[Unofficial] DDoS Attack Prevention Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maomi, Dec 17, 2018.

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  1. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Hello friends! My name is Maomi-chan, and I'm getting pretty sick and tired of my friends complaining about how toxic and inconsiderate RuF has become due to DDoSers. I believe the community will become substantially cleaner if we had a thread that explained what a DDoS attack is, how to prevent future attacks, and provide a list for moderators and players alike to analyze for future reference.*

    * Future reference meaning moderators to punish them, e.g., ban from events, IP ban, etc., and players to kick them from the room if they're in fear of being DDoSed.

    * I'm a pretty funny gal so I do make jokes to keep the tention low -- but DDoS attacks are not to be taken lightly, so if you don't want to laugh and want to learn the most from this thread I've highlighted things in red that you should read and be on with your day.

    What is a DDoS Attack?
    It's the 21st century and from my knowledge pretty much everyone who players Rumble Fighter knows something about computers, malware. etc., so I won't bore you with this. However, for those who don't know, DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. Pretty self-explanatory -- someone denies you of your use of the internet whether you're using your neighbor's wifi illegally or broadband in your mother's basement DDoS attacks are wrong and are becoming a more severe issue due to the world relying more and more on the internet (like I mentioned before it's the 21st century). Technically speaking they're using multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Victims of a DDoS attack consist of both the end focused system and all systems maliciously used and controlled by the hacker in the distributed attack. The methods being used are sometimes referred to as bots and botters. These are the systems the DDoS attackers use to plan their attack on their next victim. Once you've been the victim of a DDoS attack the individual has your computer's information IP Adress, syntax, etc. and you become a bot, botter, what-have-you, and can use your system to attack other individuals. So relatively speaking, the more the individual plans attacks, the more bots they gain, and the more significant threat they are to you and your lolicon sister from another world.

    I'm a techie so I could go into detail on some things but, for this most part, that's what you need to know to be more aware. So you may be wondering, when do I know whether I've been attacked or I need to pay my bills. Well, there's a lot of things to take into account, for instance, it could be the amount of traffic on your bandwidth from your lolicon sister watching too much anime, your suspicious web history, and so on.
    The key to telling the difference lies in the length of time your internet is down – if slow or denied service continues for days rather than a spike during BNHA's new release episode (bratty sister) it is time to start to look into what's going on. You can also try contacting your ISP due to issues regarding connectivity, or possibly a leech in your malware draining your bandwidth -- but other than that you probably got hit bud.

    How to prevent DDoS Attacks?
    Pretty sure you've already been told the answer to this by your friends, internet, and forum buddies -- get a VPN you bum. The internet is a scary place, and you need a shield (VPN) to that sword (computer) you have, or you'd have just a sword. And if you played Dark Souls III, WoW, Legend of Zelda, or Skyrim, you know that's not a smart idea like at all.

    But wait, you humanoid before you go searching up "VPN" on google.com like the NEET you are you need to know some things.
    1) Most VPNs are government owned (well speaking for the US) so technically they can still see everything you do, they just won't do anything unless you're searching up "How to make bombs" or something suspicious.
    2) That's pretty much it. All other information is pretty much irrelevant and falls under the first rule up above. If you're running on a tor browse or incognito -- wow, guess what, your a freakin' nerd and you're still not protected (good for you)! Like I said I could geek out over this and talk about in detail but, I extremely recommend you do some research on this on your own. In my experience, there's two VPN services that aren't 2spooky4u that you should look into -- Nord VPN and Express VPN. Both VPNs keep minimal data and aren't in the states, so they aren't forced to sell the information they get to Cambridge Analytica and Facebook socialites.

    If you didn't get anything from this thread and you're still dumbfounded on what a DDoS attack is let me break it down to you -- if you're offline for more than a few hours than you've most likely been attacked. If you've been attacked, change your IP Address or get a VPN service. Another solution is to stop being rude to players and keep the trash-talking to a minimum.

    * If you could I'd like this to get a sticky as I'd like players to be more aware of the oblivious.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
    HumoLoco and doston8 like this.
  2. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    If you see something say something.
    If you see a suspicous individual and would like to report them for suspected DDoSage send a ticket.

    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    doston8 and SkitRf like this.
  3. 271115

    271115 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
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    holy fking ****
  4. TheImmortalSea

    TheImmortalSea Clean Up Crew

    Oct 28, 2017
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    DDoS isn't really much of an issue anymore in my experience, and did this thread really need to be so cringe?
    BeeBee and Maomi like this.
  5. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Essentially you wouldn't know if DDoSing is an issue just because of your biased "experience" alone. A lot of players want to hold events but can't do so because they don't their players leaving unexpectedly mid-game and a winner being declared to the last man standing. If you don't recall think back to RR3 and Sudden Death Tournaments. If you believe that "DDoS isn't much of an issue" maybe the community has become numb to these attacks -- but they are still an issue, and people should be aware of how to stop them, and who's doing them as well.

    This thread wasn't meant to be cringy; this was a way to bring to light some of the things that people don't like to talk about because they don't think anything can be done. I understand RedFox doesn't accept tickets against Doxxers because they can change their IP, get a new account, etc. and keep doing as they please. But if RedFox and NimoniX see that the community is against things such as DDoSing, they will try to come up with a solution for our problem. Not only that but, like [GM]Toast said in a thread not to long ago:

    Let's give them a reason to trust us again. I just want to make RuF a safer place, and the internet a little bit safer for those who are on it.
  6. TheImmortalSea

    TheImmortalSea Clean Up Crew

    Oct 28, 2017
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    Hard to tell whether you truly care about the community, or simply just want a moderator position you can flex.
    BeeBee and Maomi like this.
  7. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    I don't want a moderator position, and I'm already quite busy as a moderator for Fusionfall as well as LoL forums at the moment -- I don't want a full plate. I'm inspired by how the RuF community has different people working behind the scenes to make the game as abundant as it once was. I want to assist wherever I can, and this something that I want to help them with. The internet is becoming very powerful, and without being knowledgeable about the "what-ifs," people will get severely devastated once something happens to them. It's better late than never for people to be more aware of the device that they're on 4+ hours a day.
  8. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    This thread has the main prerogative of getting the community aware of how to become safer while "surfing the web." Whether you're playing Rumble Fighter, checking your emails, or watching questionable videos, you should be comfortable (or at least in control) of your daily life on the WWW and not leave any footprints for people to track. Trust me; this is for the benefit of others, not for myself.
  9. TheImmortalSea

    TheImmortalSea Clean Up Crew

    Oct 28, 2017
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    This is from your other thread, and I don't know about you but to ME it seems like that just goes against what you just told me.
    To me, it looks like you're trying too hard, all your posts seem to reflect that too.
    BeeBee likes this.
  10. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    The thought and dedication put into this thread is indeed outstanding, but with the lists of players being thrown down as Known and/or Suspected DDoS Attackers can make this more of a targeting thread, and will more than likely cause more issues rather than help prevent them. I understand that this is more about players knowing who to avoid and all, but as RedFox has said countless times to always send in a Ticket rather than posting on the forums. They will assist you to the best of their abilities, file police reports and contact ISPs, etc.
    xgone and Maomi like this.
  11. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    It was a joke however, my last statement still stands.
  12. TheImmortalSea

    TheImmortalSea Clean Up Crew

    Oct 28, 2017
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    ? What do you think I want a mod position on this forum LMFAO????
  13. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Thank you for understanding; however, it's entirely unclear to me whether these tickets are being taken seriously or not -- after all, I know just as much as you from a player's perspective. I will take into account that RedFox has made an effort to be more aware of DDoSing on the game as a moderator replied to a recent thread. I'll let this thread stay as a counter-measure for future DDoS attacks. Regardless, I'm just showing that some people care for situations like this and that they aren't swept under the carpet. However, if a moderator does see this a potential solution with a few minor tweaks, then I'll resume my previous PoT. Thanks again for the advice.
    Draygashi likes this.
  14. TheImmortalSea

    TheImmortalSea Clean Up Crew

    Oct 28, 2017
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    Holy **** what the **** are you looking for LMAO
  15. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Just a warning that Draygashi has gone over already, but if there are any names, it will be considered a witch hunting list and probably closed (if reported).
  16. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    How dare you rat me out like this.
  17. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Yes sir, no more witch-hunting.
  18. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DONT TRUST US DAMNIT! FOR YOUR OWN GOOD LOL! Faktz though dont trust us. trust your gut thats telling you not to trust us faktz. plz faktz.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  19. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Damn should've check this before everyone.

    You should've check the forum rule before you actually created witch hunting thread.

    Also should you be aware that you should be not position for moderator in the first place, dont you? Sorry, I have to open your eyes sometime. Yet I tell to rumble fighter community a f**ken millions time that they should've listen me and damn they still want me shut the f**k up so I will shut the f**k up as long as rumble fighter community wanted me shut the f**k up and let them deal with a shet. To be honest, when I heard @Draygashi had volunteered to be moderator da discord a while ago and didn't worked out because he actually put me on his ignore list a long time ago yet good things nimonix opened his own eyes. yet still i like what has he done it but he should be going on without an issues long as i dont destroy him.

    But I should thank you. Gonna use your thread to under my thread for soon as what i promise about the list of what we should improve rumble fighter and for rumble fighter community and what could redfox staff do and what should nimonix know what the f**k we wanted. It's really useful for me and save my shet time.

    Now please don't make worse thing.

    dont close this thread or take this thread down dont you dare af as long as @Maomi follow your cheap rules or else i will eat you da Merry Christmas French Toast in the next morning. <3 ** Doesn't matter if you take this thread down i can back it up long as i have it just like what i showed you.
    doston8 and 1ofBJJsbannedacc like this.
  20. 1ofBJJsbannedacc

    1ofBJJsbannedacc Active Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    ^ the reason why people DDOS
    Nooblater and HumoLoco like this.
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