmas Rudolph.jpg
    • There will be several Types of Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) Mounts
    • Unk Winter Reindeer (Elite) will generated a random Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) Mount
    • Blizzard Rudolph Stats: Critical Damage Rate (Critical Hit), Damage(AP), Health (HP)
    • Xmas Rudolph (Elite) Stats: Critical Damage Rate (Critical Hit), Defense (DEF), Health (HP)
    • Stats will vary on each type of Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) Mounts and can only be viewed after registering the mount.
    Refine Value:
    • Critical Damage Rate Refine Value is set at 15%
    • Blizzard Rudolph (Damage Attack) Combination Value can be used up to 11 - 20%
    • Xmas Rudolph (Defense) Combination Value can be used up to 11 - 20%
    • HP Combination Value can be used up to 11 - 20%

    • Make sure that you are willing to lose your Crafting materials Frozen Antler before attempting to refine the mount to Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) mount as it will be consumed.
    • Growth Rate and Mount Activity will not be used for new Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) Mounts.
    • Crafting Items will NOT be recovered once consumed and refine to an Unk Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) [Winter Reindeers]
    • Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) can only be registered one at time at any given time.
    • Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) can also be deleted via Mount Manage. Once Deleted it CANNOT be recovered.
    • Please make sure that you want to delete the Blizzard or Xmas Rudolph (Elite) before proceeding as it cannot be recovered or replaced. (Same goes for the all (Elite) Mounts
    Holy Mount Stone System
    • Holy Mount Stone is an item that can add additional stats to your Red/Blue Nine Tailed Fox, Earth/Water Qilin Mounts, Black Leopard, Black Tiger, Black or White Storm Horse, Emperor or Imperial Bull (Elite) Mount, Souls Tortoise, and now the new Blizzard/ Xmas Rudolph Mounts
    • The Holy Mounts Stone upon use will have up to 60 Different Random Stats.

    • As the additional stats are generated randomly there is a chance that your mount will receive the same addition stats or with different values (Higher or Lower or Same) so make sure that you are willing to lose the current/previous stat upon using the Holy Mount Stone.
    • To use the Holy Mount Stone you will have to equip/ride your mount > Go to your inventory> Right click on the Holy Mount Stone Item to apply the additional stats randomly.
    • Details are subject to change.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2022

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