Any Chance for a Revival?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OJuiced, Mar 20, 2018.

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  1. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    How would you feel about there being a new game similar to RF but with only the good aspects?
  2. Mitsuke

    Mitsuke Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Its not the same.
  3. SkitRf

    SkitRf Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I found out about rf from a friend. A couple of people in my neighborhood played rf... I’ll never forget my first day. Spending 20 minutes to figure out a ign while my friend was sitting next to me giving suggestions. I ended up having a horrible ign... but man when I first saw that turtle shell I knew I would love this game.
  4. Psychopathic

    Psychopathic New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Yeo now that you mention it, I found out about rf from a friend. A couple of people in my neighborhood played rf... I’ll never forget my first day. Spending 20 minutes to figure out a ign while my friend was sitting next to me giving suggestions. I ended up having a horrible ign... but man when I first saw that turtle shell I knew I would love this game.
  5. Psychopathic

    Psychopathic New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Who's Genius is this!?!?!?! Like i never expected someone like this to appear before me with there elegance..... You truly are RF Number One's Welcome To Die Contest Winner.

  6. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    What yall bums need to do is get famous, advertise rumble fighter, and see this games playerbase skyrocket. FR FR
  7. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    There are quite a few key factors that prohibit the game returning to glory.
    (Warning, giant wall of text incoming.)

    1) Balance - Both in terms of Scroll and Exocore power (some are WAY TOO POWERFUL (Most notably the recent BF LE scrolls and exocores from the past 5 years, others are WAY TOO UNDERPOWERED, like the Prankster exocore that costs 41k carats to do nothing or Taekkyon which is just a worse Taekwondo with spin kicks.), and in terms of the RC item to Carat item ratio ( I believe the current ratio is 75% RC to 25% carats. This should be 50% / 50%.) There's also not a good balance of maps. Some are too tiny for 8 players, like Fort; others too large for 8 players, like Roof Top. The reason Moon and Glacier are so well loved is because they are the most balanced maps for their respective game modes. Sure ,they're not perfect, of course, but they're far more balanced than their competitors. (Also, no, Symmetrical Maps =/= Balanced in this regard.)
    2) Bugs - Nothing too major, but there's plenty of little bugs that pop up every so often and it kills motivation. Stuff like trying to change your scroll/exocore/set in a room when someone enters, causing the game to crash SOMETIMES, and glitch-filled event bosses that either do way too much damage per hit, can't be hurt, or both. They still haven't fixed the issue where walking on a platform that's moving upwards causes you to fall through the platform (see: Platforms in stage 3 of Vladimir's Castle)
    3) Brats - This is specifically calling out the little, entitled, good-for-nothing wastes of carbon who DDoS other players and/or the RedFox game servers. Stop it. You're doing nothing but proving you're too immature to handle life. Go get a job, a girlfriend/boyfriend, some friends, a pet, or just ANYTHING to help you grow up and stop you from turning on your stupid booters.
    4) Useless Add-ons - Plaza, the Minigames, and the Rune Book. All three of those go forgotten most of the time. Removing them or making them useful are the only options here, and no, fishing for temporary items or playing a minigame for a temporary cape or crown does not make those useful. Also among this would be our censorship system. It would be fine if it only censored the actual words, but it's currently a problem since certain normal word combinations are censored. (Hint: "But it's" would be censored in-game, and would look like "Bulemon" or whatever random fruit (or Gummy Bear) it decides to use. )
    5) Boxes - All of them. Every single box. They're a plague upon this game. We're given only the information of what's inside them. Some of them we have to wade through Boss Maps to obtain then spend our carats to open, only to be met by 1 - 3 day timed junk from 2008. Others, we have to buy with REAL MONEY, and STILL we have timed junk to deal with. Sure, they've gotten better lately, with the best examples being the Orichalcum Boxes from the medal shop and the Black Friday Gold (or yellow) boxes which give you a chance at ONLY permanent items, but the fact still remains that we are NEVER given the item drop rates. It wouldn't matter if they just gave out statless cosmetics that looked amazing, but these boxes give out items that significantly affect gameplay (Looking at you, broken BF LE scrolls and exocores.) Event Bosses are usually either super gimmicky to the point they're tedious to play multiple times, or they end up broken because of some programming oversight (or intentionally which would be evil...) and can't be completed at all. All the while, the event boxes give us scroll upgrades that should have just been in the shop somehow, given to the associated scrolls, or tied to enemy item drops within the events instead of within lottery boxes that may or may not cost us 800 - 1600 carats each to open. Anything else would have been a better idea for implementing them. The only boxes that should stay as they currently are, would be the Orichalcum Boxes. Those give EVERYONE a fair chance at good items that they may not usually have the chance to obtain, while taking quite some time to acquire. They are the only boxes in the game that are close to being perfectly balanced.
    (Point 5 TL; DR - Boxes are rigged, they give out broken-tier "skill" items, and have prevented legitimate scroll balance updates.)

    After those five items have been addressed, getting new/old players to join/rejoin will be a lot easier and will greatly improve player retention.

    Full article summary - RF needs Balancing, bug fixes, to remove the DDoS brats, to remove or upgrade some useless add-ons, and to stop putting gameplay-changing items within lottery boxes, except the Orichalcum Boxes.

    Some issues I'd also like seen taken care of, but might not really affect the player count:
    I'd like to use mods again. Specifically sound, voice, and music mods. As it stands, I'd have to replace the sounds EVERY SINGLE TIME I log on, which means every single time I have to wait for about 160 files to update just so I can turn around and replace them again. This would be a non-issue if Redfox made their own "Rumble Fighter Mod Installer," though. A great one I remember from back at OGP was one called "Rumble Fighter Music Loader X." It had a built in sound-converter which would change MP3s to OGGs for the music files, and would tell the Rumble Fighter Patcher to ignore patching the music, voice, and sfx files. It was amazing. <3

    Non-default classes receive absolutely NO LOVE from the developers. Shamans still have their $2 microphone-sounding voices, and actually haven't had any exclusives in a longer amount of time than Androids. However, they do have access to "All-class" items, which Androids do not, so I don't worry about them as much. Androids, on the other hand, have exactly SIX total sets of outfits. In fact, I can tell you how many individual, non-accessory items we have. There are six possible head pieces in the shop, one special head piece from the DH series boxes in 3 colors (3-days) and one rare head piece. There are six possible torsos, pants/skirts/panties, legs, and arms, too. We have 7 eyes, 3 mouths, and 0 noses. Then, we have a total of 7 exocores to choose from. I'm thankful that we have 2 exclusive scrolls and access to the other All-class scrolls (which are truly All-class.) If I'm not mistaken, Androids have been out since 2009, maybe 2008, and they came with only the Pink Dizzy set, Magnetic, and their default exocore. It has taken us 9 - 10 years to get 5 more outfits. (And don't get me started on the Power Armor set that was OURS AND WAS GIVEN TO THE HUMANS AND THEN REMOVED FROM US.)

    To anyone who reads this entire post, thank you very much for your time and I hope you have a nice day. <3
  8. SlimeGirl

    SlimeGirl Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    this game is dead and will never be revived because the game was always garbage we just didn't realize it because it was just ok and unique for it's time people obviously would play memenite rather than some 10 year old pay 2 win.
  9. Sasori

    Sasori Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    That isn’t going to help if the developers aren’t going to improve the game.
  10. IamGoD

    IamGoD Active Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Because you're from 07
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